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Stormin Norman

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Posts posted by Stormin Norman

  1. Cautious skepticism is the rational approach. I'd wager 99% of the posters here had no idea who Brandon Beane, Joe Schoen, and Brian Gaine were one month ago. We're only going by what we've learned from reports in the media which have mostly been positive. Ironically, these same members of the media are often attacked and ridiculed as incompetent and clueless when they have something negative to say, so.... we'll see.


    This is the essence of it. When I mention the 17 year drought, no, I am not doom and gloom. The Bills sell hope like no organization on the face of the earth. And every year, I HOPE that they have positioned themselves to finally get over the hump. So I am hopeful, yes.


    This post speaks to Jerry Sullivan's doom and gloom and negativity. Again, if you boil down what he is typically saying over the past ten or 15 years, it's, "Let's not get all giddy at these moves, folks. We can look at these moves with a critical eye given the nearly two decades of futility and not simply drink the Kool-Aid. Let's see some tangible, positive results first." I simply cannot see the flaw in this and those of us who generally concur are not doom and gloom or fair weather fans.


    Cautious skepticism. Hopeful skepticism. That's where I am at. When they win again, I will be an out of control giddy child!

  2. And you are exactly who Sully writes for.


    The fact Sullivan is critical of every move the Bills make shows he doesn't know enough to say if a move is good or bad. Do you really need someone to endlessly replay the last 17 years, or do you want someone to tell if what the Bills just did is a good move?


    Actually, I'd like fans to recognize 17 years of futility and the net of any good move they have made (and they have made good moves) have been outweighed big timr by the travesties, and that the cycle has repeated itself far more than our fans deserve. We can't even make fun of the Browns with a straight face! Believe me, I am yearning big time for positive and SUSTAINED good news. That's only going to come from winning, the only measuring stick that counts. The goofy commentary about Sullivan writing to generate clicks or controversy has merit, sure. I think he is not alone there. But you also cannot deny the fact that he has been RIGHT more than he has been wrong. His skepticism, as tiresome as it can be, has been more than rewarded by our bumbling franchise.


    Again, my die-hard Bills fans and friends (as am I), after 17 YEARS of mediocrity and ineptitude, is it possible to simply act as if last year was the first losing season since the last Super Bowl? A blip on the radar? Nope. Just win, baby, and you'll see people criticizing Sullivan for being a shill for the team.

  3. Help me understand this obsession with beating up on Sully.


    The Bills in particular have been pathetic as an organization for almost two decades. For those of us who remember the Bills of, say, 1988 through 1996, we know what a well-run organization looks like - from front office to coaching to players. Over the last 17 years we have witnessed bumbling and stumbling of epoch proportions including a coach quitting and getting a $4 million golden parachute, firing an offensive coordinator the week of the season opener, half the team acquired via free agency, horrific drafts and draft decisions, and poor to mediocre won-loss records as reliable as the sun coming up.


    Sullivan expresses skepticism at nearly every decision the organization makes because the Bills have EARNED it. (And so have the Sabres for a shorter period of time.) In this article, he has basically said the recent hires look GOOD ON PAPER - but they have collectively proven nothing. That's wrong?


    For those of you wanting to put lipstick on this pig, it's been 17 YEARS! The most relevant example of the word "inept" that I can think of. Criticize Sullivan when they are winning and he is still critical. He hasn't had the opportunity to do that in almost 20 years.



  4. He has the right to do it. That right is provided for under the constitution of this country, which tens of thousands have died to defend.


    Not respecting the anthem on that point alone make him a f'ing jerk. There's no valor in his charade. Get out there and support what you believe in for real vs. Making a statement on the sideline like a pu$$y.

  5. Hmmmm. The team hasn't made the playoffs in a decade and a half, has been a perennial doormat for the Patriots, and there is nothing definitive to indicate that we're closer now than we have been since the Music City Miracle. The Russ Brandon hope-selling machine is getting stoked up once again, ready to set new hooks into the collective mouths of Buffalo's vast array of receptive lemmings.


    And the price of tickets just went up. Again.


    Sorry to pee on your blossoming flower, buddy, but perhaps the title of this thread should read:


    "The Positively Preposterous Proponents of Positivity."


    Let's get to the playoffs once. Then, by all means, I'm on the bandwagon with everyone else.

  6. No question that Jerry tends to pile on and is really cynical, but as many have posted in this thread, this pitiful franchise deserves most of what he dishes out. There is typically threads of truth in all of his articles, but it depends on your stance as a Bills fan regarding how to take his articles.


    Me, I'm just mad that I'm a fan of such a fantastically inept sports team... and that I can't completely quit them. I'll admit that, after all of these years, I take some sick pleasure in writers going over the top in their bashing of the team.


    For me, it's almost as if I want to see if, somehow, they can manage to find another way to do something unprecedentedly bad, stupid, knee-jerk, etc.


    It's my coping mechanism.


    Good therapy anyway. Sort of like mentally flogging yourself for the sin of being a Buffalo Sports Fan. It's the crushing conflict between eternal hope and the horrific reality that causes it. It's Marv Levy ("Fight on my men," said Sir Andrew...) and Tim Russert ("Please God. Please. Let us win this one. THIS one!").


    There is only one escape from this, I'm afraid: a championship. Period.

  7. Given what the Bills have done these last 16 years you think he should have been writing positive articles full upbeat projections? I think he has been very fair and realistic and the results certainly have shown him to be pretty accurate,


    Jeez, everyone. I'm as positive as the next guy, but SIXTEEN seasons of mediocre to downright pitiful results and there are still people who think Sullivan is too negative?? Wow, how our standards have plummeted. At what point would it have been okay (or even understandable) for Sullivan to turn sour on the Bills? After the 10th consecutive year of not making the playoffs? The 14th year?


    It's very easy to take shots at him for being "negative." That doesn't mean he's wrong. On the contrary, after having watched "The Four Falls of Buffalo" several times, providing historical perspective on really, really good Buffalo teams, the Russ Brandon PR machine has run dry. Want Sully to be positive? How about making the playoffs before we hit two decades of futility.

  8. Could it have been a collective show of support and relief from constantly worrying about the future of the team in Buffalo? That awakened the inner fan in folks who had become unwilling to get emotionally and financially invested in a team that looked destined to leave? Even casual NFL fans knew the team still lacked a proven QB ( and still does) and that Brady and Belichick still resided in the AFC East. So I have a hard time believing THAT many fans were so blindly optimistic faced with that reality. Some , perhaps . But it seemed more a celebration that the Bills belonged to Buffalo for good. After week 17 last year, most Bills fans weren't even expecting a change at HC. The offseason moves were interesting , but obviously not enough to catapult this roster into contention.

    I can't deny your point about the relief from the worry of losing our team. I am certainly among those folks who were very concerned. But we also have a 16-year sobering track record to consider as well. No one sells belief like the Bills and this was yet another example of "hook planted firmly in fan mouth."


    Think about the level of ineptitude it takes to not make the playoffs over 16 consecutive seasons. There can be no true bandwagon to jump on until the Bills are in the post season. Until then, every change they make DESERVES all the skepticism a Jerry Sullivan can muster. Every Jets fan on planet Earth can rightly say, "I told you so."

  9. At some point, the flashy moves to allay fan discontent should fool only the "don't worry, be happy" crowd. Problem is, this crowd must be huge given the record season ticket sales this year. The list is long: Bledsoe, McGahee, T.O., Mario, Rex.... Every few years another Messiah rolls into town.


    Congratulations, Russ 'P.T. Barnum' Brandon. Job well done. Your marketing machine has once again led the gullible lemmings over the cliff only to be resurrected next year in the 17th consecutive edition of Groundhog Day. Record season ticket sales while the product remains utterly poor....you are amazing, sir. Hence, your promotion to take on the Sabres, as well.

  10. BTW, this discussion is moot if somehow the Bills go on a tear and win their last 6 games -- which is not an impossibility given the favorable schedule from here on out. Sadly, with the loss yesterday they no longer control their own destiny -- but all they need in conjunction with winning out is a loss from the Steelers somewhere along the line.


    Fifteen years of, "By the way, if we win our last ____ games...." And we never do. Never a good sign when in November or early December we're talking about having to win out.


    As Parcells said, "You are what your record says you are."

  11. Don't we want someone who has actually won something in the NFL? And someone who has done it as a head coach, if possible? It seems to me we've taken coordinators left and right to no avail. I also understand your retort might be, "What about Jauron. He was a head coach before Buffalo." Precisely....but he didn't win anything.


    It seems the "innovative college coach" is fashionable...but does that coach create a winner?


    By extension, I would like to add several people in the organization that have won championships. I would admit being wrong, but it feels like we've gone 15 years with coaches and admin personnel who have no championship pedigree.

  12. If Waley or Brandon leave, of their own accord or otherwise, it makes the Watkins move an even greater question mark.


    They make the decision to forego a first rounder next year and then aren't here to live with the decision. And the impetus for the move...support for EJ....is made even more dubious as EJ's future in Buffalo becomes less assured under new management.


    I like Watkins...so it's not about him personally. Are we talking about the move to get him as a major (yet typical) gaffe by Bills management ten years from now? Or as a turning point to secure a brighter future?

  13. My wife rarely, if ever, listens to sports radio. Today, she heard Schopp as we were running errands after the game. She was appalled. "Who is that arrogant idiot talking like that to people?" she asked me. "How does he even have a job?"


    That's what tops my long list of problems with this prick. I can't even say it's his point of view, most of the time. Listen folks, the Bills have led the league in futility for FIFTEEN STRAIGHT YEARS! How can (or why should they?) announcers put a smiley face on a meaningless win after a decade and a half of such a pathetic streak? Do we win this game if the Patriots were playing for home field advantage throughout the playoffs? Come on. I enjoy the wins like anyone else, but I have context, too. Can't wait for the 16th Russ Brandon hocus pocus marketing machine to fire up again at draft time, 1st round pick or not. Accuse me of being negative, that's fine. Fifteen years of mediocre (at best) is a low standard for happiness.


    Schopp is:


    Arrogant, impatient, condescending, eager to ridicule, abrupt, flippant, and rude. He thinks his obvious intent to spark controversy with callers appeals to listeners when instead he comes off like a smart ass and a prick. Then when a caller has the audacity to challenge Schopp's superior opinion on any given matter, the caller is summarily cut off and belittled as if the caller's position is an outrage or beneath a response from the Chosen One. (Clinically, this is called narcissism).


    Again, I can't even get to his opinion because his demeanor and disrespect cannot be overcome by his questionable sports knowledge.



  14. Someone help me out here. For those who don't think coaching is a problem, I will concede that, YES, the PLAYERS were the ones who made the mistakes (fumbles, etc.) on the field. I agree, Marrone and the other coaches didn't fumble the football today.


    But aren't coaches accountable for the discipline ... exhibited over overtime ... of their team in the biggest moments? Isn't it typically the better/best teams that seem to make fewer mistakes than the opposition when it matters most? (And they also typically generate more big plays, too). Again, over time.


    Then, by definition, aren't we experiencing Groundhog Day? Isn't this a rerun of Jauron, Mularkey, and their ilk? I know talent matters, but doesn't history tell us we're going to blink before the other team (and we're flabbergasted when we don't)?


    Point is: we're no farther ahead under this head coach than the prior knuckleheads who have run the team for 15 years. And maybe it hurts worse because he's squandering a very very good defense.



  15. It seems to me that we're all jumping on Buddy Hackett when it's Marrone who is actually dictating the run focus. Isn't that the likely source for the stubborn approach to the running game?


    I actually am glad we are not abandoning the run as we essentially did with Chan as head coach. Being not great at it shouldn't mean abandoning a running game altogether.


    With that said, holy cow, we really dialed down the creativity and balance in this game. For a while, I thought we were executing another stupid strategy like the New England game when we took Watkins out of it in favor of three tight ends. Good grief!



    Stormin Normin is obviously on the NE payroll. He's trying to get us to feel bad for Brady and the Pats so that we become fans of them. Not going to work buddy! Not going to work!


    Ha, good one! On the contrary, I just moved back after living for six years out there. But I conceded NOTHING to their spoiled, front-running fans. Made plenty of wings, though, right in the parking lot under the e-Bay tower!



  17. Hey all. The original post wasn't to gloat about the demise of Brady or to have my euphoria at a Bills victory (hopefully) over NE diminished by the perception that he is in decline. It was to give everyone a little chuckle that Patriot fans are grappling with the same stuff we are.


    Quite honestly, my going-in outlook is that New England is still the king of the hill and Brady is still potentially god-like as an NFL quarterback until proven otherwise. That only changes via Bills wins. There is no other remedy.

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