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Posts posted by J-E-T-S-L-O-L

  1. The Ravens where strapped for cash, thanks mostly to Rice, Webb and Pitta. Who combined are counting $30 million against the cap despite not even playing, not being on the team or being a shell of their former self.


    Ngata and his $16 million cap hit where a likely cap casualty, since they couldn`t agree on an extension. So any compansation at all is a bonus for the Ravens

  2. Football Outsiders' rankings are the only ones that AREN'T arbitrary. They are based on statistics and plays and strength of schedule and everything that normal power rankings are not.


    Seriously, would it kill people to think for a second before hammering out their simple knee-jerk reactions?


    I think some discretion is needed in order to rank teams. Several times a year a team will suffer a big injury that wil impact the team going forward. Football outsiders will not account for that.

  3. Please explain how Obamacare addresses healthcare costs. If you can, that's great. If you can't, then please also explain why the left is so hellbent on disrupting the entire system to give healthcare insurance to the poor while stripping it from the middle class. Then please explain why that middle class should have to pay for the poor's insurance while at the same time paying more for less for themselves.


    Alot of the todays spending is "wasted" on terminal patients last 2-3 months alive. People that waited too long to visit a doctor, because they couldn`t afford it, or were afraid of increased insurance rates. If the decease was caught earlier likely alot of these patients could`ve been cured, and for less money.


    That`s what I think the plan was anyway.

  4. http://en.wikipedia....PPP)_per_capita


    The US spend almost twice as much per capita on health care as anyone else in the world.


    Could someone please be a dear and explain to me how the ACA is gonna cost more, when more socialist countries with "free health care" only spend half as much money on health care per capita.


    The whole point of the ACA was to spend less money on health care, not more. It seems as though many are under impression that Obamacare is not affordable. The current system is not affordable, so something had to be done. Obamacare may not be the best solution, but atleast it has to better then the current system, right?

  5. Plus we almost beat a much better Ravens D with a non-worldbeater QB a couple years ago, well into an 0-8 start...


    That was the worst game the Ravens defense had all season. Not even Brees, Brady, Ryan or Schaub put up numbers like Fitzpatrick. Not really indicative of how good or bad, their defense was that year. The Bills put up close to 200 yards more then the Ravens allowed on average. No team is fairly measured by their best or worst game.


    I'm not really talking just this year. It's been a trend for a few years. They had that historically good defense many years ago and it seems people outside of Baltimore still think of them in that light.


    2011, the defense was 3rd in points, and 3rd in yards. Suggs was league DPOY and Ngata was also a top candidate. That was the year before last. Not exactly ancient history. Last years defense was average, which is why they basicly cleaned house. They still need some time to gel this year, with all the new pieces. But against Cleveland and Houston, there was no glearing weaknesses, although the front 7 is clearly ahead of the secondary.


    I certainly think the Ravens defense is more talented then the Jets. But that was an away game and this is a home game, and the Ravens are kinda schitzophrenic, so who knows what will happen.

  6. The Ravens running game is really struggling. With or without Ray Rice. Rice is overrated as a runner anyway, plus the O-line is really struggling and the Ravens are telegraphing run plays as they rarely run without fullback Vontae Leach on the field.


    The Ravens are also a bit dinged up. The d-line had to finish the game without rest the past 2 games, because they were down to 3 or 4 healthy lineman. Other then that the defense has look good the past 2 weeks. But the Houston game is a hard one to gauge, because both teams where shooting themselves in the foot with penalties. If Houston didn`t get a ton of penalties in the second half who knows if they would have been able to move the ball.


    The Ravens have struggled on the road going back a few years now. Maybe especially in games they`re favoured in. They lost 4 road games last year, and 3 of the 4 wins, they won by 3 points. The year before they lost 4 games, all on the road, and all against teams with losing records.


    I am not sure you can call this a trap game for the Ravens, when this happens all the time. It`s a weakness.


    So I see this being a tight game, and defenitly a game the Bills can win.

  7. The Patriots D, even in the past few years, has been good enough to get the job done. If I'm not mistaken they've ranked in the top 10 in yards in the NFL the past 3 years and been close to that in points allowed as well.

    The Pats D has ranked 25th, 31st and 25th in yards allowed the past 3 years. Not very impressive. It`s not like they face alot of high powered offenses within their division either.


    ESPN has Lewis listed with 119 PDs to Fletchers 90.





    Either way Fletcher still comes up short, in just about every cathegory despite starting only 3 fewer games, and playing in 12 more.


    London Fletcher has 84% of the solo tackles, 94% of the combined tackles, 74% of the INTs, 89% of the sacks, PDs are either close(Fletcher by 5%) or Fletcher has 75% depending on the statsite you use, 68% of the total takeaways and 41% of the TO-return yards.


    And if you combine big plays like sacks, INTs, SFTY,FF,FR, etc. London Fletcher only has 62%.


    Fletcher has 94% of the tackles and 62% of the big plays. Not really that close.


    London-Fletcher would have to play another 9 years to have as many big plays as Ray Lewis.

  9. At some point you should google his career numbers vs. London Fletcher's...they are really close


    London Fletcher is 230 solotackles, 4,5 sacks, 7 FR, 8 INTs, 340 INT return yards, 1 TD, and 30 PDs behind.


    Despite having played 12 games more then Ray Lewis.


    Really not that close.

  10. Dude WAS making 12M. Was torn on taking a reduction to 8M. Then lost out on that. How much do you think he's going to play for? And, if he was going to play for, say $5M, why wouldn't he just stay in Denver?


    If you think it through, there is NO freaking way he's a target in Buffalo.


    If Denver gives him 5, they essentially hit a 9,8 million cap hit on him this year with 4,8 in dead money. Denver where willing to pay him 8 million, which means they`ll probably still take him at 3,2 million. But some team will offer alot more.

  11. I'm not sure about your counting. Personally, I count Barnett, Wilson and Fitz as starters, and Kelsay as a key backup, all gone, with no one but Manny Lawson to replace them, granted it's early in FA. If they can bring in another LB z(Burnett orDansby or Connor Barwin, please), a TE (I hope Keller doesn't sign with Miami), Brandon Moore and a decent WR, they may salvage something, but I highly doubt much, if any, of the foregoing will come to pass. It kind of looks like they're not really trying right now....

    Really only counting Levitre. The others have arguably already been replaced. Searcy for Wilson. Lawson for Barnett. And Jackson for FItz.

  12. Look, you can separate the Mario stats and justify it any way you want. My comment was, on the whole, he did not make the Bills defense better.


    Ok fine. Bring in Ellerbe. Pay him $5m/year. Lets roll the dice that he's worth that figure without Ngata in front of him and flanked by A SB winning defense. I don't think it's the right way to build from many angles.


    First of all. Ngata does not play NT. The Ravens don`t have a good NT. And the other positions on the Bills D-line are very good. So if there is any drop off, it`s not that big.


    Secondly. With the 31st ranked run defense, Mario Williams had few 3rd and long opportunitys to really get after it. Improve the run defense and Williams should get more sacks. And the defense had more sacks this year, then they`ve had since 2006 and Mario is part of that.


    Signing one free agent, will not put this team in cap trouble. And the Bills are desperate for help at LB.

  13. Take a look at the top 15 picks in the draft Sherman was taken in. Seems like the scouts had a pretty good idea who the best players where.

    1. Newton, 2. Von Miller, 3. Darreus, 4. Green, 5. Patrick Peterson

    6. Julio Jones, 7. Aldon Smith, 8. Locker, 9 Tyron Smith, 10. Gabbert

    11. Watt, 12 Ponder, 13. Fairley, 14 Robert Quinn, 15. Pouncey


    Other then 3 QBs, ( IDK much about Tyron Smith), there`s not a miss amongst them. Quite a few pro bowlers, and maybe 5 looking like potential future HOFs, but It`s way too early. That`s pretty lucky for a complete crapshoot.

    Good players would be found later in the draft, excact science or not. Simply because the players are not fully developed. You can`t predict the future, no matter how good your science formula is.

  14. Sam Bradford: the Rams still drafting ahead if the Bills 3 years after he's drafted, with stats worse than Fitz. But the Rams did back into the playoffs once.




    Bradford was likely going before Stafford, had he come out in 2009. His hype was the closest thing I can remember to Andrew Luck, before he got injured. A consensus nr. 1 pick, before the final season even began. He got injured, but teams where still willing to risk it. Especially considering how weak the 2010 QB draft was, only 4 QBs in the first 3 rounds, and one of them were Tebow.

  15. The problem with ol Ray Lewis is that he has made such a clown of himself denying the use of these substances. Just tell us you used them and didn't know they were banned substances instead of insulting our intelligence with crazy references to God and the devil.

    Ray is obviously lying. But when did he use it? The "proof" that he got it, is over 2 years old. And it`s possible to return from a triceps injury after 2 months. It`s not like Ray Lewis has been a beast physicly the last couple of years, to suggest he is using something. He plays the game like an old man. If it wasn`t for his leadership skills and experience, he could`ve been replaced by a practise squad player.

  16. For something not worth reading, you seemed to take a lot of interest in what Barnwell wrote. I enjoy the site, despite Simmons' fawning over all things Boston.

    I did. And it was painfully obvious to me at once, that since the Steelers defense allow fewer points then the Ravens, and score fewer points, not to mention won fewer games, that this was not gonna make Big Ben look good. Yet it was used as ammo by Steeler fans, to bash Flacco. I also was interested in comparing several QBs, but they didn`t mention anyone interesting except Matt Ryan.

    But Ryan is a bad example, because he plays in a division with no defense, while the Ravens play in a very tough defensive division, especially in 2011, when all 4 teams had a top 10 defense.

    The premise was interesting. But Barnwell had his mind set on writing a negative article about Flacco which ruined the whole thing.

  17. Thank god you set us straight. I can't wait to read your next brilliant missive rather than today's most coherent and literate sports writing. How can I subscribe?

    You may got me. I haven`t read much from that website. But the things I`ve read, atleast Barnwell have comed across as a hater to me. And that`s why I don`t use that website.


    This is the most recent article I remember:




    He compares Joe Flacco to HOFs, like Steve Young and John Elway. And just because Matt Ryan happened to be great in the model he uses, he`s included. Why not post the results of your research, or atleast include the results of someone a little more comparable, like Eli Manning, Philip Rivers or Ben Roethlisberger. You know other QBs that had a defense, who are not yet in the HOF. If they had similar results, which they did, Flacco wouldn`t look so bad. I actually dublicated his research at the time, and atleast Ben Roethlisberger was worse of then Flacco. Why wasn't that included? Because it would destroy the credibiltiy of the article, that`s why.

  18. Former Patriot Heath Evans quote from 2011, the same time Ray Lewis was linked to it:


    "It could be [that] one day Roger Goodell says, 'You can't take this stuff,' " Evans said. "When they add [deer antler] to the banned list, I won't take it anymore. Until the NFL adds it to the banned substance list, I'm not sure why anyone wouldn't take it."

    Evans said he is confident he won't test positive for the substance Vobora tested positive for using. "If you do steroids, you're going to put on 20 pounds of muscle," he said. "I can't do that. If I test positive, Mitch and I are going to have a misunderstanding."

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