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Merle Haggard

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Posts posted by Merle Haggard

  1. I always said that the line and QB sucked. I never disagreed with you there. You just pretended I said QB and oline were fine in your pretendland you come from. I said a couple nice things (along with a lot of negative things) about buddy and you assumed I liked the QB and line for some reason... even though in every post I said the opposite. You just fail at reading.


    your reading comprehension is just attrocious. People type in black and white saying "i hate the qb and oline" and you reply "what?! you love buddy and our QB and oline?! What is wrong with you?!" then you get called on it and you say "dude, dont be so sensitive!"


    Man, just practice some reading...


    My apologies guy. I just tire of some of the homer speak around here when are needs are so painfully obvious.

    Things would go much more smoothly if you just agreed with every great word I type. :flirt:

  2. Thru second week of 2010....dead on


    It gives me no pride to be "dead on" on this one. In fact it breaks my heart.


    What is maddening is that we actually have fans who are "just fine" with the status quo and are willing to wait until the stars align before we dare bring in any talented players (or coaches). My patience is gone. Nix was plain foolish for not addressing our two biggest needs this offseason.


    They'll ne lucky to win 1 game.


    I've harped on this board for years that OL and DL are foundational positions and impact your O and your D. You have no offense without an decent OL, as we're all to familiar with as we've watched this offense suck for 10 years. Someone take off this skipping record. Same with the DL. We can have great DBs all we want, but eventually they're exposed without a pass rush. I can't understand how football minds can;t seem to understand what is a simple fundamental concept.


    Exactly right my man. How in the sam hell can we just outright ignore filling our two biggest needs this offseason? How foolish it is to defend this gaffe by the great minds at OBD.


    See, you are lying again. Maybe that is why I am so sensitive is because you are making stuff up about me. I haven't dismissed valid concerns. I have said Green is a terrible RT and that is all on Nix, and plenty other things. I don't know why you are saying lies. If you want your cred, then stop putting words in people's mouth.


    You keep saying that I am ingoring buddy's mistakes, and you are flat out making that up. I have said numerous times to you (including this post) that buddy obviously has made mistakes... if me saying buddy has made mistakes is "loving every move that buddy makes," then you are living in pretend town... you keep saying you are "just tellin the truth" but you are filled with lies.


    Answer me this one question: How am I loving every move that buddy makes when I have countless times complained about his handleing of: Cornell Green, lack of OLBs, Schobol, lynch, and then some. tell me. HOW is that "loving" every move that buddy makes? You are the one that accused me of that, and it isn't true. you made it up.


    LOL. I'm sorry big guy, but the way you have defended Buddy's gaffe of not addressing our two biggest needs this offseason would lead me to believe you are okay with all his moves. Thanks for setting me straight. LOL.


    BTW, did you watch the game today? What did you think of the OL and QB play? I rest my case.

  3. Schottenjammer didn't play QB in the NFL. He's a coach's son, not a guy that's gonna relate to a player "as a player" (more like a guy that has always made players uncomfortable because he is the coach's son). What I gather from interviews with Sanchez, is that he is both a mediator between Sanchez and the coaches, and a guy there to provide an example of the kind of dedication it takes to become successful as a QB and a leader in the NFL.


    Anyway, I couldn't give a ratsazz about why Brunell is there. I don't think you have any more insight into the situation than I do. Believe what you like.


    Brunell was a fine QB back in his days in Jacksonville. Smart, disciplined, accurate. He's a veteran backup mentoring the young upstart. Sanchez is fortunate to have a guy of his caliber teaching him the ropes.

    This post is ridiculous. We should be worrying about our own QB situation, there is plenty there to keep us busy.


    Exactly. You waste some good seasons waiting for the QB to get it together. Thats why you get the QB as soon as possible.


    Bingo. Unfortunately, Nix seems to have a problem with this line of thinking

  4. Yeah, me saying that the green signing is garbage is "praising every move buddy makes" :rolleyes:


    This is why your posts have no cred. You throw around lies and accusations saying that I praise every move buddy makes? I have dissed plenty of moves buddy has made, especially the Green signing. If you are going to accuse me of something, can you at least say something that is actually true? If you do that, then I will spell your handle right in the future.


    But until then, try to actually be honest and not throw around lies like me saying buddy makes all good decisions. That is a lie, and I have plenty of posts to back that up. You seem to have this black/white mentality.... if you don't hate buddy, then that must mean you LOVE buddy. yeah, sure dude. You won't find the gray area with that kind of blindness.


    LOL. You are the one dismissing the valid concerns of good ole Buddy ignoring the QB and OL as "much ado over nothing". Quit being so sensitive.


    As for your personal attack on my "cred", let me just say that having played the game at the college level I am fairly certain my knowledge of the game and its strategies far exceeds yours.

  5. Which would have been the Marv Levy approach to being the GM.


    build the o-line with over-rated players with big contracts (Dockery, walker, even have a probowl LT!) and a young QB prospect that SO many people believe will be a solid starter in the nfl....... we sucked back then when we had a pro bowl LT and a young QB, and we still suck. If we are going to pick a QB and LT, let's actually pick ones that are good for once instead of jumping the gun just to "fill a need." We were doomed one way or another this year. It is nice that there are people like Meryle who have so much hope for this team that they think this team would actually be GOOD if we drafted buluga/clausen.... but this team would still be "doomed", and we probably would have been worse in the miami game actually.


    And I think that it is borderline insulting that Meryle keeps saying we are "putting our heads in the sand" just because we don't agree with him. We know the team sucks, we know QB and tackle needs an upgrade... how is that putting our heads in the sand? Seriously. Is he even reading what people are saying? There are a million threads in the past week alone talking about how green and trent both suck. if that is putting the head in the sand, then that is just silly talk. And then he goes on "we can either do nothing and accept failure, or we can TALK about it and discuss how this team sucks...." wtf.... that is like my wife coming over to me and saying "taxes are too high. Let's sit here and TALK about taxes being to high with eachother and that will fix the problem.." hahaha, what the hell. Where is the logic in that if we TALK about green and trent sucking that they will all of a sudden not be problems anymore? It is like that scam artist that teaches classes on how to "wish" for checks to come in the mail, and they start coming on their own. It is crazy. What kind of voodoo is that?


    man, "stick your head in the sand in pretend land or talk about trent and green sucking." Yeah meryle, you are the first one to create threads on these two being complete garbage. I don't know why anyone didn't think of it before you brought it up :rolleyes:


    Kind of touchy aren't you big guy? LOL. BTW, my handle is spelled Merle, pleae remember this going forward. The way you defend every move Buddy is making, one would think you are delighted with our trio of crappy QBs and are subpar OL. Thank Buddy for doing absolutely nothing to shore up these gaping holes. Sound strategy. LOL.


    I'm sick of losing. More sick of how awful our front office is in righting this listing ship. Again, how stupid was it to not address either the QB or OL this offseason either through the draft, free agency or draft? :doh: Answer: quite stupid indeed.

  6. Yes I would. (I dont like Davis. Bulaga is my guy. That thread on him being a G i believe is false. I have looked high and low and no where has it said he is anythign but a back up T. He cant beat out Tauscher, who was hurt at the begining of last year which is why they hgave up all those sacks. Tauscher has been a mainstay on that packer line for a decade. Bulaga not beating him out is nothing to worry about.)


    I missed Mallets game today but going by last seasons performance Mallet doesnt have the accuracy to be anythign but a bust in the NFL. The one highlight I did see it looked like he had a pretty bad wind up too. Clausen would be in year 2 of his career and give us a better chance to win now(2011) and into the future(because at this point I dont like Mallet).


    1 OT for us makes the glass half full. We need Bulaga AND Gaither. Having Gaither and Green leaves a lto to be desired. And who says Bulaga cant be a great LT?


    Also, with our draft and FA record, who says we add a QB and LT next season? For all you know we will draft AJ Green(WR) or some DB next season because they were the "best player available"



  7. so what you're saying is that you'd like the Bills to do what they did the last several years by thinking we are close and bringing in a vet (T.O. anyone) and ignoring the fact that we needed a total rebuild. We aren't close, nor have we been. The fact of the matter is that the Bills have missed on so many first and and second round picks that we lack good talent. If fact, the only two teams to have fewer draft picks still on the roster since 2006 is Detroit and the Rams. So you are sick of rubbing shoulders of the dwellers of the NFL, that stat shows why we are there. Further, that stat shows you need to hit on draft picks to get great in this league. So trading picks for Bradford or a vet would just put us further behind.


    Who is the mystery quarterback you want? McNabb didn't want to come here. Bradford costs our first, second, third this year and our first next year. Further putting us in a hole for talent. The fact of the matter is that previous regimes missed on so many first round picks that we lack talent. Maybe we can get Vick to come here next year while we allow our draft pick to learn and get NFL ready.


    Also, looking forward, the 2011 draft class is QB and OL talent rich. This might be the best tackle class we've seen in a long time. Also, don't forget about Ed Wang, this guy has potential, it sucks that he got hurt in camp, but he'll be our starting RT by years end.


    There is no quick fix to this disaster of a team. Sit back, and try to get enjoyment of watching guys like David Nelson develop and hope we can get this turned around for next year. We are many players away from competing, not just one or two.


    So you want to stick your head in the sand and do nothing, and wait for the great Nix to draft 11 future HOFers. Right? LOL. Sound strategy.


    McNabb was not the only QB that was available and there were OLmen available as well through free agency - not all of them chumps that you "lets not do anything risky" types love to ridicule. Again, we did absolutely nothing to plug the two biggest gaping holes we have, QB and OL. Amazing how a few of you bob your heads and wave pom poms at this decision. Most of us find it inexcuseable.


    Sorry guy, you may enjoy losing, most of us do not.

  8. Yes and Yes


    Also, There were numerous trades to mbe made as well. Like the one that sent Jammaal Brown to the Skins for a 3rd or 4th (depending on the McNadd trade). Or McNabb for that matter. We could have tendererd Incognito. Cornell Green has looked like a load of sh*t since day 1. The Ball has been dropped big time and its showing.


    Why is it that we have a contingent around here who cannot see the forest through all those trees? LOL. Solid response my man. :thumbsup:

  9. Sorry I misunderstood Merle. I thought you were saying it was better to lose a lot of games this year and risk it on a first round "franchise QB" than go the free agent route.


    Glad to hear you are a fellow season ticket holder. That's why you too are tired of the losing and don't want to wait until the stars align and we get just the right roster to make a Super Bowl run like so many on here want to (I think).


    Actually I've been alive the whole time you've had season tickets plus many more years beyond that!


    Go BILLs !!


    Apology accepted my friend. I too apologize for my sharp response. You and I are on the same page. I never cease to be amazed that some around here are content with the status quo and dismiss outright going out and boldly getting the players and coaches we need to win. A combination of free agents, trades, draft picks will fix this trainwreck as opposed to sticking our heads in the sand.


    Go Bills indeed!

  10. I didn't call him a bust. I said he wouldn't have given us any help THIS year.


    Isn't THIS year the year you are talking about or did you already forget what you said in your first post?


    And WHO slated clausen to go 1st? because if teams actually slated him to go first, then they would have picked him in the 1st round. If you are talking about the ESPN folks slating clausen to go first, then that is silly that you want ESPN to run a football team.



    LOL. Virtually all the "pundits" were picking Clausen in the first, even in the top 10 overall. Go research it yourself big guy. You're darn straight I'm talking this year - I would be much more comfortable if we would have at least drafted our postions of greatest needs so we can start getting them battle ready now versus kicking that process out one more year. Nix didn't. Big mistake. Hence, ignoring the QB and OL this offseason will cost us dearly. This is not rocket science. Sheesh.


    The only time I get pissed off is when I have high expectations and become disappointed. I am a huge Bills fan and drive 5 hours one way for the games. Some of you guys are really just mentally ill. The OBVIOUS plan with this team is to spend as little as possible, focus on the draft, install new schemes across the board while learning who they can coach up and who they can't, and the clear side effect of this process is a top 3 pick in next years draft. They really do seem to just be starting over with low overhead. Based on previous decision making in the organization over the years, it just doesn't make sense to spend a lot of money on players when you haven't been very good at it before. If the obvious reality is too much to deal with, start pulling for a different team, and give up your season tickets so that I can continue upgrading. The world is a scary place, if the Bills season is that hard on you, get help. Fast! Go Bills.


    I aint giving up my great seats guy. And yes, I will continue to howl when the guys at OBD blunder.

  11. A "winning ticket"??? With a 70 yr old "Rookie GM" making the pick??? That's hardly a "winning ticket" in my book. My point was that AJ Smith was making the decisions in S.Diego - NOT Buddy Nix. No one knows at this point whether we just blew a great chance at picking up a possible "Franchise QB" when we passed on Claussen in the 2nd round of this last draft. I have no trust in Buddy's skills at picking a "winning ticket" as you call it. Time will tell of course. But as far as Luck, Locker and Mallett are concerned, at this point they are no more or less a "winning ticket" than Claussen may have been. And very few QB's step right out of college and become "Franchise QB's overnight. As far as Elway(#1), Kelly(#14), and Marino(#27) are concerned, You fail to mention that Todd Blackledge(#7), Tony Eason(#15), and Kenny O'Brien(#24) were also highly thought of that season and look how they turned out... Let's not even talk about Tony Hunter(#12) whom the Bills picked before Jim Kelly.... Some "winning ticket" he turned out to be....




    The thing about buluga is, he isn't even starting at RT on a packers oline that isn't that good to begin with. Chances are he would probably be just as bad as Green, but would have cost us a first rounder.... so people that are screaming we should have drafted buluga are crazy.


    But I agree with the reasoning that troup might have been available in the 3rd. It is hard to tell, but i agree it is very possible.


    It's awfully early to be calling Bulaga a bust pal. Chances are good Troup would have been around in the third. Nix blew big time by passing on Clausen. No guarantee, just like any other pick, that he would have panned out - but I'm willing to risk a 2nd rounder on a QB that was slated to go in the 1st.

  12. Too homerish. Get real youself. This crap has been talked about way too freakin much. They've got their plan and it's going to take some time to have it come together. Enough of the doom and gloom. If you don't enjoy the games, don't watch them. But please just stop coming here to spout your hate. A good portion of us here just don't want to hear it anymore.


    I got to know. are you really mpl? Actually, at least he got better as time went on. Your use of man, big guy, ace, get real, get a clue etc. really has cemented you as my new least favorite poster on this board. LOL. (yea, that's sarcasm)


    No hate guy, just reality. I'm the first to give high praise when deserved, but I also will be critical when deserved. You don't like it? Tough. Simply ignore the post and move on. Your loss not mine. LOL

  13. It's amazing to me that some on here that are willing to wait forever for that "franchise QB" that will take us to the promised land. If we can suck for another year or two or 20 to get the number one pick and get that golden QB, it's worth it. More round 1 QBs are busts than are "franchise QB"s.


    No, I am not willing to take that risk. I say get a decent QB to get us on a winning track so we can develop our RBs and WRs who we can't with the current occupant of the QB chair. Our guys need to learn how to win. Then we may be able to attract that FA QB to make us competitive for the big dance. Trent Dilfer and Brad Johnson and Kurt Warner and Drew Brees and Brett Favre all won SBs without being number one picks.


    Besides, we tried that with JP and it blew up in our face.


    We've got to crawl before we can walk, and Jake Delhomme or someone like him certainly could have helped us in that regard. Plus having a SB QB in the huddle commands more respect and hustle from his teammates than a loser like Trent.


    But you just go ahead and wait for that golden "Franchise QB". Enjoy the 3-13 seasons too. Do you buy tickets? Didn't think so. Put some skin in the game and see if you still feel that way.


    Actually you are misunderstanding my gripe here. I would have been all for a Delhomme, McNabb, Bomar, or even a Tod Collins over the crappy QBs we have. One of these fellas would at least be a stopgap.


    Oh and yeah I do own season tickets pal, for the past 25 years - which is probably longer than you have even been born. Yeah, I got plenty of "skin in the game".


    My point, again, is ignoring the QB and OL this offseason will cost us dearly as we are probably looking at a 3-13 season. Newsflash ace, we are right up there with the Browns as the laughing stock of the league. Get real.


    I wouldn't mind taking a QB in round 1 if they TRULY feel that he is a franchise QB.... bradford looks like a real deal.... but I would rather take a QB in round 2 or 3. We should either re-sign edwards or sign a decent Vet to play while the rookie develops as well, at least in the first year.


    It is obvious we need a new QB.... it is going to suck if we pick one, wait four years, and find out he is a bust. I want them to take the time to actually find a good one.


    And of course we are going to need at least one starting tackle. Maybe more depending on how this season turns out. And of course, we need OLB help. And then the team needs depth in general at various positions.


    And it is crazy to think that if we plug in a good LT and a good QB into this offense, it will suddenly be fixed. The Skins have done just that (drafted an LT and Signed mcnabb) and they didn't look any better than us in their game. They didn't even have an offensive TD, that we DID have. People need to get a grip. This team wouldn't be playoff bound if we drafted a QB and LT in rounds one and two and signed a "better" rt via FA. This team is not 3 fixes away from being that good at all.


    Yeah, the only difference between the Skins and us is that they actually won there game, against their rival NFC east champs with a new coach, QB. We lost are game with a crappy QB and a coach who looked lost. No a competent QB and OL doesn't guarantee a super bowl, but it is a guarantee we aint going anywhere except the celler with the sorry group we currently have.


    We should re-sign edwards


    What????!!! :doh::lol:0:)


    This is a depressing thread. Everything said here has been rehashed over and over since the draft.


    I am not a fan of our OL, especially the tackles. I am not a Trent fan either. We have who we have and I understand why they made the picks they did.


    Can we play more than one game before we give up the ship?


    Watching our team flounder year afer year is depressing. Ignoring the obvious by not discussing seems too homerish to many of us. Sorry guy I'm not going to wave pom poms at every bonehead decision made at OBD.

  14. Oh , we are not brilliant. We suck. But if you think the jests crappy offense is any better than our crappy offense, then you are blind as hell.


    The biggest weakness right now on the Colts is they have a crappy oline... same with cowboys. Man, they are so dumb not to address the oline. Just as dumb as us. I am not making excuses for the bills, they have a crappy QB and crappy tackles. But you jerking off to the jests is just ridiculous. Just because they screamed the loudest... but guess what, jests aren't going to be good this year and the only reason they won't be picking first overall next year is because their defense is amazing. Their offense still sucks.


    I hope you are right about the jets big guy, but fear you are not. jets were one game away from the big dance last year with an "lousy" offense. their d is amazing. i only wish our team was as "crappy" as the jets. LOL.

  15. Oh yeah, the Jests sure know how to work free agency by dumping their leading rusher and starting 2 guys that were nowhere near as good. How many fumbles did shonne green have? How messed up was the Jests oline without faneca? Did you even watch the jests offense play? They were horrid. There is probably a 50/50 chance the jests will win less games than us, if that is how their offense is going to look the rest of the season.


    And yeah, sanchez looks like such a stud, throwing to his recievers against 2nd string DBs... and getting less than 100 yards passing. MAN! the jests are just golden and are set at QB for the next 10 years! :rolleyes:


    LOL. The Jets are light years ahead of us, as are the Ravens and virtually every other team in putting together a winning solution through a combination of draft picks and free agents. We are so "brilliant" that we ignore the two biggest needs of the team this offseason. Newsflash: We are destined to be a loser yet again this season. Get back to me when you get a clue. Sheesh.

  16. I would trade Troupe for Clausen in a New York heartbeat.


    I wanted us to do what Cleveland did. Flush the lame QBs we got and bring in Jake Delhomme off the waiver wire and trade a low pick for Seneca Wallace. We blew it, big time.


    Is it amazing that some around here think that hanging on to sub par types is better than taking the "risk" that a draft choice "might" not pan out? LOL.


    Funny how the Ravens, Jets seem to do okay on the free agent side. We can't even pick guys off the waiver wire that would be better with the clowns we have. Bold moves improve ball climbs, not tip toeing around out of fear of making the wrong decision. Sheesh.

  17. You are correct in both highlighted areas, but the truth is, for every year you delay filling the two most important positions on the offense, if not the entire team, it is another year that you delay any respectability returning to your franchise. It happens once in a blue moon that an QB or LT comes in and saves the day as a rookie, both positions take a few seasons, normally, to adjust to the speed of the NFL game. Clausen wouldn't have saved us this year, but he would moved us one season closer to being decent, and a losing season, as we all know is a long one.


    Exactly. :thumbsup:

    Why is this so hard for some around here to understand?

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