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NEPA Bills Fan

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Posts posted by NEPA Bills Fan

  1. I don't get this. Fred is signed for the next two years and is just complaining about his contract. So you're skeptical about signing Fitz in fear of losing Johnson? First things first my friend.

    Absolutely. My point is they need to lock these guys up for the next 3 - 4 years. Steve is Fitzy's go to guy and they are putting us back on the map. I assume you are from the Buffalo area. I am not but I do get to at least 3 home games a year. No one around Northeastern PA follows the Bills but they know Stevie, Fitz and Freddy. Not an argument here my man. my opinion. I realize Fred is still under contract but we do need to extend and pay the man. MVP!!

    Go Bills!!

  2. Very good news but I like others am still a little skeptical. Fitz can definitely lead us, great guy and tough player. My fear is we don’t lock up Stevie and Freddie. Stevie and Fitz have big time chemistry and if he hits the market, meaning Stevie J., I don’t think Fitz will be the same or our offense. Freddy, is an ABSOLUTE must to lock up. Throw a 4 year deal at him. If he tires after 2, then make a decision but right now, he's playing like the MVP of the league.

    Point is all 3 of these guys are the backbone of the Franchise and are leading us in a direction we haven't seen in a while folks. We have the money so I am ok with the proposed 9 to 12 mil per. We need all 3 and we need them locked up NOW!!!


  3. PTR,

    Great minds think alike. Still a year away. Getting there. Bill Nation needs to recognize that we are still in the Implementing phase of Chix. All of the pieces are starting to gel. We'll pay Steve and Fred. Stevie longer but regardless' they'll get paid. Fitz isn't worth elite QB money. I love him' dont get me wrong' but as the business knows' hes still a 7th rounder. We need him though. He will take us there.

    Sorry I am ranting. Today sucks because we lost and I hate the Gmen

  4. Seriously guys. Can we PLEASE stop talking about this bum?????

    He was the poorest excuse of a QB I have ever seen in this league.

    Why not focus on the current positives, Beating KC's ass and ripping through the division. Call me crazy, dumb, whatever, I can care less. All I know is I have not been this optomistic in a long time.

    We're close boys and getting closer.


    Go BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Just called up, told them I've been with them for 10 years and can't get HD in my area and we're considering dropping them for the optimum triple play. Said I wanted the Ticket for free, along with a $45 monthly charge for HBO, Starz, Cinemax and Sports package taken off. They came back with free ticket and reduced that charge to $18.50 for 6 months and I had her throw in Ticket To Go for good measure!


    It's definitely worth the time. Right away tell the automated system that you're calling to cancel your service, that gets you talking to the right person.


    Thanks to those who have posted about this in the past! Go Bills


    Good stuff Man. Looks like I'll be calling back tonight.

  6. they called my bluff i have no ticket now....


    i will call back next week i already paid my first payment since it was due the 21st but not sure what leverage i have when i call back


    They were going to do it to me too man. You have to keep asking for a department above them. Get to the Cancellation department. I told them it was real S#&^ty that they would let a loyal customer walk away like that. The entire phone call took about an hour but wehn they came back on the line, I got some good pricing for the next 12 months. I would suggest having a few drinks and calling them later in the evening. You'll get it back..

    Go Bills

  7. I've been a direct tv customer for 6 years and had the ticket each year. Called last night and I must say that it was the most difficult of all years to haggle with the pricing. Initially they said $20 off the ticket for 6 months - saving $120 the total cost of $335. I said no way.. Way too much for the year. She went on to say that's all she could do. I asked fo another dept. that person said it's all they can do. I said cancel my service and they transferred me there. Long story short, I told the person since I've been a loyal customer for so long I should have something additional on the discount. Waited about 10 minutes on hold, she came back w/ this.. Half off the ticket and $40 off my regular bill for the year!!!! BAM!!!!

    With some patience, and a few vodka's, I did pretty good.


  8. Wow!! this place is crazy! I barely post anything but read the blog nightly.

    Gailey runs a good offense. We have sucked for the past 11 years and people are going to criticize a coach that will try everything and anything he has to win??? Think about it. What do we have to lose. Chix said in the beginning that they are going to evauate talent - See Lee Evans - and they are going to put the best team and players on the field to help them win. But, reading some of these posts, I'm probably thinking out of my ass.

    Have some hope people!! It's the first time since the glory days that I do.

    GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. are you people out of your minds??????? each time i go to rws the stadium is loaded w moorman jerseys. if a punter sells the stadium out, we should be happy. riding him out of town,,, big mistake. we will be good. Sal m from the Buff news hates us but f him. i know we need a big time qb but fitz can do it, harvard. too smart for any of us. sit back and enjoy.

    this year and next. playoffs. dial one up Chan!!!

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