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Posts posted by kapaplayer

  1. So long Stevie! Good luck to you. I appreciate a player who realizes "It's Only A Game!".

    Did YOU take a gun in a bar and wind up shooting yourself? I don't think so!

    Loved the "Happy New Year" - although personally, I'd have mooned the fans!

    Stop back sometime and show us the Super Bowl ring!

    And don't lose the sense of humor. It was the high point of the game yesterday.

  2. +1 for the 10 Black Mondays, I'm surprised it wasn't more!

    It's ownership, plain and simple. Ralph - I wish you 20 more years of life, but PLEASE get out of the football business.

    This team is going NOWHERE as long as you own it! Take however many hundreds of millions you're gonna make selling this wreck, and spend the rest of your days counting the after-tax profits. You won't live long enough to spend it. Hell, a baby born today wouldn't live long enough to spend it. You've done a lot of good things with this team (and lots of money grubbing bad things, in all fairness...). Now, do the right thing, and sell it to someone with the ability to so what is needed to bring back the (few) glory days.


    Otherwise, just move it, and rid us of this torture.

  3. I give Ralphie plenty of money from property taxes I pay to add to the corporate welfare he gets from the morons running Erie County.

    I hate to think how much I personally paid towards this outrage, over the last 22 years I've owned my home. I don't recall EVER hearing a "Thank You" for my forced and totally unwilling support of this mess of a team. Never got a pair of tickets in the mail, never got even as much as a bumper sticker from the team.


    Personally - Ralph, you can take this pigsty of a team outta here tomorrow! Just freakin' go away.

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