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Posts posted by BillsMan75

  1. Dumbest.


    Not sure where you've been, but just a few tidbits.

    I'll take the bait, Doc. Just for fun and to point out that this can be spun the other way.


    1) Wanny is a 4-3 guy. Bills have already committed to the 3-4. Bringing in Wanny stunts that transition. And, going baack to the 4-3 means Nix and Gailey made a huge mistake (they won't admit that), and any gain from the past year is wasted.

    At Gailey's season ending presser, he emphasized yet again that he sees the Bills as a multiple front team, not a team married to any one scheme. He also stated that they would take the best defensive players regardless of scheme and would fit the scheme around the talents of their players. Nothing is wasted. Troup and Carrington can easily transition to a 4-3. It's not like the Bills made a drastic and irrevocable move towards the 3-4.

    2) With Wanny and Edwards there, players and assts. are gonna be tripping over themselves. They won't know what master to serve... they may even end up taking sides.

    Pure speculation. If Wannstache is brought aboard, we don't know if other heads will roll, what capacity he will be brought in as (it could still be as DC with Edwards being demoted), or any of the specifics. Purely negative take.

    3) Wanny wants high end DC money and wants to be Asst. HC so he can step into the Bills HC role when Chan gets fired. Ralph don't pay top coin for anyone. Not to mention, Wanny as a head caoch is a disaster. Wherever he's been as HC, he has a 2 yr. window in which his teams are very competitive and then a steady and steep decline.

    Ralph has mostly been cheap but not always. He has splurged from time to time and in fact paid to bring in Dick LeBeau even though the Bills had a DC as a Head Coach in Greg(g) Williams and a DC in Jerry Grey. Again, just a negative take.

    4) This Wanny BS is Ralph's way of BSing the fans (AGAIN) into believing that he really cares about the Bills vying for a championship. He did the same thing last year when he feigned courting Cowher and Shanahan. A lot of fans bought in then, Ralph saw it worked tosell tix, so he's doing it again.

    You're doing a good BillsVet imitation. I must say. I don't think the casual fan will but a ticket because we brought in a defensive coach. The people getting excited about this are the hard core fans, a small segment of the actual ticket buyers.

    What a bunch of crapola dog and pony show... bringing wanny in to meet, greet, and gnosh with the staff. Picture something like that happening in your own work environment. I'll bet that went over with the staff like a lead fart.

    This team has been a losing organization. Do you really care how Wanny's meet and greet was received by the holdover defensive staff? I sure as hell don't. This sends the message that losing will not be tolerated. It puts people on notice which should be the case when a team's defense is as horrendous as it was in 2010. I hope that the defensive coaching staff at OneBillsDrive experiences many sleepless nights.









    This is by far the most intellegant response I have read on this Site and can not disagree with any of it. Good Post San Jose Bills Fan!

  2. this is crazy talk. fred is 30 and probably has 2 more seasons in him at this kinda level[max]. spiller is a young guy who will be the feature back.


    Could not agree more 808! You dont trade your #9 draft pick when the Pony in your stable is 30 years old, I don't care how great he is playing. Even if he has 3 or 4 good years left, you still need a dynamic backup that can fill in when needed for breaks when he is tired or god forbid Freddy gets hurt.

  3. A Rochester D&C article alluded that Nix/Gailey drafted Spiller because they didn't realize how good Fred Jackson is (I presume they knew Lynch was going to go). Assuming we have more need positions than draft or FA signings can fill, would it make sense to trade Spiller? Naturally, it would have to be the right deal, but considering we need a DT, OT, LB, TE, QB (franchise, that is), it might be a viable option. If we could get a #1 or #2 pick, or perhaps a player for player swap for one of the need positions, it might get us one step closer to playoffs in 2011. Trading for a quality TE would help the offense immensely.


    WTF are you smok'en because I want some! There is no way I do this if I am Nix.

  4. OK who's grown one in solidarity with our newfound leader?


    *raises hand*



    Started growing mine after the Detroit Game though not for the reason one might think. I was to sick and tired to Shave and by the time I went back to work a week later it was nice and full so i didn't bother to shave it off. :)

  5. His job is being Jim Kelly and I would hazard a guess that no one does it better.


    In terms of the specific financial arrangements between the two I think the ruling line is the one where the Bills traditionally say about all contractual interactions that they do not reveal details of contracts.


    The general thing which we do know is that Mr. Ralph made a "handshake" deal a number of years back to not sign a new contract a year before he hit FA as the Bills were hard up against the cap but to reward him in his next contract (this strikes me as a clear violation of the salary cap but given this was a personal and not a written deal between a player and an owner neither the NFLPA or the team owners were not benefited by complaining- though I would not be shocked if part of the reason why Mr. Ralph took an inordinantly long time to make the HOF was the cavalier manner he blew off the cap.


    At any rate, only Mr. Ralph could make such a deal and he simply made a bad football judgment that even this fan could see from the upper reaches of the Ralph and on TV saw Kelly was done a year before the Bills reached taking TC arguably early and then rushed him a long to start.


    It would be my GUESS that either Mr. Ralph simply wrote Jimbo a check for a cool million or instead he gave Jimbo what in essence was an annuity which paid Jimbo the million in upfront worth over several years with a kicker which guaranteed a specific rate of return on the million as it was paid out over 10 or even 20 years.


    Such a payment would benefit Mr. Ralph as the upfront outlay of a large was of cash is not on the books, Jimbo is financially bound to the Bills for a long time and has to answer to Mr. Ralph. For Jimbo there is likely no investment he could make with a wad o cash if he received it upfront than investing in the Bills who are committed to extensive payouts.


    Even better for both, with this type of deal it is virtually impervious to challenge by either the NFL or the NFLPA (hence they penalized him by keeping him out of the HOF.

    My GUESS is that this the type of deal that the Bills and Jimbo likely have since they do not generally release details.



    Seriously? This has to be the dumbest idea I have ever heard.

  6. This week everyone can get a much clearer look at the true Ryan Fitzpatrick, and why he will always be a backup. Jacksonville is terrible, and having a good game against the worst secondary in the league doesn't prove much of anything. A solid Baltimore defense is going to put him on lockdown, and his QB rating will fall.


    OK..... Anyone who did not know that Ryan Fitzpatrick was not a great quarterback, please raise your hand. Hmmmmmm I don't see any hands???

  7. My Dad always told me "Son, never go backwards in your life. Always move forward." This applies here. For better or worse Bill Polian is not our GM, and never will be again. B. Polian is one of the if not the best at what he does for sure. That said, he is old and getting ready to hand the Colts over to his Son. Meaning.... he is going to retire soon. If Nix is not what this team needs (and I think he is IMHO) than Can his a$$ and find someone younger and at the top of his game at evaluating talent and hire him.

  8. Sign Joey Porter. Not for his production (not a ton left) but for his experience, TRUE leadership and attitude.


    -He was a DE at Colorado St. and converted to OLB when he was drafted by the Steelers. He learned from the best and would have been able to help with the transition.


    -His leadership and attitude would have been invaluable. I always laugh when people want to point to Lil Donte as the Bills leader and then you look at a guy like Porter who sets the tempo for the D and plays nasty as hell. Donte is busy twittering and whining about other teams laughing at the Bills. I wonder what would happen if Porter and his D were being laughed at?


    Basically, Buddy Dits chose a loser like Kelsay to lead the way for his vision and that is why the Bills suck. :bag:


    Ummmmmm, yeh.....What he just said.

  9. This is my off season, although not practical.

    On Offence Keep Wood, Levitre, Spiller, Evans, Nelson Jackson, and Wang

    On Defense Keep Williams, Maybe Troup, and the Defensive back feild except Whitner....

    On Special Teams keep Lindel and Moorman

    REALESE EVERYONE ELSE, cause they obviously suck. They cant open holes on offence, can't tackle and close gaps on defense

  10. I think I spotted Hamdan at the Buffalo airport this morning. He was riding on a white horse and his face was shining like the sun. On the back of his horse rode George Seifert.


    WOW! I actually got goosebumps.......Ummm never mind it was just a cold chill.

  11. Listening to the media say the Bills are hapless, hopless, bottom dwellers, etc.... gets a bit tiresome. Even when the Lions were 0-16, many of the games they played were close even entertaining. I am to the point now that I don't listen to the media reports anymore. I read the informative articles about whats going on and as soon as it turns negative(if it turns negative) I close the page. If they lose on Sunday they lose. Oh well. Do I think they will lose???? Well thats another story. Bills 27 Dolphins 17.

  12. Those comments can most certainly be argued. Good thing you're not a litigator.


    I couldn't agree more. I have seen many positives with this years team in the preseason! T.E. is playing with much more confidence, The run game will be a major upgrade from last year, and although not great, the receiving corp will have a much better year this year as well. Just IMHO

  13. OK, just for fun answer the following question so that at the end of the year we can go back and check it. Which team(s) in the AFC East will have a worse record than the Bills this year? All those at TBD feel free to go on record too!

    See my answer below.


    I would like to go on record. IMO the Jets will have the worst record in the AFC East. Sanchez is going into year 2, most QB's tend to have difficulty their 2nd year. Teams adapt to the playing style now that there is plenty of game film on them(I can thing of a few exceptions, but as a general rule I will stand by my statement). He will have to learn how to adjust and he will struggle. He very well may become a top tier QB.......but not this year.

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