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Posts posted by Bills1218

  1. As usual, Barnwell posts an interesting read from a stats geek perspective on each team's strength of schedule for 2015. There are some holes in his analysis (looking at last season's performance doesn't reflect offseason changes, Vegas over/unders aren't incredibly accurate), but this strikes me as an innovative way of looking at schedule difficulty (especially with the usual crew of beat writers already latching on to our road trips and predicting 9 wins or fewer).


    Based on last season's results, Barnwell pins us at only 19th or 20th toughest schedule in the league...



    Historically, as is the case in other sports, point differential has been a better indicator than win-loss record when trying to predict future win-loss record. I’ve written at length about this very topic. Here, we’ll use it to give a better indication of each team’s level of performance from last season and then use that to project each team’s strength of schedule in 2015. The table below includes each team’s strength of schedule as calculated by win-loss record and that same figure calculated using Pythagorean Expectation:

    Team SoS, Win % Rank SoS, Pythagorean Rank Steelers 0.578 1 0.548 1 Bengals 0.563 2 0.548 2 49ers 0.561 3 0.539 3 Cardinals 0.557 5 0.537 4 Raiders 0.545 8 0.526 5 Broncos 0.541 10 0.519 6 Browns 0.543 9 0.518 7 Rams 0.553 6 0.516 8 Chiefs 0.545 7 0.516 9 Vikings 0.539 12 0.514 10 Seahawks 0.559 4 0.513 11 Bears 0.531 13 0.512 12 Lions 0.527 15 0.510 13 Dolphins 0.492 17 0.508 14 Chargers 0.518 16 0.504 15 Ravens 0.539 11 0.502 16 Jets 0.488 18 0.502 17 Washington 0.479 20 0.501 18 Packers 0.529 14 0.499 19 Bills 0.486 19 0.498 20 Cowboys 0.467 24 0.496 21 Jaguars 0.463 25 0.492 22 Patriots 0.477 22 0.490 23 Giants 0.479 20 0.487 24 Eagles 0.475 23 0.483 25 Panthers 0.434 27 0.470 26 Titans 0.436 26 0.460 27 Colts 0.416 31 0.449 28 Buccaneers 0.426 29 0.449 29 Saints 0.430 28 0.447 30 Texans 0.418 30 0.444 31 Falcons 0.410 32 0.437 32


    And the current Vegas numbers are even better - putting us at the 8th-easiest schedule in the league...



    Using the over/under lines from Monday as our baseline, we can produce another estimated strength of schedule measure:

    Team SoS, Vegas Rank Bengals 0.523 1 Cardinals 0.523 2 49ers 0.521 3 Steelers 0.520 4 Raiders 0.512 5 Bears 0.511 6 Lions 0.511 7 Vikings 0.509 8 Seahawks 0.509 9 Broncos 0.508 10 Chiefs 0.508 11 Rams 0.506 12 Browns 0.506 13 Washington 0.505 14 Packers 0.505 15 Dolphins 0.504 16 Cowboys 0.503 17 Jaguars 0.502 18 Jets 0.501 19 Ravens 0.501 20 Chargers 0.500 21 Panthers 0.498 22 Giants 0.497 23 Eagles 0.496 24 Bills 0.494 25 Patriots 0.494 26 Buccaneers 0.492 27 Titans 0.488 28 Falcons 0.487 29 Saints 0.485 30 Colts 0.485 31 Texans 0.481 32


    This is the easiest I can remember a schedule being for the Bills in recent memory. Of course, all that's irrelevant since we're clearly going 19-0...

  2. Not appreciating what Orton brought to the table is such a classic Bills fan move. The dude has a cannon for an arm, is light years ahead of EJ, and took us to our first winning season in a decade.


    He's not a franchise QB for the next 10 years, sure. But he's easily the best QB we've had since Bledsoe, and he is way better than any of the options we have on our roster right now, available in the draft, or attainable through a trade/free agency.

  3. Gronk likes to goof off and have fun like anyone his age, but he's hardly a locker room cancer or a me first guy. The average NFL career is 3.5 years. Given his injury history, good for him that he's having fun, putting away some money, and playing for the team that wanted him when he came out of college.

  4. Because Pegula is the President and owner, those statements come from him, not the person in Russ' role. Can't understand why people can't understand the structure and hierarchy of this team. Pegula is the de facto football czar as President. Brandon runs the business side, Whaley the football side. So when a coach leaves, it's the president in this case who makes the statement. And if they get a pres of football ops, maybe it changes. But trying to say Brandon is out of the loop because you don't like the guy doesn't make it reality. I've said it before in other posts, this guy has polish the worst turd in the NFL for 15 years and kept the stadium full with garbage after garbage on the field while being micromanaged by the former owner.


    He's out of the loop because he's gone out of his way this year to vouch for Marrone, 'he changed the culture,' etc. and now he's got egg all over his face.

  5. It was Overdorf with Brandon's OK.


    And it's boiler plate when it's expected a change in ownership may occur during the life of the initial term. Smart of Marrone's agent to include that clause. Not necessarily dumb for the Bills to be OK with it at the time, either. This clause shouldn't have been a deal breaker if Marrone is the guy they wanted, anyway.


    GO BILLS!!!


    What makes you think it's boilerplate for coach contracts - can you even think of one analogous situation? Did Singletary have it in SF when York took over? Sparano in Miami when Ross took over? Spagnuolo in SL when Kroenke came over?

  6. What makes you possibly think Marrone is trying to leverage a contract extension?


    Hey bros, see below:


    While Marrone was negotiating an extension beyond the two years remaining on his four-year, $16 million deal, uncertainty over potential organizational changes influenced his decision, according to sources. [http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/12104824/doug-marrone-opts-contract-buffalo-bills]


    Now let's finally get rid of Brandon too.

  7. What makes you possibly think Marrone is trying to leverage a contract extension?


    Carucci reported it last night. It also doesn't take a rocket surgeon to realize it's the smart play for Marrone to make right now:


    However, league sources familiar with the situation said the clause was included when the Bills hired Marrone in 2013 as a safeguard because of the prospect of the team being sold, which happened when Terry and Kim Pegula bought the franchise last October. If Marrone was unhappy with the new ownership, or anything else, he would be free to seek employment elsewhere after his second season at the helm.


    The chances of that happening seem slim, league sources say. They say the more practical application of the three-day window is for Marrone’s agent, Jimmy Sexton, to talk with the Pegulas about a contract extension for his client and perhaps seek a pay raise and more control over the 53-man roster.



  8. I'll start by admitting that I haven't always been the biggest fan of Coach Marrone's. I love the intensity he brings to his job and his enthusiasm for the game, but sometimes his weakness at managing the play clock and pace of the game goes beyond the pale (see: punting on fourth and one, not calling a timeout when special teams took the field against the Chiefs offense, etc.).


    That said, it seems he really has the Bills by the horns right now with this opt-out clause. He can use his leverage to demand a contract extension from the new regime - whatever your opinion is of Marrone, I think everyone agrees that you don't get a contract extension for peaking at 9-7 and a game out of the playoffs.


    Ultimately, the fault for this situation has to lie with Brandon, as he was overseeing the football operations during the final years of Ralph's tenure, and could have held strong on offering a three-year contract that didn't give away the Bills' bargaining power.


    Whatever ends up happening in the next couple days with Marrone, Whaley, et al, it's now clearer than ever before for me that Pegula needs to completely divorce Brandon from the team's football operations. Let him handle the things he's good at - namely selling tickets and marketing the franchise - but his involvement in the football operations side of things has gone on far too long. Please stop letting him completely undermine the football side of things.

  9. Even if he has a contractual obligation to appear and make himself available to answer specific questions about Whaley and Marrone? It's not like the guy called a press conference to create a platform for his opinion on the matter. Just because he's only too glad to do so when asked doesn't change that. If we don't like what he has to say, maybe we should urge the media to stop asking him questions.


    GO BILLS!!!


    I'd be shocked if there's something in his contract stipulating that he has to answer specific questions about Whaley/Marrone. But yes, if he's truly not on the football side of operations, then it should be Pegula/Whaley/Marrone speaking on behalf of the team at an event where media is present. Simply put, Brandon has no authority to assess the coaching staff or front office.


    Go Bills.

  10. Here's what I'm unclear on - when Pegula took over the team, the coverage indicated that Brandon would stick to marketing/communications for the team and Whaley would oversee the football operations. A wall of separation, if you will, that was demonstrably absent during the final years of Ralph's tenure.


    Flash forward to a couple weeks ago and Brandon is quoted as saying that Marrone has done a great job changing the culture and he's happy with him. If Brandon is strictly on the marketing side, he shouldn't be commenting on the coach's performance. And at the very least, he shouldn't be doing so in a public setting.


    I'd be more than relieved if Pegula/Whaley were the only ones commenting on the football team itself.


    Let Brandon stick to his strengths - namely selling a product that's been moribund for more than half my lifetime at this point. But if he continues behaving as if his opinion on the GM/coaches/players has any consequence, then he should be the first one shown the door.

  11. Heading down to Miami a week from this Wednesday to see the Bills squish the fish. Going to the game with a college buddy who's a lifetime Dolphins fan (I try not to hold it against him), and I'm wondering if anyone on here has made the trip to Sun Life Stadium in the past. Are there any good bars or clubs to check out around the stadium (bonus points if they're Bills friendly). And any advice on where to sit in the stadium? Hoping not to give up an arm and leg on tickets.


    Go Bills!

  12. Already up on Deadspin with no official comment from the Bills. Nice to see they're handling this crisis (whether health-related or just caused by some intern posting a template by mistake) with their trademark grace and poise under pressure. Hope this turns out to be a false alarm, but in the era of Twitter and Facebook, it's malpractice for the Bills to wait on getting the facts out.

  13. I am very sure on this.



    Completely incorrect, but if and when the times happens I will allow you to be in complete shock along with the rest of the folks whistling through the graveyard.


    I will state I have been of the OPINION that a group has already been in place with the blessing of the family when the decision to turn over the operations to Russ Brandon was made.


    Bro, do you know anything about the Contract Clause? Contracts are fairly binding in the US of A.

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