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Posts posted by tompkr1967

  1. this confer guy is creepy ... like a weird tea bagger republican !!!! i want the bills to stay and have no problem fixing up the ralph as long as 1. erie county gets a say in what needs to be done . 2. long term lease with a clause of no breaking for any reason. oh ya, OCCUPY WALL STREET.... AND I HAVE A GOOD JOB !!!!!!

  2. the bills will never build a dome in niagara falls. here is what everyone is missing about toronto : the canadians that go to the bills games are from : ft. erie, niagara falls ont. st. cats & hamilton aka southern ontario ..... not toronto !!!!! canadian fans love the ralph and tailgateing. i went to the toronto game (2nd time) rogers centre is a baseball stadium and football sucks bigtime. the sightlines are real bad and 54,000 not big enough : so, dont worry about toronto it aint gonna happen. just go to the game and enjoy !!! upgrade ralph ... no dome

  3. called the bills ticket office yesterday at 4:30 pm for tickets for ny jets game nov 6th .............. family sec. left ( you cant drink or smoke or do any drugs ) so i bought 4 together and 2 together = 6 ...... called this morning and only single seats for jets game !!!! ya !!!!

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