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Joe W

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Posts posted by Joe W

  1. about the closest thing I've got is when I lived in Vegas in 05. Christmas season and I completely expected it to be a madhouse. I get there over 3 hours early. If was like a ghost town in Mccarren. Ended up going to one of the bars. It was 10am and they were offering buy one 23oz, get one free and a free shot of some new tequila they were pushing. I was plastered by the time I got on the plane. Passed out before we took off. Woke up where I thought was in Chicago. It wasn't. We were taxied for over an hour. Apparently the AC on the plane was broken and we all had to get off. I went back to the bar until the flight was ready again.


    Ok not sure what a flight from Vegas has to do with Mr Hammers parking lot but thanks for sharing



    I try my best (not really) to be open minded when I listen to their morning and afternoon shows, but they sound so sophomoric and uninformed, it's tough to find something nice to say. No clue how this Howard Simon guy got his own show; he's neither uber-knowledgeable about sports nor interesting, entertaining or endearing. In short, he's as exciting as a wet rag. Jeremy White is O.K., but he's got a snootiness about him that being a hot shot in a small marker can create. I think the Joe Buscaglia spots are good, however, and are the only redeeming aspect of the whole morning program. Oh and Howard Simon ought to listen to real talk show hosts from time to time and he might learn how to do an interview without sounding like a novice.


    The over-aged frat boys in the afternoon...well, don't even get me started. First, the name of the show: Is this supposed to be a rip-off of Mike and Mad Dog? Just terrible, regardless. And the two hosts sound too much alike--they could probably eliminate one of them and nobody would notice. You listen to these guys and you can just tell they think their crap doesn't stink. Again, the big fish-small pond complex. A dash of humility and a non-douchey sense of humor aren't against FCC regulations, fellas. Much like their morning counterparts, this show is bereft of any entertainment value. If PBS had a sports talk program, it would look like a rock concert compared to this dreck.


    In closing, no, you're not the only one.


    I agree

  3. What scares me is what will be the financial plan of a new owner. Still a small market club but now with debt. Kind of like Clevland and each new owner there has achieved such positive results.


    Scary thought. Ralph keeps the budget in check, but not because he is forced to. 20 years could be more of a reality than we think. Our best hope is to get lucky and hopefully we did that with EJ and Marrone or it's more of the same.


    For all who preach patience this is the biggest problem. You have a 95 year old owner who's on his last legs and still stays $20 million under the cap despite a 25k initial investment. New owners if they choose to keep the team in Buffalo will have at least a $900 million initial investment - the budget would have to get even tighter.


    These constant rebuilds assume this team will be here forever.

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