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Ignatius J. Reilly

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Posts posted by Ignatius J. Reilly

  1. I was there in my pirate costume. Here's the exchange I witnessed:


    Crowd members: "You suck Trent. We know football better than Gailey and you suck. We listen to the smart people on message boards, and therefore we know a lot about football."


    Gailey: "We are a busy and dynamic organization whose mission needless effrontery and harassment can only hinder. If you molest us again, sirs, you may feel the sting of the lash across your pitiful shoulders."


    Crowd members: "Speak slower please. May I have a towel for my drool?"


    Gailey: "This liberal doxy must be impaled upon the member of a particularly large stallion."


    Crowd members: "I need my diaper changed. Time for my nappy!"

  2. I initially thought this post was actually about pirates, and I'm disappointed to find out it is about some organized sporting venture. I despise athletes and athletics.


    However, I have often dressed up as a pirate, and was once is a swordfight. I tried to end our little duel. I called out pacifying words; I entreated; I finally surrendered. Still Clyde came, my pirate costume so great a success that it had apparently convinced him that we were back in the golden days.

  3. Keep him forever. I enjoy the natural scent of human sweat feeding bacteria. A stench to some is a flower to others.




    I have my own time frame with Maybin but yours may be different.


    At some point YOU have to cut your losses and move on...........


    Personally, I give him this season and perhaps one more preseason to drastically improve, after that, SEE YA!


    I am all for patience, but we need more from a #1 draft pick. It's money vs production


    There is no right or wrong answer with a time frame to cut ties, it depends on your patience level. :devil:


    Your opinion is important to me and I respect your thoughts on the matter.




    -DIEHARD 1967

  4. Fortuna's wheel has found a position for us, and it is befitting of our place in mankind. Failure and despair are appropriate for us. If it is yet possible to enjoy our fortunes, I suggest we start.


    I highly suggest you find time to assault the glove, as it gives a momentary respite from our daily struggle.

  5. My digestive system has almost ceased functioning altogether. Some tissue has perhaps grown over my pyloric valve, sealing it forever.


    How's your valve?


    I think you may have enjoyed the book a bit too much - don't live your life vicariously thru IJR, or you'll be running around swinging a plastic sword and wallowing in your own flatulence! :thumbsup:

  6. With the breakdown of the medieval system, the gods of chaos, lunacy, and bad taste gained ascendancy.


    Oh, stop complaining. According to half the readers and posters here, we have a great owner who has nothing but the best interests of the Buffalo fans at heart. After all, they say, he hasn't left Buffalo for greener pastures. Therefore, he is the best thing since "sliced white bread". Look at all those awful owners who move franchises, they say. You know those like Al Davis, and Art Modell, both Super Bowl winners.


    I'm afraid the level of intellectual capacity of most Buffalo fans, at least those who post on this board, is limited to "well, we have a team here, it sucks, but who cares since we have a team, and Mr. Wilson must be a great owner since he hasn't left Buffalo.


    Hey geniuses, did it ever occur to you that Mr. Wilson makes millions keeping the team here? Are there better or more loyal fans, than Bills fans (perhaps Chicago Cubs fans)? Where else would he find 70,000 per game to support the junk he puts on the field? Take a long look at Jacksonville. What are their attendance figures like? Furthermore, every competent coach, GM, personnel guy, or scout with ability has left this team, most likely due to money or owner interference.


    Good luck dreaming about bringing in competent veteran, OL players.

  7. I suspect that we are teetering on the edge of the abyss.


    I was just waiting for this excuse. I knew it was coming and now that he said it confirms my belief that Nix seriously screwed up this offseason by not addressing the O-Line. Gailey says in an article from Chris Brown yesterday that: a QB can't throw downfield while he's scrambling for his life or lying on his back, we got to protect better (paraphrasing).

    They are already using the poor oline as an excuse for Trent's failure to throw past 4 yards. I know we played w/o some starters on the oline Friday night but doubt Cornhole Green would do much better. The fact that Nix did nothing to shore up our oline this past offseason will kill this team, something I've been saying since the draft ended . The Bills have alot of money to spend, no cap, no Schobel, small payroll; would it kill them to bring in a Flozell-Jamal Brown-Marcus Mcneil etc.

    Damit Ralph spend some money and get us some NFL tackles! Nix get out of bed before noon, put down the Metamucil, pick up the rotary dial phone and do something-Oh Yeah it's too late for this year so go back to bed.

  8. I refuse to "look up." Optimism nauseates me. It is perverse. Since man's fall, his proper position in the universe has been one of misery.




    What a mess! The worst team;look at our qb situation...a joke. We have arguably one of the worst owners in the history of sports. The man just milks every dollar out of this team. The people of WNY deserve better.
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