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Posts posted by rjwii

  1. I am not a fan of either side...but i must say that this last minute posturing by the players is unnessary and a bit insulting. what have the "nflpa" and the owners been talking about for the past several weeks? This final act of we will show you who is in charge is both pointless and makes me care even less about the plight of the poor player. At this point i go back to my original statement "cut them all and rehire" we might not see our favorite names for a season but we will have new ones. (immpossiable statement but wouldn't it be fun to watch the player sputter over it). We will have football but i am tired of listening to the players union cry the blue.

  2. M. Jasper trains down the street from me with Artis Hicks (related). I have spoken to a number of folks at Bethel College and all have talked about him being huge on character as well as size. We need to develop him or someone else will make him a star in the NFL.

    This is true. I do think that he has a better-than-even shot at making the squad.


    He's got the makeup of a classic sleeper, one who could be talked about for decades.

    However, he's got to make the squad and produce at the NFL level.

    He seems like a very hard worker and a kid with his head screwed on fairly straight.

    But he's a raw, raw talent along the lines of a Howard Ballard. He's going to take a while to develop.


    I'm not expecting him to become the starting NT by the end of this year.

    I do hope to see him on the active roster and getting some meaningful playing time though.

    Could we see him in action in short yardage situations - on BOTH sides of the ball?

    He'd make a tremendous blocking fullback.

  3. Vince Wilfork at 2004 combine - 6'1" 323 lbs

    40 time: 5.21


    Bench 225 lbs: 36


    Vert Jump: 26.5"


    Broad Jump: 8'5"


    20 yrd shuffle:4.5


    Michael Jasper private Bills workout - 6'4" 1/2 378 lbs

    40 time: 5.38 -.17 sec


    Bench 225 lbs: 34 -2 reps


    Vert Jump: 32" + 5.5"


    Broad Jump: 9'5" + 1'


    20 yrd shuffle: ?


    "The Shadow" kills Wilfork in the vert and broad jump, he is slightly under Wilfork in bench and 40 time. All while being 55 lbs heavier and 3.5" taller. Get this kid in the NFL weight room and training facilities. We could have the best NT in the NFL! Can't wait to see him in action!!



    i have seen his video and spoken to coachs at Bethel. cannot question his passion and desire. we all root for the underdog and hope that he makes the team. future is pretty bright. Go Bills!

  4. Peter, Peter, Peter, and the rest of those here that keep beating this same old tired drum. Sham? No. Negotiating tactic, you bet. Yet you cannot continue to beat this drum without also adding that the owners over a couple years ago, planned for a lockout and negotiated TV deals that guaranteed them an income stream games or not.


    Get real.....


    of course they did, it is business. they signed a bad deal and had the option to get out of it. the players exercised their right to litigate. the result if the players win an anti trust lawduit is the breakup of the NFL and the introduction of the wild west. i don't think anyone wants that. the only people scheduled to win are the lawyers.

  5. So you wouldn't want Brady or Manning as our QB? They signed the filing. Just asking.


    Brady and Manning are both vetern players that while i do not agree with them have earned the right to do as they please. Von Miller has called into question the very process that may earn him millions. why take a chanec on a player with potenial but no proof as to whether he will pan out and he is already a malcontent.


    and in answer to your question i would take brady over manning every day of the week and three times on sunday.

  6. the owners can end the lock out, release every player and reoffer them individual contracts. no "official union" to contend with. stage a tv event to redraft veterns. if they want to play they can, if not they don't have to. their choice. Blow it up and see how the players like the new nfl. and we the fan get football.

  7. I guess it depends upon how desperate the fans are.

    I would have no interest and would not watch. As far as I am concerned they would not be the Bills.

    I guess for the people whose main interest is the "event" (tailgating etc.) it could work though.


    i appreciated your feelings, but they will always be the "Bills" . Why would i feel more alligence to todays player rather than the organization i have followed for 40 years.

    i will follow my team no matter who is playing, rather that they be great but in the end they are my team.

    it is about the team not the event or the players. it is about us, the supporters

  8. Give me Von Miller who can pass rush and cover backs out of the backfield along with TEs... He can play MLB and OLB stoping the run as well... a Future all Pro. Put him in the same backfield with all pro Merriman with our new linebacker coach calling the plays and we just vastly improved the worst linebacker group to the best in the NFL.


    There are a lot of Defensive lineman to chose from in the 2nd round all the way to the 7th round... I am sure Gailey knows who they are from the Senior Bowl... We are going to have a great draft in my opinion... But not sure we will have a NFL season this year... Are you?


    Von Miller put his name on the anti-trust litigation officially making him persona non grata. why would anyone draft this malcontent. all of the talent in the world will not make up for this slap in the owners face.

  9. The players union class action law suit now includes a college player so they can declare the draft to be in violation of the anti-trust laws. it is clear from the unions actios (decertifying with 6 hours of negotiations left) that they never intended to listen but only bought time for their judge to rule and to get more players on board. They may indeed be the "talent" but without the owners footing the bill and handeling the business end this league would have gone under years ago. Take care of the retired players, give them health coverage that means something. listen to the players when it comes to health and benifits. these are reasonable demands. financials for ten years is merly a demand made so that it could be rejected.


    a radical solution to the lockout would be for the owners to release all of the players...negotiate with them on a one on one basis...and rebuild the league. if they don't think that they make enough now let them start over from scratch.


    hey it's an idea.

  10. i have always liked whitner, never thought that he played up to his draft position but that does seem to be our current legacy. the question needs to be what is he worth and what does he believe that he is worth. the closer those numbers are the more likley it is that he will stay. As far as a replacement goes... who can we afford and how much would his replacement cost?

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