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Posts posted by 12thman

  1. First, our sevondary is BETTER than the Vikings. Second their GM listened to him as for as what he needed talent wise. Third, did the tallent call for the right blitzes at the right time? Did the talent outsmart Garrett and the cowboys? No. Quit making up bull **** to put down a damn good coach that could be a damn good HC for us.


    I'm with you. What is all the hate on Frazier around here? From everything I gather he is well respected around the league and deserving of a head coach opportunity. Yet according to most people on here who might watch 1% of Vikings games and have no idea how he is regarded in the clubhouse want nothing to do with him. Plus his side of the ball is playing some fantastic football right now. With the experienced head coaches not wanting anything to do with us, I'm all for him. He may come in here and be a damn good coach. The only way we will know is to give him a shot.

  2. Good points! Maybe they will be fired up and who knows maybe Perry will shock us all. Maybe

    the handcuffs are off now that Dick is gone. I hope they play as inspired as you think!


    to me though I can't around that Fitz is our starter though, I really expect nothing from him when the heat is on.

  3. Our starting qb is Ryan Fitzpatrick. I find it hard to get excited about that and we are hitting these teams that struggled early at the wrong time. Jags have won 5 of their last 7. As much as I am happy to see Jauron gone, if I can quote Peter King in his pick segment.


    "Somehow, I don't think the Bills players are going to huddle up before kickoff and go, "One-two-three! Win one for Perry!''

  4. Hey guys, I really enjoy reading all your posts, I haven't really been one to get involved as sometime I think the discussion gets a little crazy and overboard. I do realize though everyone has an opinion of what they would like to see happen with this team.


    Do you guys think as well AVP is a big part of the problem? Not withstanding the brutal play of our players I believe in the NE game AVP kind of came in, was unknown to his play calling and how he would call a game. I think now that teams have had study tape on the type of he games he calls, it could be evident that he is just not a good OC. He said the one game himself he didn't adjust well to what the Saints were doing. I mean what makes AVP so special.


    I don't know, so many problems with this team right now it's a bummer because I agree with previous posters that

    you see a dolphins team with a lot of less talent in key positions going out and playing inspired football.


    I know a lot of you think firing a head coach mid season seems pointless and I agree if all they would do is bring in an interim coach from this team. I want to see a proven head coach come in here right away if for the only reason it gets

    the mentality of this team on the right track. Hand him to the keys to the ship and let him build a team. Ralph bud out, Russ Brandon again, bud out as I don't think he helps matters.


    I couldn't help but love to see how excited Mcdaniels was at the end of his game, jumping around after a big win. I really want a coach who has some fire under his belly.

  5. Yesterday on NFL Network they mentioned that Marshawn Lynch is dropping in alot of GM's eyes becasue he has back problems. They mentioned that alot of GM's were disappointed with his physical. Anyone else hear anything about this? ;)



    Good find, you beat me to it. I saw this as well, he specifically mentioned that teams in the top half of the draft expressed dissapointment in his medical results. hmm wonder if we were one of them.

  6. Would you be going if playoff implications are on the line? I respect your view and choice not to go, but I'm not being as harsh as it's a longer drive for me from windsor, I mean our friend who comes with us every yr is from burlington and is bringing his 7 yr old son, i have had these tix and game marked since the begin of the season. I just love coming to games to support the bills I guess but in now way have I had one thought of boycotting.



    ....I have decided I will no longer be coming down from Toronto to the game.


    Thanks to the NFL and Buffalo for showing so much consideration to fans who have to travel to get to the games.


    I certainly won't be buying anymore Bills tickets in the future if they are going to pull crap like this.


  7. Here is his reply, I just wanted to clarify pass interference rules and replay and was questioning how protective they are told to be of qbs thinking maybe that influenced his call, but he thought he saw a knee down.



    I totally screwed up that sack call, and boy do I wish I could have it back. That’s an “instinct” call, and the way he went down odd, sort of to a knee, my instinct said he was down. There were 2 or 3 others that were very close, and I got those right, but I hate that I missed this one.




    The current rules to protect the QB shouldn’t stop anyone from getting a sack – they just can’t punish the QB in the process. These guys are good enough to know and do the difference. I’m not familiar with the play in the Tenn game you’re talking about.




    If pass interference is called, it can be reviewed to see if the ball was tipped, and if it was, the flag is picked up. However, that one we didn’t call, so if there was a review and we said there was no tip, we can’t then throw a flag after replay. However, on that play, it was tipped. The ball changed directions – and the league agreed. That was a great call by my HL, Mark Hittner.




    Personally, I like the look of the new pants, and they were much warmer.




    Take care,





  8. yeah i have to travel from Windsor, I am about 5 hours out of Buffalo, I have relatives I stay with in Canada but most games we make, we come right home that night, I'll have to stay overnight this time but no prob coming back mon morn. no kids yet :doh: how far you out of buf?


    Do you travel to games?  Or try to bring kids to what are now late games before a school day?


  9. 1) agree with you about blackout terribe


    2) i like the flex scheduling, wish they would do this with monday night games as well, as a fan i want to see good games sun and mon nights, too many time they were stuck with mediocre teams. they give enough notice in advance of the change to accomodate us, i have no problem doing a 4:15 game


    So the NFL is trying to have it both ways:


    a) blacking out games to maximize ticket revenue

    2) rescheduling games to maximize TV revenue


    What this proves to me is that the NFL doesn't give a crap about the fans who actually go to the games - that isn't where the $ is at.


    Am I surprised by this?  No.  The NFL has always been shameless in its pursuit of the almighty $.


    ME :doh: NFL


    NFL  :lol:  money


  10. I ain't touching detroit..things are such a mess over there but you never know

    which team is going to show up. Roy Williams came out and called the team hopeless in essence. They want millen fired bad...I went to the phins/lions game and it was embarassing.


    What a contrast too from ford field to the ralph. Ford field is nice but they just can't get the fans into it..no atmosphere, when the lions are on d..man the place is silent, not like the ralph at all.


    I like Tennessee though



    No comments? Wow. Who does everyone else have?


  11. I agree with you, I consider him one of the best in the game so I don't get frustrated as much when calls go against us. There are some refs however...


    Out of all of the refs in the league, Ed Hochuli is one of the few I can very rarely complain about. He usually calls a great game. I for one wish we could have him more often than we do.


  12. Hey Guys,


    I'm from Windsor so I don't get to listen to postgame unless I'm there for the game, but I haven't heard from Marv in a while and his thoughts on the team. Is he....still kickin along with ralphie or have they gone silent?


    I'll be up for the phins game though, it's a tradition. Gotta get away from this fire millen area for a while lol

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