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North Cal Bills Fan

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Posts posted by North Cal Bills Fan

  1. 1. Rogers is a tire fire period. Not doubling his man every damn play was a mistake. Can we please sign a cb now!


    2. Ok so lets just say we play without a LG would there be a difference? The way Brown is playing he would be benched on a HS team.


    3. EJ struggled today. Happy feet till the drive that tied it. His ball placement was horrendous and timing was off. Lots of throws off his back foot. Yes he was pressured but why in the hell did we wait till the end of the 3rd qtr to keep the ball on that stupid ass option play when it has been open for 15 yrds since the pats game.


    4. Nate nate Nate, can u please make up 1 or 2 running plays with a damn full back and stop that stupid one play (our only running play) were EJ pretends to keep and CJ looses 5 yrds on the strung out play to the side line cause our guards cant stop any d tackle in the league?


    5. I know were growing and i know all will be forgotten once we get win #2 but wow gave away yet another opportunity and its still frustrating.


    6. When o when will we win a game against the damn Jets when its not to f up our draft position????? Yea i know maybe next year.

  2. First half was all pro quality. Big hits, turnovers etc...


    Second half he fell apart. Whiffed tackles, missed opportunities.



    Like I have always felt. Donte can hit below avrage tackler and couldn't cover my grandma on 3rd down. He looked decent in the first half AFTER the first saints td because the tight end was on the sideline. As soon as they brought him back in in the 4th the saints abused his short but to the tune of 14 more points. Donte will be donte a 5 foot 180 lb line backer pretending to play safety. Thank god for george Wilson. Oh and I live right by the bay area and whatever these fans are watchin it's. It the play from their strong saftey!

  3. To be fair to Spencer, he looks to be giving it everything he has; but, who is the unmitigated moron that has him playing OLB? It makes as much sense as, say, starting Wes Welker at NT so Vince Wilfork can cover Lee Evans running fly patterns.



    Stop your making my sides hurt! LOL

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