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Posts posted by ohioandy

  1. I was born and raised in Ohio and have been a lifelong Buckeye fan. With that said, I've had the opportunity to watch quite a few of his games.


    Here are some of my observations:

    • The guy has moxy. He's humbly confident, but not overly arrogant.
    • He's even keel. He does not seem to get easily shaken when things go wrong.
    • He's an easy going jokester. He definitely comes from the Rex Ryan "family tree"
    • He's still a little bit immature (which is not surprising for a young guy). With that said, it's not difficult to see the Urban Meyer influence. He knows how to carry himself and is also well aware of what to say and what not to say to the press.
    • The dude has a rocket for an arm. It is elite.
    • He throws a pretty good deep ball and has an affinity for the big plays.
    • He's not quick, but he's not slow. He's like a bowling bowl barreling down the lane. He doesn't go down easily. Reminds me a little bit of Roethlisberger.
    • He's inconsistent. The offense would stall, largely due to his inconsistent (in)accuracy.
    • He's a roller coaster to follow. One minute you love him for his guts and big play ability. Another minute, you want him benched for missing a wide open wide receiver.
    • He's built for more of a pro style offense than an Urban Meyer offense. Meyer likes a legitimate dual threat QB. Cardale can run if he has to but is not a dual threat QB.
    • He can lead, but comparatively, is not the natural born leader that J.T. Barrett is. His teammates seemed to rally around J.T. more than Cardale.
  2. just checked out jwill's highlights. the dude is a downhill beast with great shiftiness and vision. he fights through arm tackles and refuses to go down easily. for running a 4.59, he seems to have very deceptive game speed and didn't have an issue breaking away from defenders. i love his playing style and think he'll be a great addition to the bills. i wasn't initially a huge fan of adding a running back in the 5th due to our depth but am now very happy to have this guy in buffalo.

  3. While I am excited for all of the changes here in Buffalo and looking forward to the upcoming season I am reluctant to buy into a concept of "Accountability" being what turns this franchise around. Its going to take players that fit into a system that works. With every change in head coach comes a new "plan" and every new plan requires new pieces. We have been plagued by a continuing cycle of rebuilding because we have not acquired the right pieces to install on offense AND defense to give us a playoff birth. We are trying to build a Cadillac but we keep buying Kia parts. I am excited to see an offensive coach that seems to know exactly what he wants and drafted guys who should be offensive difference makers. I am excited to have a DC next to our head coach, with a proven track record in a CURRENT nfl, that came to Buffalo because of what he thought he could build with the parts Nix acquired. While none of these things may give us results on the field I am rejuvenated and ready to roll with the new, young , revamped team. It's time to wipe the smug look off the faces of Pats fans for good. Can't wait for Week 1 and can't wait to roll with EJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I always BILLIEVE!!!!!!!!!!!


    I think that Accountability is just one factor, but an important one at that. It helps create the environment of excellence. Here's what I think of when referring to accountability: It means that players are held to high standards both on and off the field. It means not accepting Rolando McClain and Titus Young incidents. It means that they are expected to show up to the team in shape and ready to go. It means practicing hard, going full throttle until the whistle blows, not taking plays off, and not giving a weak effort when things aren't going your way.

  4. Doug Whaley referred to the "Steeler Way" as being a mindset where failure is not an option (paraphrase). My observations of One Bills Drive (Brandon, Whaley, Marrone) is that this is the "new norm" for the Bills. Obviously, there is still a lot to prove, but there seems to be a greater emphasis on high expectations and accountability than there was in the past. As an avid Ohio State Buckeye fan, I sense some parallels between Urban Meyer's standards of excellence and Doug Marrone's. Here's to hoping that I'm right.

  5. The Bills have targeted 5 primary positions with their pre-draft visits - QB, WR, LB (OLB/ILB), S, TE. Ideally, if you were to pick one of each position in the first 5 rounds, what order would you pick them?


    Based on what I perceive to be the value and depth of the various positions, my order would probably look something like this:







  6. pretty silly poll... you have a rookie that never even suited up for game and another who has played in a few seasons.



    The goal of the poll is to take into account all of the current factors (including both players' ages, contracts, potential, etc.). You have to identify what you get with Brad Smith vs. the potential of what you could have with Terrelle Pryor.

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