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Posts posted by AIRIKSMIND

  1. This team is just beginning to start a culture and system (similar to that $&@! Boston franchise ) that will soon have the ability to “plug and play” role players without selling the farm. I think McDermott is most likely foaming at the mouth at the possibility of acquiring Mack....but the process will not allow the expense. I don’t think this is being cheap...I think it’s being wise and patient. Players will want to come here...Mack has said so himself. Make an offer...make it reasonable...and don’t beg or sell the farm. Good times are just around the corner.


    thanks for allowing me to lurk here for 10 years...lol...!! 



    #Bills' practice raises McDermott's ire, which then creates chippy tone. At [bN] Blitz:



    Chippy, Physical, Heated. Those were just a few words to describe today's #Bills practice. @pham1717 with more: http://www.wgr550.com/articles/news/bills-mcdermott-had-stop-practice


    I truly think this was McDermott being in complete control. They were not "fighting" before he stopped practice and gave them a ripping. As soon as he did, all hell broke loose. It would not surprise me if he was smiling inside. This shows me that he is in complete control of this team, and can motivate them on command, at his will. Today's practice will be the indicator of his ability to "focus" the team with that fire that he produced yesterday.


    command and control is the first step to team building and success

  3. Posted this in the wrong topic...proves my rookie status...cut and paste, cut and paste

    I really just needed to post something for the first time...been lurking here for 10 years ....I am ashamed that I have not.

    so here goes....

    I want to see how McDermott looks on the sideline...will he interact and teach? Will he do some fist bumping? Will he look like he knows what the hell he is doing? Will he act like he wants to win even though its pre-season?

    Whew...I feel like I lost my virginity again...later...Im going to smoke a camel

  4. I really just needed to post something for the first time...been lurking here for 10 years ....I am ashamed that I have not.


    so here goes....



    I want to see how McDermott looks on the sideline...will he interact and teach? Will he do some fist bumping? Will he look like he knows what the hell he is doing? Will he act like he wants to win even though its pre-season?



    Whew...I feel like I lost my virginity again...later...Im going to smoke a camel

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