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Posts posted by BornABillsFanDieABillsFan

  1. Over the last twelve years the Bills organization has consistently disappointed to the point that even the fan base is mostly pessimistic. Why is the rest of the country supposed to care what this organization does at this point? I'm all for giving the organization, yet another, chance, but I don't expect anyone that is t a Bills can to notice until this team can end a season with a winning record. Do I think that season is this season? Yeah, but I've been wrong before.



    Exactly! Couldn't agree more, every year I get pumped up for FA but I'm always disappointing. Until we actually bring in someone big (or spend big money in FA) we will not get looked at as a possible landing destination for a top free agent.

  2. I guess the clock would have started to run again (since Freddie got tackled inbounds), and the refs asked him if he wanted to take a timeout before the clock started again, I guess it was then that he argued that the booth replay equaled a timoeut?


    Most logical reason, but they should have flagged him for his outburst.

  3. Umm both... Esp seeing how in order to make the playoffs you usually have to win your division games. To be honest though I don't wanna just see this team "make the playoffs" I wanna see them build into a yearly contender so we can enjoy a few good seasons of bills/jets bills/pats afc east rivalries. Yes I want to see Them in the playoffs, but again to do that beat your divisional opponents. As long as Brady/Belichick are around The Pats are the measuring stick of which the Bills have repeatedly fallen short of.



    Totally agree, look at the 2004 season. We went 9-7 with Drew Bledsoe and almost made the playoffs. Obviously we lost to the Patriots twice that season, but if we had won at least one or both of those games we are looking at 10-6 or 11-5. With a record like that we wouldn't of had to beat Pittsburgh in the last game to make the playoffs.

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