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Fan in Alaska

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Posts posted by Fan in Alaska

  1. Could this be a statement win for a team very few people expected to do better than 5-11?


    Good to see the running game finally showing signs of life. That's still our bread & butter. Shady's our workhouse back, and he's due for a 100+ yd game on the ground even though a big asset in the passing game as well. Tolbert is serviceable at best as our #2.


    It's time to get off TT's jock now. It may not be pretty, but he's getting the job done. Granted he's not the second coming of Jim Kelly, but he doesn't have to be. He's making plays in the passing game and protecting the ball. That's all that can be asked of him without top notch receivers.


    Fortunately, there's Charles Clay to help keep the passing game afloat while we wait on Matthews and Jones to become more productive. Having TT rolling out a little more is helping him out a lot. Dennison's got the right idea with that.


    For once, we're getting some iffy calls go our way. Falcons got the short end on a couple calls but they'll get no sympathy from us.


    Hausch-money! Nuff said.


    Can't really blame them for taking the 3 points but with the way we pounded our way down the field on the ground, would you have gone for it on that 4th and goal at the 1?


    Dr Poyer & Mr Hyde are a great safety tandem, and with the corners we have now, nobody misses Gilmore & Darby. Tre White is a battler, and Gaines is solid (I hope he's good to go for next week).


    The days of Dareus are clearly numbered, The D Line is doing just fine without him. Look for him to be trade bait around draft time next year despite his contract and cap hit.


    So what if they finally gave up a passing TD, the defense did a damn good job of keeping the Falcons offense in check. I wonder what the Atlanta media is saying right now about the game :lol:


    We're atop of the division for now, and the ageing Patriots are looking very beatable.


    Next up, the Bengals. GO BILLS!!!! :thumbsup:


    If we had to give up a passing TD, I'd have chosen it to come from Matt Ryan and the Falcons. No shame in that.

  2. I would keep an eye on # 44 D. Lacey. He was a late cut of the Dolphins signed immediately by Buffalo. He was by far the best ST player in the Canadian league and then one of its top linebackers. I will not be surprised if he eventually sees the field on D. I think this guy can play.

    Oh, that's right. I pride myself on knowing the players, pretty well, but today on that fake punt tackle I was thinking, "Lacey? Who the hell is Lacey?" Your comment reminded me of the recent acquisition. After he was acquired I brought up some highlights of his on YouTube. If he can do close to what he was doing in that YouTube video on New Era Field, then we have another special player in our ranks. Oh, and speaking of recent acquisitions, don't forget it was our 3rd string quarterback that was also in on that tackle.

  3. Nice post on the eve of the new season. I grew up in Oregon and my first football recollection was watching OJ Simpson on a big run down the sideline. Heck, it might have

    even been on a black and white TV. Then, still in Oregon, I had the good fortune to have a Buffalo-native as my 6th grade teacher. He really cemented my love for

    the Bills. He said that I should "write the Buffalo Bills." I never even thought of that.


    So, as a 12 year old, I wrote a simple letter to One Bills Drive. They sent me a, I'm sure, standard letter back saying "thank you for your letter. Glad you are a fan, etc." They included

    a player photo or two. Just to get something in the mail with the Bills logo on it was great. Sounds kind of funny now, but it was so exciting!


    Anyway, I'm looking forward to the new season. Go Bills!

  4. Funny but MCourty admitted it was his blown coverage on the play. Playing cover2 he had the deep half.


    Given that it was cover 2 and that the other corner flattened out in the short flat on the other side (just like Gilmore did initially), Gilmore most likely didn't blow his coverage. I still like poking fun at Gilmore though.

  5. Grew up in Oregon, traveled all over in the military, yet have never spent one day in Buffalo. But I've been a Bill's fan since 1972. As crazy as it may sound, that video

    made me "homesick." I could relate to the fan in the video that lived in Europe. When I was in Berlin in the early 1990s, I'd always set my alarm clock to watch the Bills'

    games. Loved the video. Go Bills!

  6. @Dopey No, I have never been fortunate enough to even set foot in Buffalo. I grew up in Oregon and spent 20 years in

    the Air Force. I definitely plan to make it to The Ralph someday for a game or two.


    One of my earliest football memories is watching O.J. Simpson make a long run down the sideline (on the TV, of course). My dad told me to "come look at this guy run!" I was probably 6 or 7 years old. I finished watching the game and have been hooked ever since. A lot has changed in my life, but being a die hard Bills fan has been one of the constants.


    In 1996 I made it to Seattle to watch the Bills play. Only Bills game that I've been able to attend. We lost, but I had such a great time. My wife and I showed up early and stayed late. We hung out after the game and watched the players hangout a bit before they got onto the buses. Bruce, Jim Kelly, Thurman...they were all there!


    I have a whole list of "hard luck" stories that I could tell, but I tried to get to see the Bills in 1987, but the players went on strike after game 3 of that season. They were to play in Dallas the following week. I was stationed at a nearby Air Force base (in Texas). Military bases have places that sell discounted game tickets. I had the money in my hand, sitting in the parking lot, listening for the noon time radio announcement as to whether the players were going on strike or not.....of course they did go on strike. There went my chance.


    OK, one more. I was stationed in Berlin Germany in 1988-1990. In 1990 the NFL started their exhibition game program overseas. The first year the Rams and Chiefs came to Berlin. I had a connection and got a press pass that got me on to the practice field the entire week leading up to the game. That was pretty exciting. My Berlin tour ended in December of 1990 and had to return to the U.S. Who goes to Berlin the following year? Of course, it was the 1991 Buffalo Bills team. I could have spent an entire week out on the practice field with the Bills!


    I have the worst of luck! :)

  7. Just an observation. Even though I don't have that many posts, I have come to this board to read about The Buffalo

    Bills for many years. If I was to judge fellow Bills fans from just what I see here, I'd have to describe (at least) some of

    you as overly critical of others and very rude. Impatient with what others want to talk about, too.


    If you are out of the Buffalo area and NOT able to watch the game on TV live, but go to NFL.com for a desperate

    bit of news or highlights, then see a video with a 3 word caption "McCoy breaks ankles," you'd freak out too.

  8. I love "Big Sammy." After I saw that first big play of his, I went scrambling for my Bill's roster.


    One thing is for sure, the Browns knew who he was. Here is an article that I found from 10 days

    ago. In the article's poll, 84% of Browns' fans wanted to bring Gray back. I think we have a nice upgrade

    in Gray.



  9. If Spikes is resigned, then Kiko most likely pushes a very talented Brown or Bradham to the bench...and the lowest linebacker on the depth chart, unfortunately, doesn't make the team. Can't imagine Brown or Bradham not starting, but what a advantage, having that kind of talent and experience on the bench.

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