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Posts posted by jkrules

  1. Count me as one Canadian who likes to go to Bill's games to watch the game. I have seen too many Canadians who travel to games for the sole purpose of partying.


    Consider the number of busloads of Canadians that come down to games. These busses are boarded, as early as 7:00 AM and the drinking starts as soon as they get on the bus. No wonder they are drunk when they get to the game.


    I see these drunken idiots in the line at the stadium. Rarely are they refused entry. The security at RWS could save themselves a lot of trouble if they would stop these idiots at the gates.

  2. Why can't people allow someone to make their own hiring instead of "meddling like Ralph.


    1) You have no idea what parameters have been established for the hire... budget, experience, specific expertise.


    2) You wouldn't hire anyone that was not in lock step with your plan or anyone that you could not trust.


    3) You have no idea who has been approached, who has inquired about coaching openings and who has turned down any offers.


    Since Marrone took over. Not one damn game has been lost, not one damn player has been injured, not one damn player has been cut, not one damn player has been re-signed, not one damn player has been drafted, not one damn Free agent has been signed, and lastly. NOT ONE DAMN PERSON KNOWS HOW THIS HIRE IS GOING TO PLAY OUT.


    So, why don't people just STFU about this hire and stuff they are totally cluless about it. If you don't want to buy Bills tix, Bills pens, Bills, T shirts, Bills hats,.. DON'T.


    I mean Marrone has proffesional working relationships with every damn one of these people. WTF do you want.... already established mindsets like Lovie, Norv, Whiz, Mularkey, Crennel? They haven't established any track record of or willingness to adapt to their personnel.... they are SYSTEM guys.


    Anyone still out there with an open mind?



  3. Admittedly, I have not seen Doug Marrone coach a single football game. Living in NC (originally from Rochester) for the past 15 years creates an entirely different collegiate base market of television games. However, I have seen every Bills game over the past 13 years (Sunday Ticket) and lots of other NFL games including those coached by Wisenhunt and L. Smith. It was with relief that I read we did not hire a recently terminated NFL head coach such as these two gentlemen. They both are knowledgable, competent coaches and have forgotten more about football than I will ever know. However, it seems that they were unable make meaningful in game adjustments or off season adjustments to place their teams in a position to progress and win during a game, during a season, or from season to season. I readily agree that this is more true of Wisenhunt than of L. Smith, but L. Smith put an offense out there first coached by M. Martz that was a passing attack without the necessary WR's or O Lineman, then replaced M. Martz and still couldn't figure out a way to protect J. Cutler.


    Personally, I thought a Greg Roman or Bruce Arians may have been the best candidates we could hire given their NFL experience but perhaps they didn't want anything to do with the job the Bills were offering.


    Marrone is a distinctly different HC hire than Gailey (who I didn't like from the start), from Jauron (who caused me to almost give up on the team when he was hired), and even from Wade Phillips. Wade Phillips is a classic example of the "Peter Principle" in which excellence in a certain area gets you promoted to the level of your incompetence. Coach Phillips is a hall of fame level defensive coordinator, and a below average NFL HC.


    I dont know what we have in Marrone, and none of us will know for sure until next season, but at least we are moving in a different direction with this hire than any we have tried over the past 13 years. It may fail miserably, it may succeed wildly, but at least we aren't repeating the time worn mistakes of the past 13 years.


    Go BIlls!


    +1 This!

  4. I would have liked Chan to succeed. Of recent coaches the Bills have had, he was the most personable. That unfortuanately does not win games.


    Two things, IMO were his undoing, the inability to fix the defense and two his unwavering support of Fitz. He could have at least tried Tavares Jackson.

  5. A lot of talk on this board that Nix never addressed the QB position. I agree with this for the most part. However, it needs to be mentioned that Nix did bring in Vince Young and Tavares Jackson. In both cases Chan Gailey stated they could not learn or did not have enough time to learn the Bills offensive system.

    I cannot help but think that these two moves, by Gailey, and his undying faith in Fitz will be Gailey's undoing.


    Gailey, and Wannstadt go, Nix stays IMO.

  6. I have been a supporter of Fitz on this board and others. I thought he was "good enough" for this team to win and with an average defense we would be winning. No more. Sunday's game has changed that and I see what others have been claiming. Not only is he not "good enough" he is not an NFL QB. On a team coached by Chan Gailey, obviously a pass first coach, this is a horrible match of coach and QB.


    Something has to give and either Chan is going to see the light or it will be the darkness of unemployment he will be seeing shortly, with Fitz.

  7. So then I guess it's okay to condone or dismiss the issue because it happens everywhere. Honestly, I am disappointed at a number of these posts that seem to say it's no big deal because it happens everywhere and the decent folks just have to deal with it.


    Agreed, Well said.


    IMO for me I disagree, I am not a big boozer but love the tailgating/boozing sessions I can have at NFL games. There's a semi-responsible way to pull this off that some of us really enjoy.


    If you are not bothering anyone else, I for one, could care less. However if your primary interest is tailgating, why buy a ticket, do it in your back yard.

  8. do you want some sort of medal?


    maybe i could draw up a quick certificate for you in microsoft paint, email it over, and you can hang it on your wall?


    yeah buddy -- good thing you didn't bring your FIVE YEAR OLD to a game that kicks off at 8:30, goes until midnight, and 75% of the people there will be wasted.


    "i went to the bar last night. it was awful. couples making out, dancing. people puking in a bathroom. i overheard a gentleman say the F word. at least i didnt have my toddler with me. he would have had enough common sense to know that was WRONG."


    the only thing wrong with this world, is people that think theres something "wrong" with this world.


    Posts like this help illustrate what is "wrong" with this world.

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