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Posts posted by KGUN34

  1. I think your completely uninformed opinion is pretty good.Nothing more than a scrimmage and certainley not giving anything away.The bills coaching staff will be busy game planning for the regular season opener and hoping to have all their starters available.I guess they have the roster ninety five percent set apart from a couple of special teamers they will be looking at over these pre season games.I am looking forward to seeing an improved Bills this year who will push for a playoff spot and maybe go to the show the following season.Go Bills!!

  2. As long as we can find a big athletic wideout no.2 and someone to stretch the field that's fine with me.Easley and Hagan are similar and are competition for each other but there may be another out there.I would like to think our man is already on the roster though.

  3. Marcus is my big hope this year.We know he is a great athlete but has been unfortunate with injuries.The bills are looking for a no.2 wideout and he could be the man.Hopefully Graham works out too to stretch the field.Any thoughts?

  4. Mario Williams will visit Buffalo tonight.Can Buddy and co close the deal and if so what inpact will this have?Not only will he make us a much better team but others may follow.Just him visiting gives the Bills more credibility.Go Buddy,get this guy signed tonight!!

  5. Couldn't we just send arena football players over there? They wouldnt know the difference

    20 years ago the majority of uk fans obviously had very little in-depth knowledge of the game.This is not the case anymore as Tv coverage,NFL Europe league and a thriving amateur league over here has led to a solid fan base of knowledgable followers.I sat with a guy who was over from Buffalo at the London game this year and he was really supprised at the level of knowlwedge of the supporters over here.Hats off to the NFL for the way they have promoted the sport around the world.As I said earlier we are still not sure what the motives are but it is certainley not doing the game any disservice.

  6. Whitney Mercilus is tearing it up tonight.


    DE Whitney Mercilus might be playing his final game for the Illini. As a finalist for the Nagurski Award as the nation's best defensive player, the junior has the resume to make himself available for the NFL draft. Mercilus lead the nation in sacks (14.5) and sacks per game (1.21). He also broke the Big Ten record with nine forced fumbles, one short of the NCAA record of 10. Mercilus leads the conference with 19.5 tackles for loss.





    Is it me or is this guy a bit sluggish off the line?Is this the best DE available because he is no number 78!!

  7. When Gailey joined the Bills he spoke at length about changing the mentality of the organisation to a winning one. Unfortunatley some of the calls he has made have not lived up to this mantra and have been a little timid.I would like to see a more aggresive approach this off season and in the coming season.I applaud him for benching SJ but if he is not here,or been replaced with a quality wideout, I fear the writing is on the wall!

  8. Overall I think Chan Gailey is a decent coach but his offensive play calling has left me puzzled on more than one occasion.We have consistantly seen him get away from the run too early in games,deep passes called when Fitz has clearly struggled with accuracy and an overall lack of adjustment in responce to the ebb and flow of the game.Opposing teams have made adjustments throughout the season in responce to our early success in games and Gaileys offence has struggled to respond.Is it time Coach gave up calling the plays during gametime?

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