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larz tex

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Posts posted by larz tex

  1. Either Jauron is running the Bills 2011 draft or Nix is trying to piss off the last remains of the fan base.

    I am not one hundred percent with the bills brass but rather they make the fans unhappy now, and make them happy in the fall by stoping the run and covering tightends. Look at the roster. Youbouty not offered a contract. Whitner and Florence free agents. McGee injury prone, Mckelvin not a top corner at the best of times. The Harris's gone. Who is left to man the corners? Reggie? Not my idea of a starting corner.

    If any of the new guys work out maybe they can cover the receivers and tight ends, and support the run. No one could last year.

  2. Honestly, I know it's an open forum, which means any half-wit with an internet connection and a keyboard can speak his mind, but the gnashing of teeth over late round draft picks is both comical and embarrassing. We have supposedly "knowledgeable" football fans who can't understand how many defensive backs a team needs to go to training camp. We have folks apparently unwilling to accept that the Bills' front office didn't believe a developmental prospect at QB was more important than finding players who can contribute immediately. We have people who think two RBs are enough for an entire season. This stuff amazes me - particularly the "Joe Schmoe was sitting there in the 6th round; how did these idiots not take him?" nonsense.


    The Bills just got a lot more talented and addressed a number of significant needs. They couldn't fix everything with nine draft picks, but we are in a heluva lot better shape than we were on Thursday afternoon. Did everyone suddenly forget that except for about three games, the talent-poor 2010 Bills were in a position to win every game if they make a few plays in the 4th quarter or OT?


    I'm tired of the decade of losing as much (if not more) as anyone. I've only enjoyed approximately 40% of my Sundays over the last 12 years. But only the most pessimistic of fans would not be encouraged by what we're seeing out of the organization.


    If I'm too "optimistic" for your liking...well, then, kiss off. :P

    A lot of your post is accurate, from my point of view. However, Bills draft history has me believing the fans are often times better at making picks than the Bills brain trust. I am not talking about this edition of the staff as the book is still out on them, they look like they have a clue, but the Juron and Donahoe eras. Aside from a few late round winners members of this board's picks have done better in the NFL than the Bills. I am fearful of any Bills picks based on past results.

  3. The Bills don't need to hit on their top pick. They don't need to hit on their second pick; they need to hit on a bunch of picks. Three or four would be nice. In the past ten years, it averaged about 1.8, not counting last year. 00-0, 01-0, 02-0, 03-1, 04-1, 05-1. 06-5, 07-1, 08-3, 09-6, and in 2010-8, but it is too early to tell this last draft, and only one impact player is on the roster, Kyle Williams. Come on, Buffalo, find some real players.

  4. Answer is pretty simple. We must draft good players. We could have had Matthews, Orakpo and Mangold. Players we needed. And there are a ton of top talent we let walk, which was a bad idea. 2010 class looks like poop so far, for drafting so high. I have no Idea how we keep screwing it up. We've become Detriot in that sense. If the best player on the board is a Running Back when we go to Draft this year, I'm done with this team.

    If the Bills don't overhaul the scouting department we will get more Lossmen, McCargo's McKelvin's, etc. We have had good draft positions the past ten years and what do we have to show for it? Our best players are fifth rounders and udf's. and they can't compete with other teams first and seconds.

  5. I'd love to see us use the "Psycho Defense" that I think GB does with one DL and a wole bunch of Lbs hanging out up and down the line ready yo rushhthe passer in 2 or 3rd and longs. we used to call it the "Freak" I think. Guess, our def coordinator can't figure it out.

    We may not have enough capable linebackers to do this. Also it is easy to run against as you have big linemen against smaller linebackers. The bills get run over regularly anyway. Why make it easier?

    Or maybe it won't be any worse.

  6. With a similar cast on d as last year the Bills are struggling. At least last year they could stop the pass and slow down the run. This year they can't do either. It may be the scheme they are asked to run. All in all last week I thought Troup did a workman like job as a tackle, at least on pass rushing. His bull rush really pushed the pocket back into the quarterback giving him no place to step up to. However, there were no edge rushers making the quarterback even want to step up. I hope Coleman, Moats, Carrington, or maybe Maybin, can step up and get a pass rush from the outside and the Bills will get some sacks then. If they don't it is going to be a long year. The ends are so worried over run plays they are slow to rush the passer on passing downs. Against the Bills third and six can easily be a running down. Kelsey seems to get caught up inside on plays around his end. Again I think Moats and especially Coleman may be the answer. Time will tell. These are the two players to watch. My only problem is the tv announcer doesn't always mention when they are coming into the game and I don't always see the numbers.

  7. IT would be nice to stop the run a game or two, you know, under 200 yards or so. I find it difficult to put Witner at the same level with Reed and Polamalu, with whom he would be in competition to make the pro bowl. We can always hope. The offense is showing more than signs of life. If the defense comes around who knows, but...? I do love kool aid.

  8. It will be interesting to see what we do in the draft if Luck does not come out.....


    If Fitz continues his steady play the bills might go "best player available" and there is one LT in particular who is looking very good this year.....


    One thing about it....there are like 4 positions the bills cannot go wrong with on that first pick....

    I count 11 spots on d, though maybe tackle is not one as I like Williams and Troup, so 9, or 10 if the Bills go 3-4 D

  9. = Peerless Price

    There is also the possibility the bills do the same thing to him as they did to Jason Peters, who, though hurt now was doing a decent job for the eagles. Make him unhappy when he deserves a new contract and be forced to trade him so a position of strength is now a liability .

  10. You can't win consistently in the NFL without getting elite-level play out of your quarterback.


    Teams with elite-level quarterbacks contend for championships over the course of a decade.


    The teams without elite-level quarterbacks fight for the scraps and hope for freak playoff runs or to be the once-in-decade Ravens team that wins without the most important position in organized sports.


    The catch is, it is pretty darn hard to get your hands on one of those guys.


    Further, the most reliable way to acquire one of those guys is to draft them at the top of round 1 in the NFL draft.


    Like teams with bad quarterbacks winning a championship, there are rare exceptions to this rule, but I would personally do whatever it took to acquire an elite-level quarterback with the highest possible chance for success, which I believe is drafting one high.


    Is there a chance to bust? Absolutely. There is a chance to select poorly at any position. We know this as much if not moreso than any other team.


    Will you have to pay a #1 quarterback a lot of money? Yes, but any player you select #1 overall is going to get huge money and is likely to be the highest paid player on your team.


    The Bills certainly need help at nearly every position, but my contention is that trying to acquire an elite-level quarterback gives your team a chance to rebuild past endless 7-9 seasons and compete for championships for a decade.


    Draft the face of your franchise. Gain credibility across the league, and watch the quality of your free agents increase. Build the less-important positions on your team with lesser valued draft selections and your improved status in free agency.


    Rebuild for a championship, not for mediocrity.

    Yes, I can see that. If the bills do not see a top quarterback or elite player at an area of deep need, such as anyone on defense, I am hoping they trade for another teams first and second, or first and third, and do a better job then Dick and co. did. I am afraid of another Maybin, Lossman, McCargo, Whitner, Williams (Mike), etc, getting top buck and being useless with a huge contract and signing bonus. At least Chan will cut him rather then keep him around like Hardy and Edwards.

  11. Please help me out here.


    Being far down south of Buffalo, we get precious few notes about the Buffalo Bills.


    I was surfing Rotoworld when I came upon this note.




    Now I admit I don't keep up with the team as well as I should... but when did this switch take place?!?


    And, with the switch, are they already admitting Troup was a bad draft pick?


    If there's a better thread to read, please point me in that direction and lock this one down... as for switching back to the 4-3... tonight was the first time I have ever heard of it; when did the Bills switch back?

    I recorded the game and watched it live. Troup did very well in my opinion. On pass plays he played run till he recognized it as a pass, then bull rushed. At times he pushed two guys back in the quarterback's face. When he starts rushing he really goes and pushes the pile back into the quarterback. With Him and Williams in at the same time we are getting our two best interior linemen on the field at the same time. I believe he will get better as the season goes on. However, we still need linebackers. These guys tie up blockers, but there is no one to make the tackle for a bunch of yards downfield.

  12. Do you not think Fitz has been generally consistent during each of his 4 starts this season? His QB rating was at 99 (not that stats tell the whole story) before the Baltimore game and there were some fans already calling for him to be the guy, possibly longterm. The Baltimore game was much better than his previous 3 starts but he certainly wasn't doing terribly before.

    Yeah, and he did rather well last year, winning a couple of games for Perry Fewell, too.

  13. Let's see, how many number 1 overall picks have the Steelers had? It's not where you pick in the draft, it's developing the players you pick and teaching them what it takes to be a winner.

    You are correct. It is also who you draft, Maybin, Witner, McCargo, or someone that can play. The bills do alright in the later rounds, Johnson, Williams, Kyle, not mike, etc, but can't hit on the top picks. Is it scouting or coaching staff that say take Witner over Ngata? or Losman over someone else? That is what has to change.

  14. I watched Corodo a lot today. He was terrible. He was torched on almost every pass play where I focused on him (5-7). He was routinely face down on the ground after whiffing on his man. Fitz made this line look good today by being able to find open receivers instantly. I dont think he held the ball for maore than 2 seconds all day. If he had, he would have been getting crushed from the right side.


    - I read everyone else comments and everyone else seems to think he was amazing. From my experience most fans dont pay attention to the details while watching - like how everyone was blaming switching to the 3-4 as why our D stunk, when in reality we rarely ran the 3-4 at all. The Jax game Kelsay played OLB in a 4-3 the entire game. 2 weeks later, some article came out about the team switching to the 4-3, and everyone was all up in arms. My point is no one really watches, so take others comments with a grain of salt. Howard played very poorly.

    Hi. I recorded the game sunday and I watched it live and then the tape. After I read your posting I went back and watched Howard. Now I only have the broadcast not the overhead view, but I saw a tackle playing good ball. He pushed rushers around the pocket and pushed defenders up field on running plays sometimes making two blocks on running plays, one at the line and another downfield. I didn't see him on his face once, so I must of missed that. What time in what quarter was it? On the last field goal drive he was beat on a pass play and almost took a defenders head off but that penalty wasn't called but should have been, and mostly Ryan got the ball out very quickly so the tackle didn't have time to come around the corner. All in all I thought a very workman like job for the rookie.

  15. I thought Wangton was a T in college. Why did we draft another guard when we need Tackles?

    Do we ever draft Tackles that can actually play tackle on this team? I don't get it. We draft Cs to play guard(Wood), tackles to play guard( Wang and Levitre) and don't drfat any Ts to play Tackle? What is this all about. We only use non-drafted or Fas to play Tackle?

    It seems Chan wants his o linemen to play all the positions. I always thought there were specific skills necessary for each position. Left tackle quick with a long reach, right, can be slower but stronger, guards slower and stronger and shorter for a lower center of gravity, and a center capable of calling assignments and handling shotgun snaps and nose tackles. So why do they pick a player as a tackle and move him to guard?

  16. I am going to go out on a limb and see you are talking about our starters. You are absolutely right. I got my hopes up and thought Wang may be our diamond in the rough LT of the future but a back up guard is what we will have to settle for.

    Is seems Chan and his crew are a little better able to evaluate talent than the previous regime. Hopefully this group will grow together. On buffalo rumblings they grade the o line each week and the middle is about league average or better and Bell is getting better. Green was the worst and now he is not starting. Howard wasn't rated very well but on a limited number of snaps. I too had hopes of Wang being good but now they move him to guard. Maybe he is too slow to play tackle? I know the offense isn't great but I worry more about the d. especially the ends and backers.

  17. Whether or not Nix/Whaley even call him for a look-see will be quite telling. If Nix does not even want the medical staff to see him, we can be rest assured the guy is shot. If however things check out, I wouldn't mind having him even as a stop-gap measure. He is not old in terms of calendar age and we should still get a couple of years out of him which will be great till we get better LBs.

    On the pre game show yesterday they said he doesn't want to come here. If he is waived he would have to come here if we claimed him. If he is an unrestricted free agent he can pick his team. I think it was Dungee that said it.

  18. What was the point of your post?

    1.) What does that have to with the Bills? Todd Collins didn't work out for the Bills. He has been a "player"\coach for years on the Chiefs\Deadskins and now Bears.

    2.) You know that was one of the worst QB performance by a starting QB in NFL history right?

    6\16 32 yards 0TDs 4INTs

    I don't really think you can call that "starting" or "playing"

    Actually sunday he threw sixteen passed, eight were caught, four by his team and four by the other guys. However, the point I am laboring to make is buffalo seams to have poor talent evaluators both in college drafts and in their own personnel. There are a fair number of former bills doing well for other teams. Leonard, Peters, McGahee, though he talked his way out of town, Winfield, Clements, Bannan, and so on. Yes, most are not marquee names but would still be better to have on the team, like Bannan, than number one pick McCargo. Then we could have used the draft choices we spent on their replacements to fill in other areas of need.

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