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Ba Ba Ba Buffalo Bills

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Posts posted by Ba Ba Ba Buffalo Bills

  1. Why would he not want to enjoy a tailgate party with his family and friends at Hammer's Lot. Lee and his family enjoyed their tailgate just like you would have. I kept it on the low down but somebody saw him when he and his family got out of their car headed to his mom and dads tailgate party. A small group of fans asked for pictures which Lee has never turned down in all the times he was in the lot. He got a chuckle out of Super Fans outfit, saying something about charo?



    Stop trying to sell me to your lot and face the facts. Lee Evans is not in cold Buffalo, tailgating, at a bills game, in a parking lot, with a bunch of fans in the middle of November. Your fantasy seems surreal, but very hard to billieve.

  2. Kid is a born winner. Set all sorts of records in WNY HS football. Freshman this year QB at UB. Came in a few weeks ago and has been lighting it up, 3-0 as a starter. Has size and all the intangibles to go along with a cannon arm. Jim Kelly said he was one of the best WNY football players he has seen in a decade. We let Gronk go? Will we let Licata go?

  3. I have one thing to say here. Crying about the play call "into the end zone" is ridiculous. There were 4 more routes underneath that were run. How long will some of you guys watch football and still not understand what the hell is going on. Fitz chose to throw it to the wrong guy in that situation when the money throws were underneath with enough time on the clock to take at least one shot into the end zone at close range. Wow! Chan calls the play, Fitz makes his reads, then decides where to throw it. If he throws it where he shouldn't or is inaccurate, then that is on Fitz.


    So you"re saying that it doesn't matter which route the receiver runs, why call any plays then? Just let everybody run around and leave it to the QB to make the right "read".



    ^^^ This. It's a timing route. Its the NFL, QB throws to a spot that the WR is supposed to be. The blame is 100% on TJ, Fitz threw it where he was SUPPOSED to be.

  4. Bills WR T.J. Graham took the blame for the interception that ended Buffalo’s chance at victory Sunday against the Patriots.


    “That was a rookie mistake,” said Graham. “I was supposed to cross his face in the front. It was a good pass. If I went across his face, I probably would have made a play, so I take the blame for that one. That was my mistake. It might be why I don’t get on the field much. I can’t make those mistakes.”

  5. For all you Fitz Haters:



    Bills WR T.J. Graham took the blame for the interception that ended Buffalo’s chance at victory Sunday against the Patriots.


    “That was a rookie mistake,” said Graham. “I was supposed to cross his face in the front. It was a good pass. If I went across his face, I probably would have made a play, so I take the blame for that one. That was my mistake. It might be why I don’t get on the field much. I can’t make those mistakes.”


    Fitzpatrick said they need to have better communication prior to the play, but it sounds as if Graham was supposed to run a shallower cross on his route and come underneath the safety Devin McCourty, who had the pick.



    Great game by Fitz.... Mistake by rookie wideout at the end, not his fault.

  6. Which is why Redskins fans are totally cheery and upbeat today after their loss yesterday. Even after RG3 threw a 4th quarter interception, they're so happy about the big plays he makes, they don't care.


    The Bills need to go all out to find that guy next April - (along with getting not one but two guys who have the talent to play NFL LB.)




    And all three of those teams had serious studs at the LB position(s).





    My point was the QB play had no effect on defense performance. Not that those defenses were more talented.

  7. Fitz went 27 for 35, 225 yds, 3td, 1int. Freddy and CJ both got 70yds. Stevie had 5 catches for 70yds. These are winning stats for the offense. The defense flat out sucks, no sense trying to misdirect the blame to Fitz. Fix the defense and this team is 5-2. Replace Fitz and this team is still 3-4.




    Can't agree more.

  8. If we had RG3 we would be a much better team. And i'm talking today. The guy plays with heart and character the entire game. The skins defense stinks, but the fact that you're apparently trying to compare the two is insane. RG3 would win more games in Buffalo giving the same circumstance.. God people just can't get it thru their heads that we f'ing stink with Mr Trash at the most important position on the field. Maybe if the D could look forward to being off the field longer than 2 mins they would even try to perform better.


    Completely disagree. The fact that we are blaming Fitz for the play of our defense thus far is obsurd. Teams make the playoffs all the time with a __________ (insert negative Fitz comment) quarterback all the time. Look at previous seasons in the NFL.... Team defenses can get you to the playoffs and win you games regardless of the quarterback at the helm. (Trent Dilfer, Rex Grossman, Jake Delhomme) All teams had below average / average quarterbacks and their defenses still performed.

  9. The fact that we are blaming Fitz for the play of our defense thus far is obsurd. Teams make the playoffs all the time with a __________ (insert negative Fitz comment) quarterback all the time. Look at previous seasons in the NFL.... Team defenses can get you to the playoffs and win you games regardless of the quarterback at the helm. (Trent Dilfer, Rex Grossman, Jake Delhomme) All teams had below average / average quarterbacks and their defenses still performed.

  10. Both of these teams have horrible defenses and lose because of them. I will not deny that RG3 is better than Fitzpatrick in every way imaginable, but he can't even win with his defense giving up so many points.


    I know you all say a new QB means we will be a playoff caliber team, but even an all star rookie can only lead his horrible defense to a 3-4 season so far.


    Sorry, Fitz blamers, I know it's easy to hate on the average guy who makes mistakes, but even superstars can't work with a horrible defense.



    Spot on. Even a so called "superstar" QB can get you so far. This season its ALL about the defense.

  11. Yall, read the first sentence of this thread. Just read it. We've said that's a huge problem. No one isn't saying that.


    But Fitz is equally the problem and didn't win the game either. He could have, but failed to twice


    You are out of your mind... To think that Fitz is equal to the problem of our record setting horrendous defense is beyond ludicrous. Have another drink buddy.


    Best game of the season for him. Made one mistake at the end. Showed improvement, so we should cut him.


    Why don't you take your knee-jerk reactions elsewhere?



    Love this. Fitz played a great game.

  12. 621 yards of offense to that world renowned offensive powerhouse ....San Francisco 49ers with Alex Smith at QB


    First ever NFL team to give up 300 yards rushing and 300 yards passing....



    Nix, fire these clowns willya!!! Hire some real coaches, even promoting the ball boy to DC would be an improvement over wannstooge!!



    say hello Bob Sanders





    HOW WAS THE D YESTERDAY?????!!!!!!!!!

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