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Posts posted by guru

  1. So you don't cheer for the Bills because some fans didn't like Flutie? It's a tough position to take, but thankfully you're fighting the good fight. :thumbsup:


    I used to be as big a Bills fan as anyone.

    But the Bills choosing RJ over Flutie has to go down in sports history as the GREATEST GAFFE EVER!!!

  2. ...had his 2 best seasons when Flutie was Quarterback!!

    And the Bill's defense LOVED Flutie because of his ball control tactics which kept the the Bills offense on the field longer than opposing offenses...so the Bills defense only had to play 20 to 25 minutes per game.

    These facts were publicly stated by Bruce Smith and Steve Christie on more than one occasion...before everyone starts jumping on me asking, "How do you know this? Were you in the dressing room?"


    Re: Doug Flutie: A Football Life...

    Too bad so many Bills fans hated Flutie...because he was the last quarterback to lead them to the playoffs!!

    Hope all the HATERS have been enjoying being LOSERS for the last 14 years of not being in the playoffs!!

    Even Vic Carucci has been man enough to admit that he was wrong in his assessment of the acquisition of Flutie. Too bad there are so few similar MEN in Buffalo who have big enough kahonees to admit they were wrong too!


    Flutie Forever!!!

  3. Maybe we can start giving him ammo for the press conferences...because whether you love or hate the move, we are going to get more attention than we've had in a long time, especially us out of state folks


    How long will it be before T.O. is saying, "The women in Buffalo are ugly and the night life is boring."...LOL!!

  4. Who really gives a ...., just win baby.


    The Bills have a very tough 2009 schedule...Owens alone is not enough to get the Bills into the playoffs.


    Home: Miami, New England, NY Jets, Houston, Indianapolis, Cleveland, New Orleans, Tampa Bay

    Away: Miami, New England, NY Jets, Jacksonville, Tennessee, Kansas City, Atlanta, Carolina


    If you see the Bills winning 10 games against these opponents, which 10 are they??

  5. The Bills have a very tough 2009 schedule...Owens alone is not enough to get the Bills into the playoffs.


    Home: Miami, New England, NY Jets, Houston, Indianapolis, Cleveland, New Orleans, Tampa Bay

    Away: Miami, New England, NY Jets, Jacksonville, Tennessee, Kansas City, Atlanta, Carolina


    If you see the Bills winning 10 games against these opponents, which 10 are they??


    So far, no one has attempted to answer this question!!

  6. The Bills signed Terrell Owens because...


    1. They needed someone to "market" to their fans...

    2...TO SELL TICKETS...because they were destined for a HUGE decline in ticket sales...

    3...as they have no one on the roster who creates any hope or excitement that the 2009 season was going to be anything different than the last 8 seasons... B-)

    4...a desperation move to create the perception that this is the piece of the puzzle they need to lift them to the next level...ie. make the playoffs.






    It is a bad fit because Dick Jauron...like Wade Phillips...is not a strong enough personality to keep Owens under control.

    A few early season losses will soon create a sour taste in Owens' mouth and then...watch out!!!! :thumbsup:


    The Bills have a very tough 2009 schedule...Owens alone is not enough to get the Bills into the playoffs.


    Home: Miami, New England, NY Jets, Houston, Indianapolis, Cleveland, New Orleans, Tampa Bay

    Away: Miami, New England, NY Jets, Jacksonville, Tennessee, Kansas City, Atlanta, Carolina


    If you see the Bills winning 10 games against these opponents, which 10 are they??

  7. Overall, this could turn out to be an interesting draft.  No doubt ESPN and all the mags are going to grade the Bills poorly - and on the surface we deserve it.  Maybe, after looking at tape of 2005, Marv and Dick think this team is not as dire as it would appear and that with the free agent additions the Bills will be a stronger team than last year.  The draft is looking not to this season, but to next.  Secorndary player always take a season to develop and linemen need time to adjust to NFL speed.  2006 = 8-8, 2007 12-4.  Just my opinion



    So, I guess there's no charge for Bills tickets this year...Yay....They're going to be handing out free tickets at OBD...Who have they got that they can hang a marketing campaign on this year... I don't see any box office draw at all!!

  8. Anyone who listens to Marv on his WGR Monday morning show has to remember his answer to whether Mularkey did the right thing starting Holcomb.  For those who didn't listen, Marv completely supported the Holcomb decision stating you play the player who gives you the best chance to win and you develop the guys who are not ready in practice, not on gameday.  JP's in for a long season next year in Buffalo, and probably a short stay thereafter.  I can't see JP making it here under the Levy/Mularkey management.  The last time Marv let a young, inexperienced QB take the reigns, it was his last season as a head coach.



    Yup ! Marv has always hated playing "rookies".

  9. I agree that the Bills will not make the playoffs in 2006...and looking at the schedule, plus the fact that MM is now confirmed as the Head Coach and assuming JP will get the majority of the starts, I also agree to not expect much more than a

    5-11 season in 2006.





    Green Bay


    AFC West (Chargers)











    AFC North (Browns or Ravens)




  10. You, my friend, you are a walking history book.


    On the plus side, the coaches and the management are trying to turn the page.  The NFL can be a painful, unfair business.  If you see a bunch of young players screwing up over the next few games, consider it preseason.  This is when some of these young players are getting that highly valued "experience".  I am trying to be positive now.  There are some positives out there. 


    War and losing seasons are never nice.



    Donahoe and GREGG also felt threatened by Flutie, the seasoned veteran...and chose to keep weak Rob. :devil:

  11. Yes Kind of like what lions fans did last sunday chanting Fire Millen during the lions home loss to the vikings, then chanting fire millen at a redwings game against the devils.  Let Ralph  know loud and clear



    Sounds good to me...and a lot of booing when Mularkey and the coaching staff enter the stadium or are shown on the Jumbo-tron.

  12. My first impression of Tom Donahoe when he was first introduced as the "new" Bills G.M. was that he is an arrogant, condescending bass-TURD/aXXhole.


    Thanks, Tom for confirming that you are an acb-Ta every time you open your mouth,

    eg. "I am embarrassed to be a member of this community".

    ...(Bills fans) who call some radio stations are "jerks". :devil::D:(

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