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corey g

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Posts posted by corey g

  1. Point of order in this absurd thread, the Raiders beat the Jets, which means they were only able to "take advantage of their schedule" once. Which of course might mean our team sucks and was dangerously close to getting swept by the NFC east, get your head out of your asses boys

    One more thing for the record, NE played a 1st place schedule and has only defeated one team with a winning record, the Jets, shall I start a delusional thread about how we are better than them as well

  2. What is it about everybody acting like two things are true,


    1. That world beater, all time great QB's grow on trees? You've only seen TWO truly all time outstanding QB's in the last twenty years, Brady and Manning. Not that easy to find


    2. And most importantly, blame always falls on the QB during poor stretches, this often isn't warranted, neither is giving a QB all the credit for a teams success. In the same breath you will use to tell me we can't win games because of Tyrod, you won't mention that in 5 of the 7 Super Bowls won by Brady and Big Ben, they were not the driving force behind them. Big Ben gets called all time great now, without mentioning that he may be surrounded by the most outstanding core of weapons EVER. Nobody would care to mention that since both Brady and Ben (Especially Ben) became elite statistical passers, their teams have been less successful.


    You can't have it both ways, it can't be all TT's fault because his numbers aren't gaudy, if those QB's with gaudy numbers don't win what's the point?

  3. To all who oppose the trade because Rb's are a dime a dozen, two points for you


    1. We had a top 5 D without kiko last year, David Harris will probably come to provide depth

    2. If Rb's are a dime a dozen, what are LB's in a Rex Ryan scheme? A penny a dozen


    We just got a great player at a position of dire need for a player who is coming off major surgery that we proved last year we don't even need

  4. Kr632, watch replays and game film, there are multiple intermeddiate and long routes, designed into almost every pass play. Orton has been playing scared to death for weeks, with his eyes on one route, and zero ability to go through progressions. A QB makes his OC, it's why Adam Gase is gonna be a head coach next year, despite having proved nothing, Manning is his QB he looks good, Orton is Hackett's and out comes the lynch mob

  5. Can we just all make a pact here and quit moaning about the offensive play calling? This team moves the ball up and down the field with ease, no matter the personell. And in the red zone today, 3 easy td's were within reach via the playcall and poorly executed. This team has issues, but some people on this board need to realize Hackett isn't one of them

  6. Haven't posted in awhile but I'm here to say the optimism is founded, they should be favored in their next 4 games and currently own the tiebreaker with Baltimore and could very easily own the same against MIA and the Jets as well. Bal has the easiest schedule but the biggest threat is PIT as others have said, but it is without a doubt with mediocrity like this a possibility



    Flacco is a much better NFL QB than Fitz.


    Flacco is better, but not by as wide a margin as you think, makes plenty of questionable decisions as well. I'm saying consider the hypothetical that chan was his coach, 22-19 when he throws 30+ 23-0 when he doesn't. He would throw 30+ EVERY game with Chan, which would certainy lead to more losses, and plenty of hypothetical cut Flacco threads, the difference? Harbaugh hides his biggest weakness, Chan emphasizes it. Therefore, Chan is the reason for losing.


    31 throws in a game we led most of the way? Nonsensical


    It seems on this board no matter what, putting up 34 in a monsoon for example and running the ball down the throat of an NFL team, we just cant wait to B word about how much we should have done. Honestly its draining as a poster and a big reason why I consider leaving this place every week


    I am not the doom and gloom guy that some other posters are, but also realize the team is flawed. I merely tried to begin an intelligent discussion, instead of the 67,407th thread about how if we draft a QB, ANY QB, we will suddenly have no problems

  9. It wasn't fair to insert Gray, it was counter to my point. Williams has a defensive background obviously


    ok so we like Killdrive now?


    Say what you want, but Jerry Gray did a damn good good job with the defense here. Problem was the offense horrible during most of the Williams era.


    I said ALMOST all the coaches, KILLDRIVE is no genius that's for sure

  10. I've held this position for a while, this year is a great example of my theory. Let's take a look at the playoff teams and contenders.


    NE- Mcdaniels Bal- Cameron Cin- Jay Gruden Indy- Arians Pitt- Haley Den- McCoy Hou- Phillips

    NY- Gilbride Wash- Haslett Chi- Tice GB- Capers SF-Roman SEA- G Bradley ATL- put in place by Mularkey


    This is a list of the coaches on the sides of the ball the HC doesn't specialize in on current contenders. This to me is evidence that effective coaching is more important than any single position. And the most important position on a coaching staff is the one opposite of the coaches expertise. Almost all of these coaches have proven track records of success. With a few exceptions. This to me is just as big a problem as QB and has plauged the team just as long. Schonert Van Pelt, Gray, Edwards. Thoughts?

  11. Alright 2 things, Fitz had a great game against the Titans, that doesn't go in his bad column. And here are some stats


    Flacco VS KC- 13-27 for 187 O TD and 1 INT the result? WIN

    Flacco vs CLE-15-24 for 153 1 TD and 0 INT another win


    Schaub vs CHI- 14-26 for 95 1 TD and 2 INT WIN

    Schaub vs JAX- 26-35 for 195 and NO TD or INT


    Those are just a couple of games apiece I know, but FITZ COULD NEVER get a win with those numbers because of this defense. So if the hypothetical question is are we better with either guy, I don't see it. And btw, just an opinion. Flacco is awful, he throws deep a ton to pile up stats, and in previous years got carried by everything else around him. This has been the year he has been asked to do the most, and sure he can pile up numbers against OAK but they will be an early exit. Book it




    This was a timing route that the WR and QB need to be on the same page.


    This, that is why I am going to blame the scheme, we are far too reliant on timing routes. No adjustments can be made and with a condensed field your asking for trouble. No timing routes inside the redzone in my eyes

  13. I think this proves what I've said for awhile, teams win. Media and fans give all the credit and blame to the QB but that's a falsehood. Teams win and lose. The rest of the team also effects a QB's development. Alex Smith and Big Ben are great examples of this in both directions. As far as the Bills go, this illustrates my point. That they need better players across the boars and a QB will not be the cure all so many believe it will be

  14. Balanced attacks always win in the end. Balance is the key, GB doesn't win last year without strong playoff games from Starks, and The saints D steeped up a few years back. The bills tried to make passing a strength this year in spite of a weak WR corps and the presence of an all pro RB. They kept passing, putting an awful D on the field more and hurting the team. You must have a balanced attack. A personal guarantee, if NO GB and NE don't have good running games this postseason, as in at least two 100 yard performances for each team they will lose. While teams like SF Pitt and Balt cruise. Only GB will go to a conference title game and the myth of this passing league will shatter

  15. I had the same change of heart as the OP. Wanny will prob run a 4-3, if he does we aren't in terrible shape personall wise. I would say we have 4 of the 5 most important pieces for a 4-3. 2 DT and 2 S. We are missing an MLB. But given Gaileys insistane on passing I would grab a vertical threat WR first, like Floyd and then some D

  16. People on this board always go too far with there theroiex. Spiller is good so replace Fred, Wanny would be a good DC so make him HC. We can have both people, Chans play calling can be suspect but remember Van Pelt and Schonert? He's done pretty well given the lack of talent and certainly deserves another season. We gotta try to win and have continuity. One more season at least for Chan

  17. You're right. Fitz is not Tom Brady or Peyton Manning. Both Brady & Manning can carry the entire offense, Fitz needs a good supporting cast around him.


    This, he would be perfectly fine for the next 2 seasons or so if we had an adequate 2 receiver, with size. And he would excel in a run first offense, which we should implement. He can be great at times so Im confident he could make plays when needed if he were in a similar role to a Sanchez Flacco or Dalton





    That was the whole point that they tried to do when they took McGahee, they planned to go heavy running game with a tandem of Henry and McGahee. Fans, who are always crying about how the Bills need to be run first, kicked and screamed about wasting a pick, and Henry wanted out. Then you have McGahee and Lynch and everyone runs mcGahee out of town for not being a Buffalo homer. Then with Lynch and Freddy, the fans run lynch out of town cause he is a "thug" and will surely be suspended for the season real soon. Now with Spiller and Jackson, its "lets run Jackson out of town cause the Bills surely won't pay him what he wants and we can use the Draft pick" (Same thing said about Evans this offseason, now that its happened it wasn't good enough and the front office is inept for getting rid of him and not seeing the future need for WR's on this roster)


    This. I don't care that right now it's not a run heavy offense now, it should be next season period. We've got a pretty good left side of the line when healthly and 2 rbs who play well even without a healthly line. We've got crappy WR's and I'm a Fitz guy but he shouldn't throw 30 times a game. That doesn't mean he doesn't belong here just that he shouldn't be the focal point of the offense. And running the ball and controlling the clock covers up a lot of a teams flaws. See Denver and Baltimore this year, KC last year

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