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Gene Got Frenkled

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Posts posted by Gene Got Frenkled

  1. As should the idiots who actually consider casting a vote for Trump...or most of the other GOP "candidates" at this point.

    Morally speaking, will the Baptists be more likely to vote for Trump than Gingrich? Quite the dilemma brewing for that key constituency. Romney may be Mormon, but at least he's an Evolution-denier. Palin may seem the obvious best choice in the end, but let's not forget that she is a woman. Troubling times to be sure!

  2. I've given Gene a boatload of crap over the past year, but I've come to realize that at the end of the day, the difference between him and me is just three weeks. I've also learned we have something in common: neither of us bothered to make note of a certain moderator's menstrual cycle.


    Hey Gene...note to self...the 5th of the month is a bad time to prod the bear. Just sayin'...

    Careful, Big Brother sees all! :lol:

  3. Sorry to ruin the fun, but not entirely true...


    An account of this incident circulated via e-mail in December 2010 (reproduced as the first item in the Examples section above) was presented as a 27 November Associated Press account of the incident. While the circulated account was indeed based on that very news article, it contained a paragraph not found in the original:


    The suspect was transported to the local hospital with two broken arms, a broken leg, possible broken ribs, assorted lacerations and bruises he obtained when he fell trying to run after stabbing the Marine.


    (The audience is supposed to read between the lines in the preceding text and conclude that the suspect did not fall but rather was beaten by the other three Marines.)


    None of the news accounts we examined indicated that Attaway was injured, either while being subdued or afterwards. That bit appears to be pure invention on the part of the person who inserted the additional paragraph into the news account, thereby transforming it into a "Don't mess with the Marines" object lesson.


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