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The Dog

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Posts posted by The Dog

  1. you are just asking for some sarcasm here, I won't do it. McKelvin is an asset, made some plays when he got back in, has a great attitude, so why not resign. All depends on the hit he will be willing to take vs appraised value. With the cast of characters available and production through the season, a disappointing season no doubt, Rex is still unproven as a coach, why not some stability? As a Safety Mckelvin still has closing speed, why not try it, depth is always good. A positive attitude is good to hear, with the likes of Mario Williams belly aching, watching the game it seemed, last week instead of playing in it (while he was in it) I guess saving himself for next year.

    Go Bills.

  2. With Dixon, Brown and Jackson already set to return to the Bills next year, would we better off adding Rice cheap or spending big on Spiller? Rice now can let us address RB in 2016 instead of handcuffing us to Spiller for 4 years.


    Convince me I am completely off base about letting Spiller go and bringing Rice in? Of course, I could change my opinion over the next two weeks if Spiller lights it up.


    Rice is pond scum, not worthy of a plug nickel.

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