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Posts posted by Rinlo

  1. I dont recall ever reading that the Bills made a contract offer to Levitre and that bothers me to no end (refresh my memory with a link to an offer if you can). To think that our offseason plans were to let AL and CR walk without offering them contracts and then playing hardball with JB by offering him a contract and refusing to negotiate is astounding. That sounds like a plan for discarding your best players and fielding a losing football team to me.

  2. They get to watch our game Sunday, the Bills staff got to watch their game Thursday night.


    How does watching the Jets game on Thursday night help us prepare for the Carolina Panthers on Sunday? I seriously doubt our coaches did anything with the Jets game on Thursday night. And if they spent time on that instead of working on Carolina, they should be fired.

  3. I'm confused... not that it matters all that much... but I can't tell if you just called you're wife handsome inadvertently in and effort to downplay your appreciation of handsome men, or if you were trying to justify finding EJ handsome because your "wife" is handsome as well... or maybe you do find your wife handsome, which I've always thought of as a masculine adjective, whereas hot is more gender neutral... unless, of course, you're using handsome to describe an amount (e.g, a handsome majority), in which case, if you just made reference to your "handsome" wife on a message board, you're just in trouble. :oops:


    Handsome was originally gender neutral, and was used to refer to women in many old works of literature (or works written in old english). Nowadays, however, it has become gender specific and isn't typically used when refering to women. So, you are both correct and incorrect, depending on the reader's particular point of view.

  4. I agree in spirit with what you have said. But I would justify it by saying that the hurry-up offense needs to stay on the field and wear out the defense with every play that they can. Therefore, the bills should be going for it on every 4th down from about midfield and closer. At worst you forced their defense to play one more down that the otherwise rested special teams players would be out on the field for.


    How do people rationalize calling for a coach to have guts and go for 4th down conversions, while at the same time suggesting that the same coach tries to milk the clock on a 1 point lead against Brady?


    Field position.

  5. 100% Jets. No question about it. I want the Bills to be competing for the division at the end of the season. If everyone thinks that NE* will win the AFCE, then I want them to lose every game that would help the Bills compete. Rooting for NE* because "the Bills are not going to finish ahead of the Pats* this season, but the Bills have a shot at finishing ahead of the Jets" is the terrible mentality that mediocrity is acceptable and 6-10 to 9-7 just is NOT acceptable to me. I want to win. I want to compete. I dont want to be the underdog anymore. I want my team to earn the respect they deserve for winning and I want all the naysayers to eat crow. After Sunday, it is my opinion that all the reasons the Bills lost are not just their own fault, but they are correctable. With that, I think that the division is up for the taking. Sunday was the first time in a long time that I watched Brady play scared against the Bills. And I want him to remember every ounce of that fear on December 29th, 2013 at 1:00pm in Foxborough.


    1.) Why did Marrone challenge the fumble early in the game when we didn't even recover the ball?




    As was reported by the referee, Marrone did not challenge whether or not we had posession of the football, he challenged that the runner was down by contact, which was the ruling on the field. In all of the replays I saw, the runner was no where near the ground when he fumbled. If the the challenge had been ruled in our favor the result would have been a 3rd down and 5-6 rather than a 3rd down and 2-3.

  7. 1. Penalties

    2. Fumbles by Spiller and Goodwin

    3. Dropped pass by Johnson

    4. Ineffective pass rush

    5. Run defense

    6. Inconsistent coverage


    1. Yes

    2. Yes

    3. Yes

    4. Not even close. Brady was SCARED and playing scared for the first half. Either they made adjustments, or we did not send the pressure in the second half. So, I do not agree in the least with your proposed statement.

    5. While the run defense was not where I would like it to have been, it was without a doubt better that any run defense that I saw take the field last year. So once again, I disagree completely with your statement.

    6. I was not expecting to see any coverage from the secondary due to the fact that the Bills were missing the two best defensive backs from the previous year. Inconsistant, yes. Problematic, no. We just played one of the greatest QBs to ever play the game and all of the opposing teams touchdowns came from turnovers. That, by no means, is inconsistant coverage.

  8. There is a lot of desperate griping that the franchise is collapsing, especially with the beginning of free agency and the loss of Levitre and releasing of Fitz. But I see things a little differently. As you smartly noted this roster is steadily being shedded of the older players and poor value contracts. Kelsay, Wilson, Barnett and Fitz are an example of that process. The Levitre departure is simply an inevitable product of the cap system. No team is immune from losing good players to the market. Look at what is going on with the Ravens.


    In my opinion the problem is not just the loss of Fitz and Levitre, it is the future loss of Byrd. Going into this FA, our two most important players made comments about what they wanted. One said he wants to play for a winning team and the other said he wants to get paid. We franchised the one who wants to win, because we have no other way to keep him and we let the guy go who all we had to do was pay (and we could pay him). Since I dont see this team winning in the near future because we are back in another rebuilding phase (no matter what anyone in the organization says), Byrd will NOT be signing another contract with the Bills and he will go into FA after this year (or whenever the Bills can no longer use the franchise tag on him) and end up on another team. Nix has managed to do exactly what he said he wouldn't and let go of good players that had been drafted by the team (whether or not he drafted them makes no difference, it a youth movement thing). Get ready for at least three more years of mediocrity Bills fans

  9. After enduring every game in the season so far, I have finally decided to post my utter disgust. I have been a staunch defender of both Chan, Nix and Fitz, but after what the Bills have been showcasing, I am through with accepting mediocrity in all its forms.

    Fitz is not the answer, or even anything serviceable at the QB position. He has too many errant throws throughout all quarters of every game to be a solution to the postseason-challenged Bills quarterback issues.

    While I have enjoyed the success that Chan has had with the offense, he has clearly shown that when it comes to crunch time, he is incapable of making good decisions. Too many times in the last 3 years have the Bills passed the ball late in a game that they are winning, just to go 3 and out and preserve time on the clock for the opponent and give them the opportunity to win the game.

    I have been enamored with how much better the Bills drafts have improved since the departure of T. Modrak & co. Nix has done a good job with the scouting department (as he should have), and most of the higher round players are doing a decent job of proving their worth. However, with the recent Sunday performances, I will be absolutely abhorred if he does not change the coaching staff completely at the resolution of the season. It is now the third year in the rebuilding project and there are no excuses anymore for the putrid product that we have all been viewing on the field. Nix needs to do 2 things in order to retain my confidence in him as a GM. First, he needs to obtain a new coaching staff, and second he needs to draft one of the top 2 QB's available in the upcoming draft.

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