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Wisconsin Bills Fan

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Posts posted by Wisconsin Bills Fan

  1. Great speech by Michelle IMO. Pretty much refuted Romney's speech without saying his name.


    "Success isn't about how much money you make, it's about the difference you make in people's lives." - Mrs. Obama


    Sure nice to have a job and earn a paycheck though.

  2. They can't tout any accomplishments from the past four years, so they've got nothing else than focus-group approved buzz words, catchphrases and lines.


    It's incredibly telling that the libtard mouthpieces can't answer a simple question such as, "are Americans better off now than they were four years ago?"


    Isn't it ironic that the guy running with the campaign slogan "Forward" only wants to look back. He does nothing but blame Bush for all of his failures, and wants to ride Clinton's coat tails into a 2nd term. I think a fair amount of people feel stupid for being suckered into think Oblahblah was something special in 2008. He isn't going to be able to flap his gums with any credibility this time around.

  3. watching the delegates at these conventions sequentially, i keep thinking about a stuffy country club party with petit fours, merlot and a sad 50's band and then a street party with gyros, brats, soul food, draft beer and salsa dancing but maybe that's just me...


    Oh yes, the "middle class" how many times will the speakers on stage say middle class in the next 3 days? Every tool with a D next to their name sounds like a broken record. It goes something like this; middle class, blah, blah blah, Bush's fault, blah, blah, blah, tax the rich, blah blah, middle class, blah blah, war on women, blah, blah. Fricking pathetic!!

  4. I swear I'm "one of those" on this board and I get my MSNBC news from you guys. I really think there's something to this media war....here I am watching cspan in the afternoon and fox news all night for the GOP convention and hearing about PBS and MSNBC from you guys...hehe...funny. Then again I probably will watch CNN for the Dems in prime time and maybe I'll hear about some fox news points from you guys. Interesting.


    During these type of events I like clicking back and forth from Fox and MSNBC. It is hysterical to see groups of people have such a different point of view about the exact same speech lol.

  5. I wish I had known about this before I registered at the Human Fund.


    LMAO!! That was the first thing that popped into my head when I read this. Costanza was a made up weasel that was pathetic and hysterical at the same time. The clowns running the Obama campaign this time around have lost their damn minds, the crap they are coming up with is sitcom material.

  6. The same exit polls had walker only winning by 1%...and some even had him losing.


    Which means these exit polls are....crap.


    Methodology problems galore...when you are off by 7-10 points in an exit poll about Walker. There's no way the people who just got done voting for a Republican governor by 7 points...are going to vote for a Democratic President by 7 points. That's just retarded.


    All of the exit polling must have been done in Milwaukee and Madison to be that far off. I don't care what anyone or poll says, Obama is in trouble in Wisconsin come November.

  7. I think what you wrote is completely defensible. I also find the other side to be completely defensible, although I tend to agree with you.


    And, strictly speaking, yes, you do want to suppress voter turnout. By making it more difficult for people to vote, you are for suppressing voter turnout. And THAT is why the other side has any sort of case at all. If you're seeking to limit voter turnout, in any way, then there should be a darn good reason to do so (so goes the argument against).


    What if I lose my card? What if I'm mugged on the way to the voting booths? What if my house burns down two days before the election? What if...? In those instances, I would be denied my right to vote.


    I fully respect your rejection of the premise of 'since there isn't reported voter fraud, there isn't voter fraud'. I would disagree with a 'well, that settles it, then. We need voter id!' conclusion based on something that is 'absence of evidence'. I wouldn't spend two seconds of energy on this issue if it was me 'in power'. I just don't see where this is any significant problem at all.


    I guess only Democrats could possibly lose their ID, get mugged, or have their house burn down. For crying out loud, if you can't figure out how to obtain a FREE ID, you might be too stupid to vote. I would like to run a little experiment offering some $ or a Walmart gift card for those who get their free ID. I bet they wouldn't struggle to get their butt's to a location if a handout was given.

  8. Bill Clinton knows exactly what he is saying. Without a doubt, the Obama team must be pulling their hair out.


    I'll bet off the record Clinton would rip Obama to no end about how terrible of a President he has been. I think he would honestly say that GWB was better.

  9. Serious question--not trying to be political. What do people think of Walker exempting firefighter, EMT and police unions from his law (unions that either supported him or whose members typically vote Republican)? Or his attempts to require voter ID without any history of electoral fraud in his state and then trying to close down DMVs in urban areas while extending voting hours in suburban DMVs? Apparently that was only stopped from happening when a Democratic legislator noticed it and publicized it. Anyone else listen to all of the "faux Koch" audiotape and come away absolutely convinced that govt was indeed for sale and feel like they needed to take a shower with how obsequious Walker was being to someone who wasn't even a resident of his state?


    I actually agree with some of what Walker is trying to do--public pensions are no longer market standard and need to go down, for ex., and state workers need to pay in more for what they get in terms of benefits--but this guy is just such a personally flawed standard bearer for any kind of message of change that even if I were inclined to support his positions I'd hesitate over supporting such a scuzzball, but that may just be me. (This is all not even mentioning his being bounced from school (rumors of cheating) or banned from Marquette Univ. politics for dirty tricks.)


    BTW, dirtballs exist on the left, too, and I wouldn't support them either. On Memorial Day Richard Blumenthal's "stolen valor" claims of serving in Vietnam come to mind, for ex.....3.


    1. As stated by another posted only the police supported Walker, firefighters did not.


    2. If you see having to show ID when you do something as important as voting as a problem, you need help. My wife's 88 year old immigrant grandma that has never driven a day in her life has an ID for Christ's sake! The outrage of closures of DMV offices is complete hog wash.





    3. The fake Koch tape LOL!! The Koch brothers are the new boogeyman since Cheney is no longer in power. The tape was a whole lot of nothing.


    4. So you agree with what he has done in terms of balancing the budget, but have such a problem with the man personally that you would vote for Barrett LMAO! Hey Governor Pat Quinn in Illinois has a reputation for being a hell of a nice guy, but he is running that state into the ground, you'd rather have the nice guy, than the guy who is a bold leader, good for you.


    5. You went on latter to rant about Walker raising money from out of state donors, and Barrett isn't doing the same? Wasserman Schultz just sent out an email to all of the big dem voters about giving money to Barrett, he has seen a surge in fund raising as a result, I suppose you have a problem with that to?



    I stand by my statement that you are a MSNBC viewer that gets all of his talking points about Scott Walker from Rachel Maddow and Ed Schultz. I tune in to them from time to time when they discuss Wisconsin and it's the exact same crap you spewed in that first paragraph. Just like Barrett you don't focus on the results, but all of the other garbage instead. If you want to see a flawed individual look at our previous Governor Jim Doyle, the guy was doing such a piss poor job that he did not seek a 3rd term because he knew he would get his ass handed to him.

  10. Serious question--not trying to be political. What do people think of Walker exempting firefighter, EMT and police unions from his law (unions that either supported him or whose members typically vote Republican)? Or his attempts to require voter ID without any history of electoral fraud in his state and then trying to close down DMVs in urban areas while extending voting hours in suburban DMVs? Apparently that was only stopped from happening when a Democratic legislator noticed it and publicized it. Anyone else listen to all of the "faux Koch" audiotape and come away absolutely convinced that govt was indeed for sale and feel like they needed to take a shower with how obsequious Walker was being to someone who wasn't even a resident of his state?


    I actually agree with some of what Walker is trying to do--public pensions are no longer market standard and need to go down, for ex., and state workers need to pay in more for what they get in terms of benefits--but this guy is just such a personally flawed standard bearer for any kind of message of change that even if I were inclined to support his positions I'd hesitate over supporting such a scuzzball, but that may just be me. (This is all not even mentioning his being bounced from school (rumors of cheating) or banned from Marquette Univ. politics for dirty tricks.)


    BTW, dirtballs exist on the left, too, and I wouldn't support them either. On Memorial Day Richard Blumenthal's "stolen valor" claims of serving in Vietnam come to mind, for ex.....


    Where is all of your info coming from? Sounds like a combo of Ed Schultz and the Daily Kos.

  11. Yes, this! I'm shocked - the JS usually leans very left, plastering anti-republican articles on the front page and not commenting (or only very briefly) on anti-democrat topics. For them to support Walker... :unsure::blink:


    How much does support like this really mean though? I know I never pay attention to so-and-so supporting candidate X and so-and-so supporting candidate Y. Does it really sway anyone?


    I agree that an endorsement from a newspaper has little impact especially in this race where 95% of voters are already decided. But Mike Tate's meltdown over this endorsement makes me believe that it is a little bit bigger deal than you or I think it is.

  12. Maybe some are like that. Personally, I ignore all the polls and will probably start charting all of the candidates about a month before the election- base on their stance on issues, which issues I think they can affect, etc.....Not sure if I will vote for President Obama, Mitt Romney, or someone else. Why anyone would want that office, is beyond me, right now.


    How in the hell can you not have your mind made up already? Romney and Obama have much different visions for the direction the country will go. You either like what Obama has done in his first term and want 4 more of the same, or you don't. To echo what Rob was saying, often times independents stand for nothing and fall for everything.

  13. I'm not an expert on Wisconsin but the whole thing seems like a waste of time. I'm not a fan of Walker really, but he was the guy elected for the job.


    That's my take on the whole thing. The guy was elected to serve a 4 year term. He didn't do anything criminal, he simply took a bold approach to balance the budget. Don't like it, vote him out after his first term.

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