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Ghost of Leonidas

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Posts posted by Ghost of Leonidas

  1. This is a great, well thought-out post, but Ted Ginn never ran a 4.06, I don't care what website claims he did. That would make him by FAR the fastest football player of all time. I've never heard of anyone beating Deion's time at the Combine 25+ years ago. Also, Donte' Stallworth allegedly ran a 4.18 at his pro day, but we all know how the pro day times are.

  2. I believe it was the Dline's run stuffing that helped us comeback...if the Pats could have just run the ball and racked up the 200+ yards they had in both games last year, at least 2 of those int's likely wouldn't have happened. It was forcing the Pats to throw because they couldn't run and run the clock up 21-0 that had as much to do with the victory as anything...


    Now THAT is true. Our line played great against the run. I think that's why Kelsay played most of the game even though he was constantly being dominated by Solder. But that doesn't mean our pass rush was any good, even if it's mostly the same people you're referring to...


    agreed. thank god our secondary magically stepped up. they were glued to those recievers pretty well. Hopefully the secondary plays like that more often.



    As for our pass rush, I am not sure what to think of it. It is hard to pressure brady because that oline is amazing, and oakland has a pretty good line as well. I think the bills were a little silly to put all the pass rushing hopes on merriman, who has played better than I expected (by staying "healthy"), but hasn't been able to really pressure anyone. he did pressure brady once pretty well though.


    I was hoping dareus would be able to get some more qb pressure than he has, but his right now in minmal as well. Im hoping the defense improves over time this season.


    Yeah, except for that dropped touchdown by Chad Johnson when he was open by a country mile. Or the two Gronkowski touchdowns. Or Welker's five hundred receptions for ten thousand yards.

  3. I'm not going to say the pass rush was great, but I think they put enough pressure on Brady to force him into some mistakes. Matching his INT total from last season in a single game attests to that.


    Actually, the 4 INT's attest to a) Danny Woodhead wasn't in a good position to make the catch, b) Leodis McKelvin, despite his transgressions, has a ton of talent, c) George Wilson might be a better safety than we all gave him credit for (myself included), and d) even an NFL MVP can hit Marcell Dareus in the face with the football once in a while.


    The pass rush was terrible and needs to be worked on. Not sure why that's so hard to understand. Brady's life was pretty easy back there. Want to see how to disrupt Brady? Just watch the Patriots/Lions preseason game from this year.

  4. I guess I have to disagree with you....we took away lot of his deep timing routes...and put him in dink and dunk mode....if you watch what Brady did in the first two games vs what he did against the bills you can see the diffence...and once again...Wes was matched against line backers...thats a dump off...and then you had the Ocho dropp but other than that...I loved the pass rush effort


    Yes, Brady "dinked and dunked" his way to 387 yards passing. He's a regular Captain Checkdown. :rolleyes:

  5. Everyone says we arent a great or good pass rushing defense because of the lack of sacks....but what about pressure?....or causing the pocket to close in?....several times on front four cause the pocket to close up....forcing Brady to get rid of the ball made a second sooner than he wanted. I love that we didnt get frustated and decided to blitz, which would have played right into Bill and Bradys hand.....And it also speaks to the conditioning .... Last Note: Shawn kept the pressure on the tackles, through out the game and Brady felt it come....only time when Brady had too much time was with the TD to Wes.


    a) There are seemingly endless threads about this. Really needed to start another one?

    b) Just stop. There was no pressure whatsoever. The pass rush was pathetic, and quite frankly, it's once again a source of weakness for this football team. People are overlooking it or somehow pointing to it because we won, but had we lost it would have been one of the goats (and rightfully so).

  6. ??? you did see Dareus jump up to block the ball... it wasnt that lucky its just a good play by a defensive lineman.


    He put his arms up, but it hit him in the facemask, so, yeah, it was a lucky break. Sheesh.


    . Being at the game doesn't mean you see the game all that great then. The PI in the end zone was a raping. If your contention is that the WR that was interfered with couldn't have made a play on the ball, you MAY be correct, hard to tell....but there was LOTS of contact


    Yeah, re-watch the play. There was lots of contact - as in Nelson hugging the DB to draw the penalty/try in vain to make his way back to the ball. I watched the entire game over last night, and I just watched the play in question on NFL Live. You're just...wrong. Watch it, then come back to me. It was a terrible call. Tim Hasselbeck (hardly the end-all, be-all of judgement calls, I know) even made a point of how bad of a call it was. It was a gift from some bad zebras.

  7. The Patriots really showed a lack of class at the end. It's one thing to play hard and try and fight through the line to get to the QB, anticipating the kneel. But once the QB is down and once the whistle blows, extra-curriculars are highly unprofessional. FWIW, after the first kneel-down the refs should have been on the whistle MUCH quicker. Horrible job by the zebras, all around.

  8. I prefaced this thread by saying i hate myself for posting this. I am totally excited about this win, and am not one to piss in anyones cornflakes. This was a huge win, and this team is my favorite in the last 30 years of following the Bills. I know the first two games were geared towards stopping the run, but this was supposed to be a game where we were getting after the qb (at least according to most on this board). The win is all that matters but is anyone else concerned that there wasn't much pressure on Brady today? I'm no expert just a fan, so im throwing this out to you guys on the forum who maybe understand the strategy, or reason behind this. Did we not blitz cause we didn't want brady to exploit us, or did we blitz, and just werent very successful??


    Major Props for this Game:

    * Fitz- never gave up and is a true leader!

    * Fred- not only running, recieving, but holy sh$t I never realized how amazing he was as a blocker too! (i saw him drive his man back literally 5 yards on one play, and made that monster of a man on the pats see stars on another.)

    *Stevie, Jones, Nelson- WHAT??? anyone still think we don't have good recievers?

    * Byrd- seemed to be in on almost every tackle....want more picks, but he is playing well.


    GO Bills!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Don't be too hard on yourself. This was the thing we did worst today, for sure. Our pass rush was pathetic. It's a real cause for concern.


    It was the scheme. They were only sending 3 and 4 pass rushers. On third and 8+ they were only sending 3.


    The majority of the time we sent four, blitzing occasionally. We have to get SOME pressure sending four, and we very rarely did. Enjoy the victory (I know I did), but this is a major cause for concern going forward.


    When the Giants beat the Pats in the Superbowl, they didn't get any sacks on Brady. But what they did do was exactly what the defense did today: Clog up his passing lanes, knock him around a little, and get him off his rhythm. It would sure be nice to get 4 or 5 sacks on him, but usually the defense has to blitz, and if they don't get to him he carves them up. So the key is to generate enough pressure to make him uncomfortable, switch up the looks and coverages enough to keep him guessing.


    You're kidding, right? Please say you're kidding. PLEASE. Are you honestly comparing the Giants defensive performance from the '08 Super Bowl to our pitiful pass rush today? Seriously? Brady wasn't off his rhythm, dude. He threw four picks, but two of them were tipped, one was a slight underthrow (Wilson's) when there was NOBODY in his face and the other McKelvin just broke in front of Chad Johnson for a nice play. Did you even watch the game???

  9. I was at the game. The officiating was horrible on both sides. The refs missed a hold on K. Williams, a hold on Merriman, and that bull **** penalty against Byrd hitting Welker "helmet-to-helmet" when he was just making a form tackle (and not launching himself a la Dunta Robinson) was just that: bull ****. On the other side of the ball, we got an entire touchdown from officiating to tie the game late: first we got a bull **** 15-yard roughing the passer penalty; then Fitz threw an ill-advised pass into the end-zone that was easily intercepted, but called back due to a bull **** pass interference call. Horrible officiating today. The refs should be drawn and quartered.

  10. Watching NFL gameday morning, and Jason Lacanfor Buffalo is "aggresively(sp?) going after a new contract for Fitz, even before Stevie Johnson" ...They also seem to think it will get sone before Drew Brees gets extended.


    I think Fitz is def the number one priority, then stevie and Then Freddy...thought?


    I would think Freddy's is a lower priority. He's 30 years old and he's still under contract through 2012. In 2013 he'll be 32, and how many 32 year old running backs do you know that continue to perform in their prime? Personally, I'd like to see him extended through 2014, and let him finish his career in Buffalo, but I also know the team salary is about to skyrocket with some of these new deals.


    SJBF, good call as always on the line. It'll be interesting to see how it plays out. P.S. You still owe me an avatar :)

  11. He reminds me more of Brett Favre with his willingness to put the ball where most people wouldn't, and his gun slinger mentality. Also, like Brett Favre, he sort came out of nowhere as a castoff from another team.


    Brett Favre was not a castoff. He was a highly touted QB who fell to the 2nd round because some teams were afraid of him medically due to an auto accident. He was a rookie who didn't play because his team had an established QB. Between the time he was drafted & the next draft, Ron Wolf, who when he was with the Jets ranked him as the best player in the 1991 draft and saw him picked 1 pick before the Jets 1st pick, which was in the 2nd round since they had used their #1 in the supplimental draft the year before, was hired as Green Bay's GM. With Favre not #1 on the depth chart in Atlanta, Wolf, now GM in GB, offered Atlanta Green Bay's 1st round pick and Favre was traded to GB for the 1st round pick 1 year after being selected in the 2nd round. A 2nd year player traded for a 1st round pick is not a castoff.


    Also, the Jets tried desperatly to trade up around the end of the 1st round to get Favre, but couldn't find anyone willing to trade with them & ended up taking Browning Nagle 1 pick after Favre.


    haha, p'wned. It's worth noting that the car accident gave Favre a necrotic hip (i.e. bone death), meaning that he was due to have it replaced, oh, sometime in the late 90's. IIRC, Wolf had to either lie or disguise the physical results in order to get Favre into GB.

  12. why you gotta troll when its already been established and confirmed as just cramps?


    Excuse me, but I'm not "trolling." I'm not sure that it's out of the realm of possibility that it's a groin injury since a) it had been bothering him all week and b) during the game you could see him grabbing that area. If it's confirmed please provide a source confirming that. Thanks.

  13. OK one thing is clear and if you don"t see this OBD well you can't say I didnt try to help :)


    Fred Jackson is good enough to help you make the playoffs.


    Give him the Rock . Let him run over people all day, he only comes out if he gets tired. Let CJ learn.


    You have to pay him, No doubt about it. The Vets will love ya for it. But please please please pay Fred.


    2yr deal with 6 million locked in. Or if anybody else has a salary suggestion?


    We have to get this done.


    From a old school fan :).


    Thanks for reading.


    You're not helping.

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