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Posts posted by GoBills19

  1. 17 hours ago, Coach Tuesday said:

    As some of you know I’ve been pretty critical of McD.  I’ve called him a turnaround specialist but not a championship coach, have criticized his approach to roster construction, and have been displeased (to say the least) with some of the coaching strategy (X’s and O’s) and gameday decision-making.  I thought he was a bit of a phony; I may have even referred to him as a gym teacher.


    And while prior to this weekend there certainly were some challenges to navigate this season like a slew of injuries, a blizzard relocation, and some funky scheduling quirks, those things didn’t strike me as too far beyond the norm for an NFL team and its head coach.


    That all changed for me this week.  First it was watching him pace the sideline when Damar was on the ground - you could see him muttering to himself (“okay, okay, okay”), as he tried to figure out how to lead a group of men through an unprecedented situation on the national stage.  He collected himself and took his team off of the field.  Since then, the stories that have come out - McD telling Taylor he needed to be at the hospital instead of coaching the rest of the game, and just generally staying calm and putting his players first - have just floored me.  

    Sean McDermott is the embodiment of leadership.  And great leadership - the good kind (the reluctant kind IMO) - is both rare and difficult.  He is the ultimate leader of men and there is no one more deserving of NFL Coach of the Year than him.  Not that I have a vote, but if I did, it would be a no-brainer choice.  No matter how the season ends up.  If Nick Siriani wins Coach of the Year over Sean McDermott, the whole thing is a joke.


    That is all.  Off my soapbox.



    so he should get coach of the year just because he was concerned about an injured player? that makes no sense. he's been a terrible coach and i hope he's fired the minute the season ends and we hire sean peyton

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  2. 43 minutes ago, Buffalo Timmy said:

    If the fact he is a two time pro bowler, captain of our number one ranked defense, and is statistically elite in so many ways doesn't stop the bashing then his age will not matter. 

    statistically elite?? number on ranked defense? come on now. he is complete garbage and needs to be replaced immediately

    • Eyeroll 1
  3. Fair enough, but IMO it would be Cassel that is the boring, mediocre QB. EJ is still developing, and is actually pretty much on schedule. Tyrod has the benefit of 2 more years, and having spent 4 years on a top-notch organization with great coaching and development behind a SB winning QB.


    If there is anyone we should hope goes, it's Cassel. Because it would mean we dont need him.

    I agree that Cassell should be cut he's getting too much money to ultimately be a backup. But even Whaley said last week that Manuel was behind schedule.

  4. It doesn't make sense because unlike you I'm not insulting you. I'm just using quotes and facts. I'm not interested in bringing you down. You're a bills fan, we root for the same team. I think you should perhaps be a little more polite and a little more informed before trying to tell us how it is.

    Your right I apologize no reason to fight I'm just baffled that so many people after 15 years of no playoffs are routing for a mediocre qb to start for us again. Tyrod is exciting to watch and has traits that we as bills fans have not seen in a very long time. Last nights preseason game was the most watched preseason game ever in WNY and it wasn't because of EJ Manuel. EJS stats have always been blah and just because he tossed a few 4th quarter tds in preseason does not earn him the right to start for a team hungry for a playoff run.

  5. Are you going to come back and admit you didn't know what you were talking about when Rex names EJ the starter against the Steelers? Because if EJ really is the 3rd string QB in Rex's eyes then there is no way he'd make him the starter just to confuse the Colts.

    Yeah I would but I know it's not gonna happen. He's not a starting qb in this league. I've known that for a long time and all the pro scouts have known that since before the draft.

  6. If you think the Bills actually have a firm depth chart at QB then you havent been paying attention this summer. We have a competition, and some developing players. Nothing wrong with that. Let the best man win. It's what's best for the team. Why would you be against it?

    I have obviously been paying much more attention than you. The competition is between Cassell and Taylor. Ejs 4th quarter stats impress no one

  7. My man, go back to coming here just to read the news.


    It's not just 1 coach. Rex does not like him either. Once again he is always 3rd in. What,don't you get about that. I've never heard more chatter about a 3rd string qb in all my life. He's not gonna magically become good overnight and jump the other 2 guys and start let it go and accept that he sucks.


    This has nothing to do with being a nice guy. Working hard, and seeing it payoff, is definitely what earns people chances.


    The opinion of 1 NFL "coach" who is now an assistant on the worst team in the NFL doesnt sway me. This staff has kept him around so they havent given up on him yet.

  8. And was the week 1 starter both seasons. Dude deserves a chance to show what he has now with the starters.

    Why does he "deserve" a shot with the starters? Because he makes a couple good passes in the 4th quarter against guys who won't even be in the nfl in a few weeks? Being a nice guy and working hard does not entitle you a chance to start. If you don't got it you don't got it. 2 different NFL coaching staffs who get paid millions of dollars see that yet you dont?

    I wear glasses, thanks.

    Might want to get that prescription updated then.

  9. I love this site for Bills news and rumors and never get in on the conversations but i must say I am so confused why this board is always filled with EJ talk. He's our 3rd string qb at best and yet he's all everyone on here talks about. There is a reason he is with the 3s in practice and in preseason games. All your bickering and stupid 4th quarter stat lines mean nothing and will never help him start for any team in the NFL. He's had more than enough chances to prove himself and he has yet to do so. I wanted him to be the franchise when went drafted him as well. But he's not and never will be. I just don't get the support for him. We're you all supportive of all of our 1st round busts also? Again he's been 3rd the whole time and always will be time to start discussing Tyrod or Cassell and just drop EJ. Just trust the coaches who obviously see he doesn't have it. That is all. I'm sure there will be 100 keyboard Warriors attacking me for this, my picture which I set when wr drafted him and don't know how to change, the amount of my posts and dumb stuff like that so flame away. And go Bills.

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