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Buffalo Billy

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Posts posted by Buffalo Billy

  1. The average blue-collar fan gets his football for free--on TV, just like over 90% of every teams fan base does. It was free decades ago and still is. Not much "growth" in free.


    Cable bills and being subjected to constant commercials doesn't seem like "free" to me. Networks pay buckets of money to the NFL for the "privilege" to broadcast the games, money they get from cable subscribers (you know, US), and advertisers (who make THEIR money from you guessed it, US).


    this is why you eat and drink before you go into the game. i didn't buy one beer at any of the games i went to last year. $8.00 for a 16oz beer? !@#$ that. they don't even give 24oz beers anymore. 8$ for a 24oz beer was reasonable, but not 16oz. it's a damn joke.

    I think I paid something like $11.50 for a "tallboy" can of beer (which I think is 16 ounces) at the game in Toronto. I forget the exact price but I know it was in excess of $10.

  2. Gonna argue for WickedGame on this one. Watson had control over the pressing of the buzzer. Robot!

    A robot is just a machine given direction by an AI or scripted program. Are you claiming there was an actual physical aspect of Watson that was manually pressing the buzzer button? Seems to me like it was just triggering the buzzer remotely via ITS PROGRAMMING.


    Besides, "robot" is a general term that can be loosely applied to any sort of automated machine. You can say something is a robot, but you can't say "No that isn't an AI" BECAUSE its a robot...

  3. It was Jet's "Strength and Conditioning" coach Sal Alosi.

    He was suspended without pay indefinitely after the hue and cry and fined $25,000 by the Jets.

    Players said he instructed them to form a line next to him in a prohibited area.

    Ryan and the Jets say this was done completely without their knowledge and instruction. Yeah, whatever.


    The NFL fined the Jets $100,000 over the incident.



    Do you realize you're replying to a post that is weeks old? I'm sure he's been made aware of it by now.

  4. Why should the NFL move a team to Toronto? They have yet to demonstrate they can support a team. They sure do a poor job supporting their CFL team and the experiment with the Bills hasn't exactly been a success. I think a team in Toronto is a fantasy for the foreseeable future.

    You're looking at it the wrong way. -A- team. They'll happily support -A- team, they're just not that crazy about the second-hand rental team they are being -told- to support. They'll support a permanent team of their OWN. Any expert can tell you the NFL is big in Southern Ontario.

  5. Before correction, the entry for Denver was also about Denver, although it was different than the Tebow one that now is there. This was not a transposition. And the moron would be the person who made the error, not the person who noticed it.

    1. I assume the other "entry" for Denver was an old one, because I don't see why they would be talking about Orton when Tebow had just started.

    2. Speaking of (not) noticing things, I didn't say the idiot was the person noticing the error, I was implying someone was an idiot for NOT noticing that it was an obvious error. The poster ripped the guy in the article for not knowing what team Tebow played for when that was clearly not the case.

  6. It's Canadian eh? and as a Canadian I'm ashamed that this idiot is allowed to express his opinion. In Canada though nobody pays attention to TSN outside of the Toronto area. I bet this moron would be able to tell you what Mats Sundin had for breakfast on any specific day but obviously isn't smart enough to know which team Tebow plays for.


    Go Bills!

    And it takes a special kind of moron to not realize it was just an editing error that resulted in Denver's caption being listed in Buffalo's slot, which was right above it. What did Denver's caption read before they corrected it?

  7. It's all about the money. That is all the NFL big wigs and owners care about. The actions thay take shows each and every week that it's not the fans that are important, but the almighty greenback. can you imagine the ratings on the Detroit - Bills game if it was primetime. I'd be watching WWE Raw or The Closer. It's sad, but true.

    They obviously wouldn't just randomly put two last place teams together on primetime. They would at least make it a divisional matchup, or against a playoff team from the previous year.


    But I do find it absolutely ridiculous that we get stuck in Sun-1pm for the entire season when there's enough "primetime" games for every team to be put up three times each. They couldn't throw us a single Sunday night game while (I think it is) the Jets get like three Monday night games? If they want to save Mondays for the big marquee matchups then fine, but at least let each team have one or two evening games on Sundays. I don't really care about Thursdays...

  8. Where are all the haters that said he couldn't play? Looked pretty good for his first start with 2 Touchdowns, he should have been sitting behind Fitz being groomed as our QB of the future.

    They're still here, still saying he can't play.


    Why do people make these threads if they don't know what they're talking about?

  9. The dumbass should have said it was an involuntary reflex move when he noticed the guy hauling ass right towards him. His apology is an admission of guilt.

    "I'm sorry for DOING IT ON PURPOSE" is usually a pretty clear sign of guilt to me. Would you advise he lie about something that blatant and make the punishment worse for it?


    I did not see him "trip" the guy. He was just bending his knees to brace for possible contact

    Then he should have been trying to get OUT of the way, not lean into him. And I've seen people "brace for impact", that's not how you do it. He was extending his knee OUTWARD into the player. Are you trolling or are you really that dumb?

  10. Actually it is possible. My science teacher back in 8th grade lost his left ring finger while hanging up Christmas lights. He fell off the ladder and on the way down, it managed to get caught on some point in the ladder that ripped his finger clean off.

    And my cousin's best friend's hairdresser says it was likely just his finger itself getting caught on the ladder. He may have realized after "hey, that's my ring finger" and blamed it on the ring for dramatic effect.


    Anyways, the one in a billion chance of it actually happening isn't good enough odds to knock him for wearing it on the field. There's probably just as good odds of it -protecting- his finger from a minor injury as it is of causing one.

  11. It's the false illusion that they'll become a better team once they draft the best player available.


    I'd love to know the percentages of top draft picks that actually help their team win right away. When a team is as bad as Carolina is (and the Bills were earlier this year), there are several holes that need to be fixed, so the #1 guy won't necessarily turn them around right away. A legit QB helps, but isn't always the answer.


    I've said this ad nauseum, but I always want the Bills to win, even if it "hurts" their draft position. I'd love to see them win out and knock the Dolphins out of the playoffs, make the Patriots sweat things a little bit, and make the Jets sweat their playoff chances even more.

    Sam Bradford and the Rams have a losing record and are in the bottom half of the league in offense.

    Matt Stafford isn't looking at a championship ring with the Lions anytime soon.

    Heck even golden boy Sanchez was the league's worst rated starter last year as they rode their running game and pass D through an easy finishing schedule. And they're still bottom third of the league in passing this year.


    I'm not holding my breath on getting that top 5 pick to carry us to the Super Bowl.

  12. It is Sully being Sully a total jackass. He fails to see that this team took 3 playoff bound teams to OT. If we are to win one more this year let it be the Pats

    I would love to see Sully try to talk down a win over the Pats. He already has an excuse if we beat the Jets, they're a "team on the decline".

  13. The comments section in that is rich. There's the typical Jets fan with a stupid handle "hooterdawg" trying to defend the action as "self defense", and the squadron of sanctimonious Pats fans preaching about how superior the Pats are because they wouldn't pull crap like that. Ya, you'll just videotape practices from the stands and play dirty ON the field rather than on the sidelines.

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