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Posts posted by floridabillfan

  1. It was a cool move. At the time the game was not out of hand. If the relationship lasts and they wed and have a family, it will be a moment in time they can share forever. I am a huge Bills fan and am proud that a guy as classy and a guy of such good character makes a move to express his love. Maybe if more men did such things there wouldn't be a 50% divorce rate! I realize we all can give the girl the football because we don't play in the NFL, but we all could learn from the example. I wish them the best of luck in the future.....now take that attitude and be a leader to the locker room and on the field, spread the good character and learn to keep winning and we van have a good team people are proud to be behind

  2. It's the way the Jets play. They are in your face, intimidating and will mock you to get into your head. It helps hide some of their weaknesses and allows them to play at a higher level. It seems to work. If the Bills can learn to beat the needed teams, I wouldn't be upset at all if they did the same thing. The Jets are playing with a weaker QB, as are we, and they seem to have figured out how to make it work. That said, the bills are also playing with a weaker QB, probably a career backup, but the also could make it work

  3. Gailey is the best we have had in years, provides some hope however the QB situation is scary. Did he play that many as a potential repeat of last year? Cut the starter in september and go in a different direction. Does he really believe in Fitz???

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