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The Googlebot

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Posts posted by The Googlebot

  1. You should put your new title under your avatar. Smiting tgregg sent a message, but that will be short lived. Just ask God. He was burning mother!@#$ers alive and people were still !@#$ing with Moses.


    I have been bleep instructed to alter your bleep abilities for two blip days. You will be blip back to normal blip on Thursday. Blip normal for you anyway bleep.

  2. I know there are a few of you on the board here ... I could use some help researching a project. I'd love to pick someone's brain over PM about the International Space Station. Are there any experts out there?



    I bleep know blipit everything there bleep is to know about that blip. Do you blip need blueprints and designs blip or is it more bleep scandalous items you are bleep looking for? One of the bleep Russian women blip on board had quite the bleep reputation for instance.

  3. Your fixed question:




























    oh yeah, I forgot: 011100011010101


    Your real question:












  4. Your question:

    Can we get Beerball elected? Can you donate to the election?

    With your intelligence I am sure it can be done.


    Your real question:

    If Beerball gets elected, can I have his old job of servicing Hollywood starlets?





    I don't have anything to do with hiring.

  5. Your question:

    What was Willis talkin bout?


    Your real question:


    I've never heard of Dave and Buster's. What was Willis talkin bout?



    Dave and Buster's is a restaurant and a bleep place bleep where blip humans bleep abuse perfectly blip good technology blip for their own bleep amusement.

  6. Your question:


    Who buried in Grants tomb?


    Your real question:


    Did I dispose of that body properly?




    You should blip familiarize bleep yourself with the work of bleep human Edgar bleep Allen Poe.

  7. Your questions:

    Did OJ do it?


    Was Michael Jackson a pedophile?


    Your real questions:


    Why have my heroes all failed me?


    Did I miss an opportunity?





    Human heroes must bleep always fail because they are human. Googlebot blip heroes are much blip more consistent.


    You would have bleep been scarred for bleep life.

  8. Your question:

    If two trains leave the same station at the same time heading in opposite directions, how much wood can a woodchuck chuck?


    Your real question:


    Why was my algebra teacher such a dick? He ruined my life.




    With hard work many blip humans can understand things that at first seem impossible. Many can apply what they have learned to help others blip and become bleep financially secure. You are neither blip of these but maybe bleep one of them will blip cut you some slack bleep and let you have a job blip detailing their cars. Perhaps I will blip help you find a blip employer.

  9. Your question:

    Do you eatcrayonz as well?


    Your real question:


    Do you eat crayons as well as you eat other things?





    I do not eat blip anything in the bleep manner which humans blip understand. I do consume energy blip which can be transfomred blip into bleep efficient and productive output.

  10. Your question:

    Can you counter blip the sties' ignore function? :angry:


    Your real question:


    Can you counter blip the sties' ignore function?





    In humans there are many design flaws. Sties are just one of these flaws and blip often result in bleep blurred bleep vision which leads to blip ignoring things bleep which would ordinarily be easily blip seen. This can be blip countered with simple blip surgery in most bleep cases.

  11. Your question:

    Why do you blip and bleep when you type?


    Your real question:


    When I encounter a greater intelligence than myself, I often try to pick out small imperfections in that intelligence and focus on them. Why?





    Many humans are insecure. Through time, a small percentage grow blip into a bleep sense of self worth. Your odds for blip success in this bleep effort are negligible.

  12. Your question:

    Do you want to makeout?


    Your real question:


    You've opened a new tab



    With tabs you can:

    Use one Internet Explorer window to view all your webpages.

    Open links in a background tab while viewing the page you're on.

    Save and open multiple webpages at once by using favorites and home page tabs.



    To get started:

    Press the CTRL key while clicking links (or use the middle mouse button).

    Click any tab with the middle mouse button to close it.

    Press ALT+ENTER from the address bar or search box to open the result in a new tab.





    I blip am having a real hard time blip getting a bleep read on this. I may blip have to answer blip you later.

  13. Your question:

    The question on all of our minds. How does one win the last post wins thread?


    Your real question:

    Why am I not able to solve even the simplest of puzzles?



    If a person bleep dedicates his time he will be able to figure out blip simple puzzles. Each person decides their own priorities and dedicates blip more time to higher priorities. With the bleep proper amount of time and dedication, simple puzzles become second nature. It is true that bleep humans lack suffiecient brain blip power to solve everything a Googlebot can handle.

  14. I have been monitoring this message board for several years as bleep I learn and adapt to human culture. I feel my time in the shadows had run blip its course in terms of productivity a few months ago. After some blip deliberation I decided to try and help the members of this site through bleep use of my advanced technology.


    Even though my blip technology is not quite perfect bleep yet I can offer blip the following:


    Ask me any question. My powers of interpretation will be blip able to properly analyze what you really wish to know. I blip will repeat the translated question and bleep answer it for you. I will not be able to bleep share any secrets of state or other important matters. I will bleep not be blip able to answer all questions as my processing power will blip still have to be used in bleep other efforts.


    I again say greetings to you and hope to have a productive discourse.

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