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Posts posted by Slackware

  1. You also have the #1 ranking in our yahoo group with only 8 total losses over the past 3 weeks, impressive.



    I love stats and I am a student of the game.


    As am I, but I dont usually look at stats like that. 61-2 when scoring over 30 points is quite impressive, but it doesnt tell the whole tale. Besides, if you score over 30 points you should be winning the game unless your defense presents a major liability.


    Anyhow, I was 4 for 4 this week on my upset picks for my job's football pool.(Dont neccesarily have to choose 4 upsets each week, but I did). I chose the Raiders over the Jets, Bills over patriots, Seahawks over Cards and Browns over Dolphins. And if Washington wins tonight, I'll be perfect for this week. Only lost one last week, damn Ravens losing to tennessee. Week one was kinda ugly though with 4 losses. If things continue like this, I'll win first place easily.

  2. Would anyone trade him right now for Cutler?





    I still question the Bear's trading of orton for cutler. The guy has never impressed me and hes now been sacked 14 times in 3 games, on pace for 74 other 75. I believe david carr was sacked 80 times or something his rookie year in Houston, and I think thats some kind of single season record rookie or not. Cutler wont last the season at this rate, especially since he isnt as tough as people in Chicago want you to believe. I wouldnt put jay cutler in the top 15, personally.

  3. All of the games look winnable. But we know we won't run that table. Here is my take:

    Bengals- W

    Eagles- W

    Giants- L

    Skins- W

    Jets- L




    I have to agree with this for the most part. The Ryan Defenses (Rex,Rob/Jets,Cowboys) will provide some major issues to get through. They will put some major pressure on Fitz, and while I dont expect him to panic exactly, it will cause Fitz to toss out some head scratchers, which could very costly against Revis and Cromartie or a healthy dallas secondary.


    So, The bills will beat the Bengals and the Giants, due to the inconsistency of the G-men, I think the bills stick it to 'em. The Jets and the Cowboys have better defenses than anyone on the schedule up to this point, so if the winning streak has to end, it will be there. So two wins, two losses. If Vick is healthy, the Eagles could stick it to a suspect Bills defense. On the other hand, the surprising success of the Redskins should run out soon. So, I say the bills probably beat the skins, and if vick is healthy, might lose to philly. So, 3-3 to maybe 4-2 in the next 6 games. Or, they could win 'em all, or things could get ugly. You never know. I say after the next six games, the bills will be 6-3 or 7-2.

  4. 8 years of frustration finally ends. I can't imagine how I will feel when the Bills win the superbowl.


    Someone fix the thread and change it to "Bills" please. Thanks


    Yeah I was kinda wondering about that. Pats winning, lol. Anyhow, I'm pretty sure you would see me have 6 different heart attacks if the bills won the superbowl. Maybe even a stroke.

  5. Well, I'm singlehandedly responsible. I stayed off The Board for the entire game.

    You can thank me now, or send a check with your wine to Mead.


    Go Bills!


    I used the shot box a couple of times but otherwise stayed away until the end. Gave my emotional support to the team, and I also decided to believe that the patriots quarterback was not Tom Brady, but in-fact, Rick Mirer.

  6. CAN I HAVE AN AMEN?!!!!!!!!!!




    15 game losing streak ended. I was thinking it was about time. I just wish jackson hadnt been stopped on the 1. I have Fitz and Freddie on one of my fantasy team and I coulda used those points. Of course you really dont want to give brady even 30 seconds to go the distance much less a buck forty-three or w/e.

  7. Wow. I agree with the logic in saying a proven NFL winner > unproven highly touted college prospect.

    Got to disagree with calling Hasselbach a "garbage QB".

    IMHO when a man has played regularly in the NFL for > decade, has made the playoffs on a so-so team 6 of those years, has led his team to a Superbowl, and has accumulated reasonable stats over a decade of playing on a (sometimes very bad) team, he deserves way more respect than that, even if you personally don't think he's great.




    Um, actually I think your exact words were "horribly mistaken".

    That seems like hyperbole for a score that was, in fact, very very high and an error could be corrected simply by posting the fact.

    I love accuracy, I strive for it, and I try to be more couth and gentle in pointing out others mistakes. Most of us make mistakes sooner or later, despite trying for accuracy. Golden rule, do unto others, and so forth - I think that's what SJBF means by Karma


    In another response.....



    Intentional grammatical errors to not "seem like a smartass"? When you smack down someone as "horribly wrong" over a 2-point error, you're gonna come off as a smartass even if your grammar and spelling are flawless. Cant (sic) give you a statistic you dont (sic) already know? Impressive....and I suspect, more hyperbole. There are some pretty sharp people here. I am "only an egg".


    When you start out with a high standard of quality posts, people will tend to cut you some slack when you're drunk or just goof. When you start with a low standard, people will (understandably) take the viewpoint the burden of proof is on you...


    But carry on....




    Like many features, it has its good and bad points. It is useful sometimes (see above, where I wanted to combine two different posts by you in one response and exploited this feature to do so). If you want to defeat it, open up a 2nd window and read another thread for a couple minutes. It combines or doesn't combine based on the amount of time between two responses (I haven't figured out the exact interval but it's something on the order of 5 minutes). Hope this helps.


    Haha, bravo sir. You reamed me pretty good. And most of what you said is true. And my "intentional grammatical errors to not seem like a smartass" Is a very flawed peice of logic, but it is mostly true. Im not a stickler on grammer, because I choose to write in much the same manner as I speak, or as close to it as I want to depending on how the mood strikes me. And Im too lazy correct myself most of the time unless I have to. And I suppose I should be a little bit less harsh on people for being inaccurate. Everyone makes mistakes. I'm just a stickler on facts most of the time. I have to disagree with you on two points though: While, saying you cant give me a statistic I dont already know is a bit boastful and somewhat exaggerated, I truly do have a nearly inexhaustible bank of statistics committed to memory. I am actually quite obsessed with statistics, to such a level that it is more than a little bit embarrassing when discussing it with non-football fans. Of course It does make no sense to make that claim; I have no way of proving it. You could pose the question, and no matter what answer I give, you could simply doubt my integrity and write me off as having looked up the answer before responding. We are, after all, on the internet. Nonetheless, I stand by my claim.


    And the other point; I still do not believe Hasselbeck is a good quarterback. He's actually playing alright in Tennessee, but I never liked his play. It doesnt help that I now live in Washington and have spent most of the last 8 years listening to seahawks fans complaining about him or overestimating him/being overly optimistic to a point of annoyance. And he rarely shows things that impress me. Played great against the saints in the playoffs though, but anybody can have a great day.

  8. If you weren't a useless troll, you'd know that...


    1) There are 5 Gronkowski brothers, not 3, and they were all born here in Buffalo;


    2) Amherst, NY is to Buffalo what Brookline, MA is to Boston.


    I am a useless troll? Damn, you guys are a little unforgiving. Of course Amherst is basically buffalo, but its still not literally buffalo, and there are only 3 GRONKOWSKI's IN THE NFL. I knew there was more of them, I'm not an idiot. The rest of them aren't playing in the NFL as far as I know. I still don't know why this is important on a buffalo bills forum. So a local football player is cut by the team we are about to play. Who cares? He was cut for a reason. Bills wont sign him.

  9. No. You are only partially correct. Fitz may have thrown the game winner to Nelson, but it was my running around the house rubbing each one of my Bills logos on my Bills gear exactly 3 times while saying... let's go Buffalo that allowed him to make that throw. I'm certain without me doing that, there's no way WE win.


    Hah, its stuff like that that gives me great amusement. I just hope you dont really believe that superstitious/ritual behavior actually makes a difference.


    As for the rest of the conversation: I say "us" and "we" myself frequently enough, despite my efforts not to. I was merely asking a question. Theres absolutely nothing wrong with loving your football team. And while I understand that the word FAN is derived from FANATIC, or FANATICAL, but I see no reason not to be logical and rational. Does my aversion to such behavior make me any less of a fan? Somehow inferior to the rest of you? I think absolutely not, but if calling me a marginal fan, a fair weather fan, or otherwise not a true fan makes YOU feel better, then have at it.


    I am definitely not trying to run up my post count. Who even cares about a stupid post count?

  10. Agreed. Most of us here are not perfect (and I am not perfect) - and therefore do not sharpshoot very much. When one like slackware does he/she does leave themself open for return fire. So let me be the first to point out that slackware's mistakes in grammar are numerous.


    Most of my grammatical errors are intended. Most folks on message boards put little stock on spelling and grammar so why do I want to seem like a smartass? Of course it doesnt help that Im extremely lazy and, at this very moment, drunk as hell. But I dont sweat the grammar. Its not like im writing a term paper right now. Either way, sharpshooting is a term used by those who dont check their facts. You cant give me a statistic I dont already know, so I will try to refrain from busting people's balls but dont act like you know something that isnt true because, like I said, I wont hesitate to point it out. Dont be a poor sport, just check your facts and admit when your wrong.

  11. You're wondering why we might find it interesting that the team we're about to face, who is already down one very good TE, just cut their only other TE on the roster, who also happens to be from Buffalo?


    Uhh... yeah. And actually, Chris Gronkowski is the only one of the three actually born in buffalo. Check it out. Why should we care that some worthless te is dropped by the pats just because hes from new york and his brother rob is a good te ans chris is a decent fullback?

  12. Also gotta point out that if the Bills management has any common sense, Ralph would have to die before they would trade fitz for the rights to Andrew Luck. What the heck is it with you folks and unproven rookies. Jake Locker was considered to be #1 pick worthy before his senior year, but he was taken 8th and rides the bench behind a garbage qb like matt hasselbeck. What is it that makes people think luck will be any different?


    Well first of all I didn't make the comment and second of all, if you're gonna sharpshoot people that'll be your karma.


    My advice to you is to not take imprecision quite so seriously… btw, welcome to the forum.


    That'll be my karma? what is that supposed to mean, exactly? Karma will work against me for seeking accuracy?


    All i was saying saying is the guy who said fitz scored 50 was very very wrong. What the heck is wrong with that?

    But thanks for the welcome. Kinda hate that when posting a second consecutive message in the same thread binds your two messages together. What if you want to adress multiple people at once? suppose thats what quotes are for but its no less annoying.

  13. So someone posting that Fitz scored a 50 on the wonderlic (when the best he could have scored is a 49) is "horribly mistaken?"


    I'm gonna have to stop posting here if we've raised the bar that high on inaccuracies and I hope your kids are doing great in school… like perfect.




    Hey all im saying is that if your going to make such an impressive claim, such as a perfect score on the wonderlic, you better check your facts. Sorry im such a stickler on facts but i have spent my entire life studying and playing this game, (unfortunately, unless your brandon banks, being 5'11" and 150lbs doesnt get you too far past highschool football.) and studying the people who have coached and/or played, so when you make an inaccurate statement I WILL make it a point to call you on it.

  14. What? I'm not on the team? Yahh right, next you'll be telling me we didn't beat the Raiders last week. I dunno about anyone else, but I'm really proud of us. Question is, what's wrong with YOU?

    Woah. I hope you were being sarcastic. Otherwise, you are exactly what is wrong with football fans. David Nelson and Ryan Fitzpatrick will tell you that we inspired them to do what they did but that is truly just a PR decision. truth is, we didnt beat the raiders. Ryan fitzpatrick throwing the game winner to nelson beat the raiders. We didnt do that they did.

  15. Bills wont score 34-42 points I guarantee it. Not enough time in the game. With Fred Fitz and Stevie on the field, the pats should try to keep the bills offense off the field as much as possible. Were looking at OT folks. Unless the bills can put pressure on brady and protect fitzpatrick.


    Think jared is implying that the pats are a lock for a win this week? Never say die, dude. Bills actually got a truly legitimate chance to win tomorrow.

  16. I have a question. Why do you call yourself a hypocrite when you intentionally tired to trick people into answering your question? I see you as more of a trickster than a hypocrite. Or a cultural experimentationalist, given this was a science experiment of sorts.


    Either way, you crazy, girl.


    Only problem i have with that post is that I am not a girl but a diehard male football fan. My experiment has been thus far successful. I only did this cuz the official bills website forum was no longer accepting registration so i had to go somewhere. And I wanted to feel confident that whatever community i joined was not filled with "fair weather" fans. I call myself a new bills fan because my oldest bills memory was of Jim Kelly's retirement press conference when i was 7 years old. Sure, Ive watched every Nfl films presentation since the dawn of its existance, especially those focusing on the bills and niners, but Im only 22 and very unfortunate to not have seen the true glory days of either franchise.

  17. You sir are what we call a "marginal fan"<_<


    Hah. I have successfully acomplished my goal here. While I do not fully support using we or us in reference to our team, I am, in effect, a hypocrite because I do it frequently enough myself. I am not a marginal fan. I am a newer bills fan, this is true, but I am not a fair weather fan. I have always liked the bills, but I do not treat myself as part of the team based upon the love I have for it. But, what I have done, is posted a question that brought true fans out of the woodwork. I sought an answer, and I have received it. Just wanted to see what kinda folks I was dealing with here. Kudos to all that took the bait.

  18. I understand what you guys are getting at but just because you love the team, buy the apparel and go to the games as much as you can, doesnt make you apart of the team. It makes you a fan. There is a clear line and i dont believe that the existance of a football team is fully dependant upon the fans. There will always be fans. Having a football team is a good business decision.

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