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Posts posted by jwmann2

  1. Not sure how credible that source is. There are reports that OJ essentially confessed years later to a friend after a night of drinking. He said everything would have been fine had she not opened the door with a knife in her hand. Anxious to see what comes of this.

  2. Wasn't there a Real Sports segment on him, too? I felt bad for him, too, but it seemed like he had put his life together. I guess he's getting more examples together of what not to do.

    Art Schlicter had a gambling problem. Ryan Leaf is a straight up thief. Sad though, he was a great talent in college and could have at least made it into the coaching ranks almost immediately.

  3. I'm a big supporter of the IDEA of regionalization. A large fan base encompassing Buffalo, Rochester and Toronto could help keep the Bills in WNY for decades to come.


    Unfortunately, the REALITY of regionalization isn't everything we might hope for. The lukewarm love the Bills receive in TO is disappointing. A shame the players feel it. Maybe more love will come as years go by.


    Fans in Toronto are all about the Maple Leafs, those players are Gods to those people. They have minimal interest in the Raptors, Blue Jays, Bills and Argonauts. I understand what Buffalo is trying to do. Believe it or not, selling the naming rights of the stadium would bring the franchise so much more money. But no, like Mike Brown, Mr. Wilson wants to keep the family name on the stadium.

  4. Los Angeles is pushing hard for a team. They don't deserve one. But I think it will be the Jaguars that do go if this happens. The Bills fans are so passionate, and the economy in Buffalo would take a major hit if this team left. The fans spend so much money on food, tickets and merchandise and the players spend so much money on cars, women and bar tabs. Football needs to stay in Buffalo.

  5. He's such a cancer. I cannot stand the guy and the transformation to civilian life is going to be too hard for him to handle. Same thing for OchoCinco when he is finally out of the league. He is going to scratch and claw to stay in the public eye. These two are not very healthy mentally.

  6. Agreed. Plus the average NFL lifespan for RB stats and other players is really misleading. It's low because so many suck and are cut after 1-2 years. Good and great ones play for 8-10-12 years.


    The NFL lifespan is far from misleading. Not sure if you have ever played football but getting tackled by 240 lb. players hurts.


    Starting running back runs 20-25 times a game, right?

    20-25 X 16 = Circa 350 collisions a season

    350 X 3.5 (average playing career of a RB/NFL Player) = 1225 Collisions

    1225 does not include getting tackled in practice, preseason games, playoff games.

    After a while, your body starts to break down. And that math is just after 3 and 1/2 seasons!!!

    The most elusive ones are the ones that play for 8-12 years. (B Sanders, W Payton, M Faulk, E Smith) And those players are very rare.

    Third down backs like Mike Alstott and Kevin Faulk stuck around so long because they weren't taking as many carries.

  7. You can't pick out games in the NFL and say they'll win this game, lose that game. Especially when no one expected the Bills, Bengals and Lions to be contenders this season. The Bills could beat the Patriots and then lose to the Dolphins. That's just the way the NFL is.

  8. These were the last two picks on my fantasy football team… handcuff running backs.


    I was sure Javhid Best would get injured and was not surprised to hear he suffered another concussion (sadly). Thus I drafted Harrison who had over 600 yards and 5 TDs in the last 3 games of 2009 and came out of camp as the primary backup to Best.


    I drafted Ronnie Brown thinking he would get substantial touches behind McCoy and also thinking that Brown was a quality talent (like Harrison).


    Neither player has done squat for me this year so this is a positive development for the mighty Bob's Ground Chuck… although Bob's Ground Suck would be more accurate this year.

    Whatever happened to Kevin Smith? Surely they could have kept him around as a backup, that guy was a beast.

  9. Great post. Funny how Raiders fans hated Al Davis when he was alive. He dies and everyone acts like he was the best owner ever. No way the Bills move to Los Angleles. The Wilson family needs to go ahead and sell the naming rights of the stadium. They could make so much money off of that, instead they want to act like the Brown Family in Cincinnati.

  10. Both Fred Jackson and Adrian Peterson entered the league in 2007, obviously Fred is little bit older, but they both came in during the same season.


    Fred has nearly 600 fewer carries than Peterson. That to me is nuts. Obviously, AP came in with expectation that he was going to be a workhorse and Fred did not, but I think this bodes well for Fred and the remaining years that he has left in the NFL.


    Yes he is 30, but obviously, as we all know, he does not have the same kind of miles on his tires as some other folks playing in his position.


    Just an interesting thing that I thought I would share.


    What are you? A baseball fan? All these stats lol. Just kidding. Third down backs like Fred are able to stick around the league longer because they don't take as many hits. Look at guys like Kevin Faulk and Kenny Watson. These 20-25 carries per game will catch up with A-Pete in the next two years. Only the elusive starting RBs are able to stick around for a while. Marshall Faulk, Emmitt Smith, Walter Payton, Barry Sanders.

  11. I agree with you. While a guy like Wayne will bring some temporary euphoria (like TO), I'm not sure he would make any sort of tangible difference in what this team is trying to accomplish this year like making the playoffs. Like you said we are a young football team still building (we need all these picks). The bills have proved so far they can plug n play young talent and still be successful especially on offense. I don't think we need to jump this shark yet.


    Very rarely. Usually it is just because you need talented bodies that can make plays on a whim. It is very hard to learn an offense or defense mid-season, on the fly. Many players still have trouble after a few years with the system. The Bills could use some more weapons on offense because their defense has been superb this season.

  12. So you like Rex Ryan, huh? I also assume you like these clowns like Jim Rome, Colin Cowherd and Skip Bayless too? Because thats exactly what they are. They say outlandish things to get people to listen to them. They want attention and get paid based on their ratings. Its really all in good sportmanship, you don't want to say anything to fire up your opponent either.

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