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Fat Man from Tonawanda

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Posts posted by Fat Man from Tonawanda

  1. This is extremely disappointing news. To go from the idea of hiring Kelly from one of the top teams in Division 1 to hiring a .500 coach from a regional team is not the news I wanted to hear this morning. I just hope this is not a refelection on the Bills ability to hire a quality head coach.

  2. I'm beginning to think the peoe that start Kelsey sucks threads don't truly understand football. You do know you can "make a play" without making the tackle right?

    Problem has been that too many Bills defenders have "made plays without making tackles." Which is why they gave up 170 yards per game on the ground last season.


    Kelsay may be a "good guy", "good teammate" and "works really hard", what he is not is "talented." He is an below average player on a team in desperate need of actual "player makers."

  3. This is a good signing for the Pats. They have a veteran guy who could possibly fill a need for them on the defensive line. I don't see the Pats being defined by this move or the Haynesworth move. They are a franchise with a huge margin of error. For that franchise at this time those players could possibly fit.


    That said, I would hate the moves if the Bills made them. They are not at a point in their re-building process where these makes sense.


    The Pats may very well be the best club in the NFL right now - best head coach and best FO.


    But that doesn't mean they are infallible.


    And it seems they are rolling the dice a bit on these moves. Sorry if my opinion is different than yours.


    As someone else pointed out, the Pats were 14-2 last year. So maybe the can afford to gamble. But when you have a good thing going, why bring in guys like Haynesworth and Ochocinco for potential short-term benefit when they threaten team chemistry?


    The Pats may prove my concerns wrong. They certainly have a track record of success. Nonetheless, I think the concerns are legitimate. So I agreed with the previous poster who labeled the signings as "strange."


    Even the Boston Globe (I think their beat reporters do watch the Pats) question the signings.


    Maybe you don't read much so here are quotes and links:


    "The Patriots were among the biggest newsmakers in the league coming out of the lockout, agreeing to trades for Ochocinco and Redskins defensive lineman Albert Haynesworth shortly after the NFL reopened for business. What's most unusual: Neither player is what's thought of as the usual type for Belichick, who prefers the quiet and businesslike to the guys who make headlines off the field. http://www.boston.com/sports/football/patriots/articles/2011/07/30/ochocinco_says_he_can_change_to_patriots_way/


    And in an article called "Patriot's Bad Call," a Globe Pats reporter questions the Haynesworth singing, "Is the team missing Myra Kraft's moral compass?" http://www.boston.com/bostonglobe/editorial_opinion/oped/articles/2011/08/02/patriots_bad_call/

    I find the reporter invoking the name of Myra Kraft to be offensive and disrespectful.

  4. That's really the only way to look at it. No one knows if he will take a step up or a step back.


    I'm a big Fitz supporter now after closely watching him play in the 13 games. But I was dead wrong about him before. I thought there was no way he could be a legitimate starting QB in this league after watching him a lot before 2010. I was wrong, and I could be wrong again. But he never did the things he did last year.


    Gailey is a very good coach for someone like Fitz, who is both physical and cerebral. Chan has the ability to bring the best out in some (but not all) QBs. He did it with Fitzpatrick. And if the line holds up, with all the weapons we have, Fitz could have a very good year. Right now, Gailey, Fitz himself, Nix, as well as everyone on this board, have an opinion on whether or not he will be crappy, average, good, very good, or great. It could be any of them, and will probably be all of them at different times. But the jury is clearly out on him and we'll just have to let the games begin to find out.

    Well said.


    Fitzpatrick's ability as an NFL QB and future as the Bills starting QB will be defined on the field by his own play.


    When it comes to Gailey it is important to remember that this may be his last shot as an NFL head coach. As much as he may like Fitzpatrick I doubt he is willing to risk his job on a QB that he doesn't believe in.

  5. I don't mean this to be argumentative; I really am asking this seriously: What are FitzAmish's shortcomings/limitations that lead you and others to state that he "is a long way from being a franchise QB." Or, maybe better, what are those characteristics and qualities that define a "franchise QB?" I can see by your post that you are not hostile towards Fitz so I figure your answer will be a good one.

    I don't want to come across as slamming Fitzpatrick. He is a good fit for the Bills right now. Why don't I consider him a long term option? IMO, there are serious concerns regarding accuracy and ball security. Last season Fitzpatrick had 20 turnovers and was sacked 24 times. Of course they were not all his fault. I try to keep it in perspective considering the Bills offense he took over. He deserves full credit for the success he has had. As I think about the possibilities for the this team two or three seasons from now I don't feel comfortable enough with Fitzpatrick as the #1 QB not to want the Bills to make an investment in a younger QB and groom him to be ready for when this team finally turns that corner towards being a successful team.


    I am not a closing the door on Fitzpatrick. He will have 16 opportunities to either change my mind or validate my concerns. As a long suffering Bills fan desperately hoping for the QB position to be stabilized I am hoping for the later. While some fans will measure this seasons success on wins or losses I am looking at this season as if it is a 16 game extended preseason. If Fitzpatrick can cut down on the turnovers and do a better job of avoiding sacks it can change my opinion of his ability as QB.

  6. Was wondering the point of the draft and the value of re-signing your players. If you draft a guy and someone, including your own team, re-signs them, is that a good sign of draft evaluation? Or another way, is a drafted playing career lasting longer than the average another positive of a good draft?

    Hang with me...

    So in 2001- Clements (still playing), Schobel and Henry class- they played a combined 26 seasons.

    2002 Williams, Reed and Denney combined for 22 seasons- none still playing.


    So is 2001 a better statistical assessment of the drafters success than 2002, noting i could only be bothered worrying about the top 3 picks? Or does it go on purely on things like statistics and probowls?


    Say, 2002 again, there's no probowls and 2001 something like 4.


    Then if we compare 2001 to 2000, adding Corey Moore (!) that's a measley 14 years and no probowls, let alone stats from your 1st 3 draftees.


    1999 to 2001, Winfield, Price and add in Bryson that's 28 seasons (and counting) and 3 Probowls.


    2003 (If you look longer along comes a McGee suprise! Heck- Hagan and Aiken (probably just) are still playing!!) but the top 3 are Mcgahee (just cut), Kelsay (playing)and Crowell comnine for 20 seasons, 1 Probowl.


    Get my drift and query and wonder how this stacks up across the league?



    Free-agency has taken a great deal of value away from the draft. I can imagine at some point the NFL draft being only 3 rounds.


    Looking at your breakdowns is a reminder of just how poorly the Bills have drafted over the past decade plus.

  7. Ten Reasons Why the Bills Won’t Suck this Year


    1. Dareus

    2. Fitz is better prepared for this season than any in his life.

    3. Edwards will get better. No one excels their first time doing something. But with Sanders and Wannstedt to mentor him, Edwards will run a better ‘D’ this year.

    4. Merriman is healthy.

    5. The veterans now understand Gailey’s offense and will execute better.

    6. Our new S&C coaches will make a difference. The Bills will not be ravaged by injuries this year.

    7. Younger players are reaching their potential. Wood, Levitre, Bell, Spiller, Moats, et al will be more productive.

    8. Gailey has lots of weapons (Smith, Parrish, Spiller, Evans) and will find better ways to use them.

    9. Fewer defensive players are now playing out of position as we transition to 3-4/hybrid.

    10. Cosmic karmic forces will finally give us long-suffering Bills fans some relief.

    That is a pretty good wish list. My list is a lot shorter. I just want to see this team stop the run. If they can cut 40 yards per game that would put them in the middle of the pack as far as run defense. That would go a long way towards the Bills not sucking this year.

  8. we finally have a #1 QB and bills fans go into "QB controversy" withdrawl. I'll blame ralph and wade phillips on this. The idea of having an entrenched #1 is foreign to any bills fan 18 and under.


    translation - you young kids (yes I'm old at30) - get behind fitz-magic.

    Fitzpatrick is certainly an upgrade over what we have seen in recent years behind center for the Bills. He is a long way away from being a franchise QB. He is decent enough to hold down the job while the Bills continue the rebuilding process. At some point though, they will have to address the position on a long term basis either through the draft or by trade. Not this season, it should be a top priority in the coming off-seasons.

  9. Do we really need Lee Evans? He seems like a great guy,but holding on to players who are past their prime because of their personality is part of what makes the Bills so bush league.He's set to make 3.275 million plus a 1.5 million dollar bonus this year.That's almost 5 million dollars.He only had 81 recs in the last two years.Lee doesn't have height or size.All he ever had was speed.He's 30,the speed is gone.Every year the Bills staff says they want him more involved and not so one dimensional.News flash,all he ever was and could ever be is one dimensional.In 7 seasons with the Bills he only had two seasons with over 1000 yds,and I don't wanna hear that veteran leadership crap.How many wins in this decade of no playoffs has veteran leadership got us? With that 5 mil we could have a stud proven TE.

    Interesting thought, Lee Evans may very well be a good receiver with his best days behind him. Which leads me to ask, if the Bills did want to move Evans would they get a decent return? For a receiver coming off of 37 receptions, 578 yards and 4 TD's I doubt the Bills could get higher than a mid-round pick at this point. If the Bills were to make the decision that Lee Evans does not fit into the Bills long term plans their best course of action would be to hope for Evans to have a comeback year and move him when his value rises.


    To answer your question more directly, taking into consideration where Evans is in his career and where the Bills are as a franchise I would say that Evans is not "needed." That said, his financials are not outrageous and is a decent place holder while the Bills continue moving forward in their building process.

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