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Bills Fan since '64

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Posts posted by Bills Fan since '64

  1. It was funny enough when Kelly joked about it in the other thread, but it would be unbelievably hilarious if Hackett gets this job and Marrone does not.



    When you think about it, more than betraying the fans and players, Dougie really left his ACs hanging out to dry when he took the money. It would be poetic justice if Hackett were to get this job and even more so if the Jags got good on offense as a result.

  2. Orton was planning to retire but didn't tell anyone. Marrone was planning to opt out and kept it to himself.


    How does the decision to start Orton against the Patriots look in that light? On the one hand, with Orton secretly hanging it up, the Bills might have thought playing him would be an extra look at him before next year's battle for the starting QB position. If the team had known he was done, they might have wanted to give EJ the chance to end the season on a high note like Geno did.


    On the other hand, if it was known that Marrone was planning to opt out, might management have instructed him to start EJ? His motivation in starting Orton is now suspect, because the W was more important to him for short term reasons (had a winning record in Buffalo, makes him more interesting to other teams) than for long term reasons (help remove the cloud around the future of the QB position).

  3. http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-1/Top-10-reasons-Bills-Packers-is-the-biggest-home-game-in-years/8550ab5d-a91a-49c8-94ee-2267825a7ed9


    This article really ticked me off. The only football-related reason that this game is "the biggest home game in years" (the third one this season by my count) is because by losing key game after key game, we up the ante on the next game. Instead of being in the driver's seat for a playoff birth, we have yet another do or die game! And if we win, you can tell your grandchildren that YOU WERE THERE when the Bills won their 8th game of the season!


    Does Buffalobills.com think we haven't noticed?


    Alex Van Pelt will be in the house! Next it might be Vince Faragamo!

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