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Posts posted by kybillfan

  1. Yeah, when I hear people piss and moan and complain about how the system is broken I try to explain that "The System" is working quite well for both parties

    Exactly. What really gets me is that both parties are eerily similar, basically they are two wings of the war and bureaucracy party yet people still fighting and acting as if their party is so much better than the other team.

  2. My timeout is over! Turns out Jayhawk warned me about something, then saw that I was only one point away from suspension, so he infracted me! What a bunch of !@#$s.

    Jayhawk is a messageboard thug. I really hope he never gets any real power that he could abuse and hold over other people, that would be scary. If the mods want to be respected and taken seriously they desperatly need to remove Jayhawk from the mod squad.

  3. 11 years of a crap economy is enough to keep many companies from hiring. No secret there. Bush and the republicans failed, Obama and the democrats have failed. Tell me again why either party should get anyones vote.

    Neither party deserves anyones vote. But unfortunatly the two parties have put steps in place to block any other party from having any realistic chance at getting any ground.

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