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Posts posted by halijack

  1. As much as it'd be nice to keep the hope alive what irritates me the most about the bills is their inability to ever make a statement win. We come up short in the biggest moments over and over again. We squeak out wins here and there just to keep people 'hoping' but you had 2 shots in 5 days to really make the league take notice and blew them both as usual. Every other team has righted their ship for at least a season since 1999. Something has to give!

  2. I feel like we really have no way of knowing what EJ is intending unless you know the play call and have a copy of the play book.

    imo it seems to depend on the play's outcome... if the result is bad, he stared down the receiver, if the result is good he meant to stare at the guy. Depends which dope is calling the game on tv haha

    Even in the example in Sal's article (2nd still) I think someone would/could argue he's staring down Stevie not Ihedegbo. But who cares, the play worked.


    We have no definite way of knowing, lets let the guy play and talk about the end results.

  3. what really bothers me about these pathetic calls, is when they bring a guy like pereira in or any other 'expert' they will show the replay (as was the case last week with Robey's PI) and say something along the lines of there was contact blah blah blah'. Of course there was contact, there is contact on every single pass play, the problem with the flag is that at that crucial moment they decide to get 'ticky tacky'.

    We aren't stupid fans, we all know is was a bad call, call a spade a spade. I feel, as an expert, you'd have more credibility. Its like holding it happens on every play. You just choose to call it.

  4. this list is sad and funny at the same time... i mean there are other pi$$ poor franchises (lions, browns, jags to name a few) and they have their struggles, but do they have lists like this? do other bad franchises have heartbreak endings like this, or are they just bad from start of game right through to the end? I often wonder that. Does it seem worse than it is to us because we're Bills fans? I ask my friends (fans of other teams) if they happened to see how the 'Bills blew it this time' and they never seem all that impressed. So I think maybe this happens to all teams but we're just noticing our team's misfortune, then I think, 'no way, its just us'.

  5. I've always been a fan of the teams my dad roots for in sports (NHL, MLB, NFL) I have a 2 year old myself and got him all kinds of Bills gear and already try to get him watching games with me. After sleeping on it last night, I honestly feel it would be cruel to have my son suffer through the agony of being a Bills fan. I feel I should set him free and let him choose his own team (except the pats). Does anyone else feel this way?

  6. To me everything went downhill with the Calvin Johnson 'catch'. In trying to defend the officiating crew from that game, the NFL has caused a lot of confusion surrounding catch rules.

    My take was Goodwin made contact with the turf with what seemed like two different motions after he came down with the ball. I would love to see/hear a replay and see when the whistle was blown (it should have been on the intial contact with turf as I believe he was touching a defender), but by my understanding, what the NFL is saying by these rulings is because he wasn't in possession of the ball the play was still on going. So wouldn't this mean that had Goodwin maintained possession he could have got up and run? You can't be tackled or down contact before you have possession can you?

  7. Can someone explain why it matters for the offense (namely the qb) to call out which number is the 'mike' linebacker. What is the purpose/benefit to the offense? Aren't you still going to run the play you've called regardless at that point?

    As much as I hate bringing his name up here; Brady can alway be heard during broadcasts shouting out '## is the Mike' but never seems to audible once that's established. Just curious why it matters and as an aside, how does a qb determine who the Mike is if the defense is 3-4 vs. 4-3. Thanks

  8. Still makes no sense unless I am missing something. The league has several rules where they add a penalty onto a play that had nothing to do with the penalty, like adding 5 yards to an ensuing kickoff. The entire idea of replay is to get the play call right. 15 yards itself is too much of a penalty to call on a coach for illegally TRYING to challenge. It didn't affect the game whatsoever. That rule is really a disgrace IMO.

    not to mention the penalty is enforced on the kickoff so really who cares about the 15 yards it'll just result in a touchback.

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