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Posts posted by mikegamms

  1. http://www.sciencenews.org/view/generic/id/336819/title/He’s_no_rat%2C_he’s_my_brother


    Not too surprising given they're social animals, but still pretty neat stuff.



    I'd say this study is a waste of time, but the losers who would find this crap interesting or useful have nothing but time because they have no lives.




    It never ceases to amaze me how nerds spend their time on the internet.

  2. It's always sad when someone dies. But it doesn't negate the wrong he did. (Evil survives when good men do nothing, etc etc).


    This happened with Michael Jackson, Ronald Reagan, etc. As soon as someone dies all the poor saps who were just hating on him instantly love him again just because he died.




    Paterno let some unforgivable stuff go down, and I hope he's always remembered that way. Real life horrors way outweigh football accomplishments.


    /end rant

  3. Less of a Favre joke, and more of a Madlib QB/ Head coach joke... Same joke could work for any QB...


    it reminds me of my favorite "insert QB here" joke....


    Did you hear that Favre/Losman/Johnson/Any QB got kicked out of Cuba?.... Yeah, he tried to overthrow Castro.... badoom chhhh...


    But when I saw the title of this thread I thought it was gonna be a joke related to Favre's infamous crank pictures.

  4. And another thing, for all you "fans" rooting for losses; by what mechanism are you hoping these losses can be accomplished? Key injuries? Mass lockerroom insurrection? Should Gailey be starting Ganther at tailback? How about mix the line all up and have D. Bell snappin the ball.


    What do you say to the season ticket buyers?


    You people are utterly ridiculous.


    Just pick a new team each week. But dont pick til halftime so you can see who has the lead.


    Agreed. Morons.

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