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Posts posted by covac23

  1. I remember him addressing a time he went to a Bills game years ago wearing a Patriots skully. He went to the bathroom and was pissing in the trough and someone pushed him in the back while he was pissing. Let's just say he didn't have a lot of good things to say about Bills fans after that incident.

  2. I met Bruce Smith after a game against the Redskins as a kid. He was bombarded by people out of nowhere and announced, "I'm only signing his ball because he asked politely," which I did.

    Andre, Jimbo and Thurman were all nice but it was later in their careers when I met them.

    Jeff Burris was probably the nicest Bill I ever met.

    Sheldon Jackson said he would love a home cooked meal and almost took up an offer from my ma to come over for dinner during training camp years ago in Fredonia, NY.

    Charlie Joyner signed an autograph for me.

    Doug Flutie went into a players meeting and said "After the meeting, I'll come back and sign you autographs." He was obviously late for the meeting. After an hour wait, he came out and signed about 10 autographs and posed for pics with everyone.

    Jay Reimersma was really nice.


    But by far the biggest jerk I ever met was not a Bill but Rod Woodson of the Steelers. I was 9 and asked him for his autograph and he said, "Get that out of my face kid."

  3. I don't think the media helps by continuing to ask the same questions. And also, how many football players do you believe have taken Communications or Public Relations classes and actually utilize the lessons. He's a football player who's paid to play football......and sometimes talk.

    And I'm sure we all know people personally who are actually paid to interact and communicate with people all over their communities at different levels and still say things that are unbelievably arrogant and stupid.

  4. Bills fan in Steelers Country. I've grown to really despise the fanbase, not the organization. Majority of Steelers fans have no football knowledge beyond their starters. And of course, mostly all Steelers fans are offended when they find out that I wasn't born in the same hospital as them. "You're a Bills fan!? They suck! What's wrong with you?" But Steelers fans, from what I've noticed are very fair weathered and have a sense of entitlement.

  5. This is why I'm checking into this place less and less. Freaking out about chemistry in JUNE.




    As stated earlier, I didn't post this because I'm freaking out and am forewarning of the DOOM!!! I posted it because our 1st round pick is making comments about his chemistry with our quarterback in their developing relationship. I felt it was relevant to me and us as Bills fans. GO BILLS!!

  6. For me it's Hackett. I said this in another topic but it's just his complete lack of creativity with Spiller and Jackson. People are saying, "Well, what did you expect with EJ? Or 4 different quarterbacks?" It's not his play calling regarding the quarterbacks, it's that he's underutilizing our biggest offensive strength which is our running backs. His play calling should be focused towards them and getting them the ball in space.

  7. That stat tells me that our biggest problem is the play calling. If one good thing comes out of this losing season, it's the firing of Hackett. He's in over his head and his designed run plays are unbelievably predictable along with the pass plays. Screens? Draws? Counters? In my mind, Nate Hackett calling our plays is the biggest problem with this team.

  8. I live in Pittsburgh and Bills Steelers games have been my versions of the Super Bowl. Not only today did we lose the BIG GAME, but EJ Manuel was absolutely atrocious to watch and an embarrassment. EJ was so disappointing and our defense was asked to keep us in the game once again. I honestly believe Hackett is a big problem for our organization and needs to be done. I understand that many will say, "Oh, but he put up 400+ yards against the Chiefs!" or "He utilized Lewis and Tuel so well!" Well, he hasn't utilized Manuel anywhere near as well as our back ups. With Lewis and Tuel, our creativity with the run plays was fantastic. With Manuel,, our reliability on him passing was predictable and drowning. I've hit the point of every season where I no longer take us seriously and laugh at our mistakes. See you guys next year!!

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