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Posts posted by TuffButFair

  1. When the story broke this is how is was characterized (It was even on the front page of Yahoo)-




    “He was a loyal, heart-warming, charismatic kid,” Hamilton said. “If you met him once, he would remember you. If you were ever in trouble, he had your back. That was the kind of person he was.”


    Unfortunately, that latter quality also cost him his life, Muller rushing in to aid his father, Andre, as he fought with parking attendants he felt took his son’s graduation present – a bottle of cologne – from their car. The circumstances of his death don’t matter; he’s gone – that’s what matters.


    Sounds like a good kid defending his father from a 2-1 assault at the hands of a couple of thieves.


    Until the video was released yesterday....




    The video is from a surveillance camera inside the parking lot booth. Fox 5 was asked to conceal the faces of the employees because their lives have allegedly been threatened.


    You can see the parking attendants speaking with Isayah's father, Andre. He is standing at the entrance, had accused the employees of stealing the cologne.


    They talk, there is some gesturing, and things appear to escalate. The attendants even let Andre look inside their personal backpacks and search the drawers.


    One of the attendants then gets on the phone. Sources told fox 5 he was calling 911.


    You can also see Andre's pregnant wife, Rosa, at the door. She is just inches away from her husband, but as soon as she steps away, that's when it gets out of control.


    Suddenly Andre throws the first punch. The attendant loses his balance from the force but does not strike back and stays on the phone.


    A second attendant also does not fight back.


    Isayah appears in the doorway, still wearing his tie from graduation.


    Seconds later, his dad picks up a bicycle and apparently tries to throw it. The attendant attempts to shut the door, but you can see Isayah pushing it back open.


    Then his father charges in with a snow shovel in hand. He starts swinging at both attendants. One attendant picks up a chair to fend him off. The other attendant picks up a machete.


    Andre then backs away and closes the door. But seconds later, Isayah busts through the door with Andre right behind him.


    It's an all-out brawl: father and son swinging away at the attendants, one attendant still brandishing a machete during the melee.

  2. http://newsone.com/newsone-original/boycewatkins/no-independence-day-for-black-people/


    1) Large corporations like Viacom and Time Warner control major black media outlets like BET and Essence, giving them the right to shape our collective point of view. We depend on these companies to tell us what to think.


    You mean media outlets are owned by corporations? That's crazy!


    2) Most African Americans are controlled by corporate jobs that mute their ability to speak out or stand up on issues of social justice. We depend on companies owned by others in order to feed our children.


    How vague can you get? An example would be nice. I realy have no idea whats he's getting at with this.


    3) Black children’s minds are obliterated at an early age by media giants who mass market hip-hop music that sells black boys a recipe for self-destruction by the time they reach kindergarten. Capitalist and shareholder-created monstrosities like Lil Wayne teach them how to kill themselves and each other by the time they become teenagers.


    If Pre-K kids are listening to Lil Wayne that's the parents fault. And Lil Wayne is on a record label founded and run by two black guys!


    4) Our children have their futures thrown into the trash by school systems that put even the most brilliant black boys in special education at a rate that is five times greater than white kids.


    Source please.


    [5) The NCAA still earns over a billion dollars per year on the backs of black families, leaving many single black mothers in poverty. In fact, athlete compensation has been criminalized, while mostly white coaches and administrators sign multi-million dollar contracts without playing in any of these sporting events.


    It's not like a college degree could help alleviate that poverty....


    6) Black unemployment is nearly double that of white Americans, with no politician in Washington expressing any interest in alleviating the suffering with targeted policy. We depend on politicians and a Democratic Party that fills our minds empty rhetoric, while not respecting us enough to deliver on campaign promises.


    I must be imagining that blacks are over-represented in the federal workforce for their percentage of the population.

  3. So is it okay for a business to close during Black Bike Week as long as you close during White Bike Week, too?



    It's a business decision and many Myrtle Beach businesses just can't make money during BBW. I'm sure that if the Harley week was as chaotic as BBW they'd be shutting down then too. Unfortunately, and I'm sure I'll take heat for even suggesting it, but large crowds of young African Americans invariably leads to violence. Just look at all the mayhem that happened over Memorial weekend-


















    Long Island









    The NAACP should stop vilifying businesses and condemning behavior like this that only serves to reinforce stereotypes.



    And about your screen name...sorry your butt fair was so tough. Whatever that means (we don't need details). :ph34r:



  4. That's funny I see many kids that would have gladly gone the minor league football route and be paid for their services while being developed for the NFL. Much like in the MLB and NHL but do not have the option to be paid for their services because the NFL mandates they must work 3 years in their unpaid minor league, called NCAA Football.


    Giving a service in return for a service is great if you want the service. A college education is not the goal of many of these players. How many MLB or NHL players have college degrees? Yes some played Hockey or Baseball in college but I think we'd all agree that a vast majority of MLB, NBA, NHL and for that matter NFL players have not earned college diplomas. Forcing 3 years of College Football for many of the players that make it is nothing more than 3 years of unrealized earning potential, and 3 years of wear on their body that will shorten their professional career.


    How many kids fresh from High School (some as young as 17) are physically ready for the NFL? Wouldn't this be a potentially dangerous inducement for High School football players to use performance enhancing drugs?


    That's funny I see that roster and see a bunch of kids that get a free education at a school they could only dream about going to if they had to pay for it themselves.


    So I say again where is the free labor?


    And they get something even more valuable than the education-name recognition. If you're a graduated player for Ohio State with a degree in (insert random major) don;t you think that when submitting resumes for jobs in Columbus/Ohio that being recognized as a Ohio State football player would be a great way to at least land an interview? I read a study somewhere where they actually quantified a dollar value for the name recognition a D1 athlete possesses and it was really amazing.

  5. http://www.thesunnews.com/2011/05/27/2184575/naacp-in-town-to-monitor-fairness.html


    NAACP in town to monitor fairness of rally compared to Harley Davidson event



    Rivers and Asaka said they and many volunteers stationed "from Atlantic Beach to Socastee" will monitor the area this weekend to make sure businesses are treating all patrons fairly, that they are open for business and that the Myrtle Beach Police Department is being fair.


    The NAACP sued the city and a local business several years ago.


    The suit against the business claimed it closed only during Bikefest, which some call "Black Bike Week," so it wouldn't have to serve blacks.


    I'm sure it has less to do with serving black people than it does the violence that Black Bike Week brings with it annually.



    MBPD investigates weekend violent crimes


    At 4:25 a.m. Sunday, authorities arrived to the scene of 3201 North Kings Highway in Myrtle Beach where a woman reported that she and her three male friends were robbed and carjacked at gunpoint behind the Bargain Beachwear by four Black males.


    At 4:30 a.m. Sunday, a man and his wife were riding back to their motel when they stopped at a stop sign and were assaulted and robbed on Yaupon Avenue between 13th and 17th Avenue South. The man reported being stabbed in his side and his necklace taken. EMS was called when he returned to the motel. No suspect could be identified due to the large number of people around at the time.


    At 9:30 p.m. Sunday, three people coming out the Bar Harbor Motel in Myrtle Beach notified police that they were robbed at gunpoint by three Black males. The victims told police the subjects were in one of the rooms.


    When police entered, they discovered two people matching the victim's descriptions and found a stolen pistol as well as marijuana. The two men were placed under arrest for possession with intent to distribute and warrants will be issued regarding the armed robbery.


    and on and on and on...

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