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Posts posted by KevinVT

  1. Thanks for the feedback. If we go we will be bringing our CT salaries with us so that in itself is a great incentive. I grew up in St. Louis so I really don't mind the summers. I love winter but would not mind a much shorter winter and longer summer. Taxes here in CT are ridiculous, I just can't see a reason why we would not go if the offers come through as expected. I don't consider KY part of the south, it is a mixed bag. Louisville is either the southern most northern city or the northern most southern city. Looks like we will be looking at JTown or a bit west of that. Thanks again for the feedback.

  2. Jersey City?  :P


    Never thought I would say this, but...


    I am spending a week of training in Jercy City this week. I was looking forward to this like I look forward date with the dentist's drill.... but,


    The place is really intersting, clean, yes clean, at least the newer areas along the water, with amazing views of the NYC skyline across the river. From the Empire State building which is still impressive down to the financial district (with something missing...). You can easily jump on the (very clean) PATH train to get across (under) the river and pop up in the city and get back, all easy and conveniant.


    Hey, if JC can rehabilitate itself there is hope for Buffalo!

  3. http://www.nationalreview.com/thecorner/05...hive.asp#061050


    I am not Catholic but have had similar talks with friends. If you are not on the bus, get off! Why should the church change? If it becomes outdated, so be it, something else will replace it. It should not just change with the times, it is what it is, if you don't like it leave.


    This Nazi reference is ridiculous, ask the Jews. He did more to mend fences with the Jews than most in the church.



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