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NoVA Bills Fan

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Posts posted by NoVA Bills Fan

  1. If it keeps the franchise in Buffalo, I'm all for it. Sure, the idea sucks, looks like it's about money, but we still have a team, we're not at the top of the "franchises to move to LA" list. And at least we're not like the Rams, playing games in London. THAT can't be about increasing fanbase!

  2. Not sure I'd have trading for Bennett so high up - certainly not more important than drafting Bruce, Thurman or Ballard (in the 11th round!) or signing Hull. I loved Cornelius but he wasn't as important to the team as those players.


    I think part of the brilliance of the Biscuit trade was unloading the disgruntled Greg Bell. If we still had Greg Bell on the roster, would Thomas have been drafted? Also, I think Bennett's impact on the D was huge.

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