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Posts posted by BigGronBuffalo

  1. ....for me to poop on.


    This game isn't even over as I write this...but it's already clear that neither of these guys deserve half the credit they get. Romo is given the chance to win the game...and fumbles the ball on the goal line. Then, Sanchez is given his chance...and fumbles it away. Then, a blocked punt gives Sanchez the chance to run the 4 minute, kill the clock drill, and he sucks ass. Then, Romo is given the chance to drive the ball down the field and he can do nothing but talk to his receiver after he fails, again. Then, Sanchez is given another chance...and he gets himself sacked, because he is a moron. Then, Romo is given a chance to win the game...and throws a pick. Then, Sanchez is given a chance to ice the game by making a good throw and making it easier for the kicker...and fails, bounce-pass, awful. The kicker covers Sanchez's ass(hmmm Tom Brady back in the SB days?), and then Romo is given his chance...and he's not even ready for the snap.


    Cut the crap ESPN(insert big market here). These guys suck. Example: Mike F'ing Harbaugh(Colts QB...90s) was a better QB by far than both of these turds, and a better leader. In fact, I could list 30 QBs that are better off the top of my head, and most people(except TBD posters, of course :D) wouldn't even recognize their names. Neither of these turds is better than Drew Bledsoe.


    Both of these two get tons of press and even more air time. Why? Because they play in Dallas/NY? WTF? I am supposed to be impressed? Blow it out your ass, seriously. These little emperors have no clothes. No amount of "ESPN (insert city), tell you what you want to hear so we make money" changes this either. :lol:


    This game was won by the kicker...after it was lost and re-lost by these two lamedicks defaulting to each other.




    i make this exact rant to anyone that is willing to listen daily. perfectly stated.

  2. Jasper is a nice story and I am pulling for him, but from what I think I saw tonight, Kellen Heard outplayed him.


    Agreed even though it was against scrubs. Would like to see them put one of those daddy fat stacks on the roster though.

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