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Posts posted by RaleighBillsFan

  1. unemployed CFO...worked for a start-up semiconductor company in the RTP that recently was unable to get additional venture capital...so, back to networking and looking out for a financial management role at another technology company.

  2. After numerous searches for a phone, i believe i'm getting the samsung i-600, which has windows mobile 2003 for the pda portion.  I decided that i don't need the treo 650 or the samsung i700 pocketpc, as they're more of a PDA than a phone.  The samsung i600 is a phone with the windows pda features.  I'd love a treo 650, but it doesn't flip (i'd scratch the screen in 30 seconds), and i've had bad luck with palm software in the past.  Does anyone have a samsung i600, or have any comments or suggestions?  Sorry in advance for not putting this in the consumer forum, but i'm lazy tonight, plus i'll get more reads over here anyways. 


    My old phone (motorola startac) died after 10 years on christmas day.  I think that Jesus himself wants me to have a new phone.  I just hope i can get it before 1pm on sunday.  I don't currently have a way to talk to my friends about the game.






    I don't have the Samsung but just got the Motorola MPx220 which is very similar to the Samsung with Windows mobile, internet ability, bluetooth, etc...like it alot, you may want to take a look at it...you can get it for $299 through Cingular...($199 at Letstalk.com). Good luck...

  3. Apex, North Carolina. Just outside of Raleigh.

    Taxes aren't bad. Economy is booming.

    3.8% unemployment here in the Triangle.

    Best Fall weather in the country.

    Spring doesn't suck either.

    Good local Buffalo Bills fan club.

    Panthers play NFL games in a stadium only 2.5 hours away.


    See, if you don't tax people and companies to death, companies will move there and hire people.

    It is not that hard to figure out.


    I loved Buffalo, but finding good jobs in the web design/multimedia field there isn't that easy.

    Here I have good jobs in that field for 10 years.


    Bills 31 Browns 10




    I'll second that opinion on the Raleigh/RTP area...can't beat it (we're even getting better chicken wing and pizza places too!!)

  4. I think if we want to see a comparison to WM, we have to look no further then NE and Corey Dillon. I think they have the same running style and they're basically the same size back.


    My Webpage


    My Webpage



    Actually, I was thinking the same thing last night when I saw the NE highlights from the Raven's game. Dillon has a pretty good stiff arm like WM and can run in the middle or bounce outside....good comparison.

  5. You want a championship football team in "The Buf?"  Well first you are going to have to trim the fat and tone up the team. 


    This is where theblackbear would start .....

    1.  Drew "The Tin Man" Bledsoe:  A 12 year veteran that still makes rookie mistakes.  Locks onto his receivers, struggles with accuracy in both short and long passing, is as mobile as a rock, and has no HEART!  Lose this bum and his fat contract. 

    2.  Troy Vincent:  Terrence McGee is now starting in Vincent's  old position and improving daily.  Vincent will not play at that spot again.  The Free Safety position also has a young guy with potential holding it down.  Rashad Baker has the athletic ability you want at the position and he is currently learning under fire as a starter.  Do the Bills really want to pull him out of the lineup and stop his progress? 


    theblackbear wouldn't do that.  The defense is playing well with him at free safety so he should stay there.  If there were no player to play Free Safety it would be different but that's not the case.  Give Baker a shot at that spot and get rid of Vincent.  He's making too much to play free safety anyway.  He has no experience there. 

    3.  Trey Teague:  Signed to play left tackle and moved inside to center because he couldn't start anywhere else.  theblackbear still says that he is getting too much money for playing center at the level that he is playing the position.  You want to know why the Bills can't run the ball between tackles?  Start with Trey Teague.  He is not good enough there and he's paid too much.

    4.  Josh Reed:  As much as theblackbear liked this kid coming out of college he just hasn't produced as a number two or number three.  The Bills would be better off with Sam Aiken and Freddie Smith behind Moulds and Evans.  If Reed doesn't improve he should be released.  He's not playing like a former 2nd round pick.

    5.  Ryan Denney:  This guy was definitely a wasted pick. It's laughable that the Bills traded up to draft him.  As soon as he can be released without taking a cap hit he should get da boot!

    6.  Aaron Schobel:  It's a shame he just got a new contract.  This guy is a situational pass rusher at best.  No way is he full time starting material.  He is too soft against the run and he doesn't always show up against the pass.  He would be a good situational pass rusher but not at his current price.  Bad move giving him a new deal.  The Bills would have been better off letting him walk and moving Chris Kelsay to weakside defensive end.  Kelsay will be the better player.  Better against the run and pass.  The Bills are now stuck with two weak side style defensive ends and no real strong side player.  With Schobel gone they could have brought in the strong side run stuffer they needed.

    7.  Rian Lindell:  You can not count on this guy.  The Bills need an upgrade here.

    8.  Travis Henry:  A warrior that deserves better than  number two.  theblackbear would hate to see him go but it is time to make a move.  Hopefully the team can land a 2nd round pick for Henry.  You have to go with the younger McGahee.

    9.  Coy Wire:  He's not going to turn into the next Steve Tasker so there is nothing that he can offer the team.  He'll never be a good safety (free or strong).  He just can cover guys.

    10.  Jonas Jennings:  The 2nd best offensive lineman on the team but the guy just can't stay healthy.  The Bills need to find a more reliable guy for the left tackle spot.  Jennings will ask for some big money and a guy that can't stay healthy shouldn't get big contracts. 

    Replacements ....

    J.P Losman:  To starting quarterback.  The Bills need to take a good look at him and they also need to bring in a veteran backup.  That backup should be Kordell Stewart.  Stewart has had success under Mularkey and knows the Bills offense up and down. 

    Terrence McGee and Rashad Baker:  To cornerback and free safety.  Jerry Gray is doing a good job with them.  As is Lawyer Milloy.

    Trey Teague:  Should be replaced by a free agent pick up and a center should also be drafted on day two.  A guard also needs to be added for the left guard spot via free agency and/or the 2nd round of the NFL draft.  The Bills should also look at Jason Peters for the left tackle and left guard spot.  They want a pulling guard for the the left guard spot and Peters is a former tight end.  He has to be able to move if he played tight end.  Might be a good fit at left guard or left tackle.  (left tackles also have to be able to move) 

    Sam Aiken:  Bumps Josh Reed if Reed doesn't show major improvements.  Freddie Smith to number 4 or 3 if he can beat out Aiken. 

    Free Agent Defensive End:  Not a major need but the Bills need to find a strong side defensive for at least depth purposes. 

    Willis McGahee:  Already the starter this is not a huge concern but depth needs to be upgraded.  Another runningback on draft day.  Rookie free agent.  (after round 7)

    Rookie special teamer:  At the end of the draft the Bills need to look for special teamers with potential to be starters.  Special teamers are always slept on on draft day.  It's better to land a good special teamer than to get a backup player. 

    *** NOT WASTED MONEY  *** (has to be said) 

    Pat Williams and Sam Adams:  Whatever else the Bills do they HAVE TO keep both Sam Adams and Pat William.  If they lose just one of those guys the defense will go from one of the best to one of the worse.  Hopefully Donahoe realizes this! 

    Ya dig?




    Stop talking about yourself in the third person...it doesn't give you any more credibility

  6. I'm not a big TO fan, but I thought is was great when he did the Ray Lewis dance. Screw Ray Lewis, get your groove on TO.  :)




    Anybody have a link to TO's "Ray Lewis" celebration video? I missed it, but would love to see it...



  7. His knee was repaired after serious trauma. I'd guess that swelling and pain occurs with strenuous use, that only time will heal.


    Have patience.  He probably is not able to partipate in more than ten plays or so.


    Seems he has good hands and is good at picking up a blitz block or tossing a block for another runner, and has that goal line "gift". Now maybe he won't be a dazzling RB, but if he does the above with reliability, that would be a big plus. Remember Keith Byers?


    I also think he is a smart player who seems to understand the situation of the moment on the field.




    Not sure if anyone really saw it, but in the second half McGahee picked up a blitzer (Colvin?) and basically flipped him over in the air..I had to go back to Tivo a couple times...it was sweet!

  8. Very strange and curious move...and frankly, an indicator of a very POOR head coach.


    Think about it....TWO games in to his career and two losses in a row and he is already got the team taking on a "bunker mentality"?


    This is a clear indication that Mularkey either does not want to, or worse, cannot handle the pressure of being a head coach in the NFL.






    Please tell Parcells, Belichek and others that as they have barred the press at certain times during head coaching stints...it is not an indicator of a poor coach at all.

  9. I'm thinking of it myself.  Who did you go with and about how much is your monthly bill going to be? 


    PM me if you'd rather.




    I just sent you a PM on the install...monthly bill will be around $105 with top tier package for three rooms, but it is free for the next 4 mos. with purchase of NFL ticket...if I scale back on the package and make it equivalent to what we had with Time Warner (i.e. less movie channels) it will come out to roughly $10/month cheaper (but with added sports channels) or around $80 and that does include 2 Tivo's connected to the system...


    go to link below to calculate your cost...





  10. Congrats!


    Now check out:



    Look at the DirecTV/TiVo forum and the "Underground" and "Upgrade" forums.  Learn how to add a new harddrive to your box so you can record over 150 hours of programming.  It sounds like overkill now, but trust me, you'll appreciate it later. :D


    Oh, and another cool tip -- go to the "Now Playing" list and press:









    This will let you sort based on date or by title (instead of just date).  Helpful when you have a lot of things recorded :D





    Thanks for the info...I had a much smaller Tivo before so looking forward to the 70 hr capability...I'll take a look at the 150...


    Go Bills!

  11. Just got everything hooked up yesterday in three rooms including two 80GB Tivo receivers...this coming after years of trying but having too many trees around two houses...I finally got another site evaluation done after losing a bunch of trees to a Dec. '02 ice storm....


    Now I don't have to track the game via NFL.com...


    I'm getting alittle wispy eyed now... :D

  12. raliegh???? they'd probably be safer in charlotte or points west.  raliegh will more than likely be in the direct path, just like i am sure richmond will be.




    Luckily (for us in Raleigh & VA. at least), the latest path has Frances going Alabama/Western Georgia direction after leaving Florida...while at some point we'll get some rain from it, nothing to worry about based on latest forecast...Richmond just needs to fix itself after Gaston...

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