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Posts posted by show_me_the_baby

  1. Dareus - Jasper - Williams



    can't wait !!


    Jasper is a 7th rounder, there is more to NT than being huge. He'll be lucky to make the final 53. Williams is not built to play end, everyone knows this.


    Just a note from reality.

  2. This is what I see with this team. Nix and Co., as publicly stated are not going to make a big splash in free agency, the days of Russ Brandon bringing guys like TO to sell tickets are done. Why? Well, its similar to baseball teams and their thinking just before the trade deadline. Teams in or on the verge of the playoffs are "buyers", willing to trade prospects for proven guys right now in order to make a push for a championship. Teams that are worse look to get these prospects to build for the future. The NFL works like this in regards to the draft and even more so with the new CBA and the top picks in the draft going so "cheap" now.


    What good would it really do us to sign an asomugha for 11 MIL a year? This would:


    1:hurt us on the cap

    2:make us good enough to finish 7-9 and not be able to get impact players like Dareus, leading to mediocrity.


    Old players, while possibly slightly better than a given younger player do us no good, because they may make us a little better but at the expense of the development and discovery of younger talent. Case in point:Hangartner (29) out and Wood and Urbik (25) in. Wood is good at center but Wood G Hang C is probably significantly better than Wood C Urbik G.


    Guys like Clabo do us no good in the long run, we arent one good (30 yr old) right tackle away from a championship!


    I'm not going as far as saying we are intentionally bottoming out and going for Luck, but there is a method to the madness. I like having a football man at GM, I feel like we are actually in it to win it now [for the long term] instead of what we have seen in years past: the pacifying of a fan base desperate for hype in order to market the team.


    We need to be as good as we can be but with the young guys who will be the future, not old and expensive vets.


    So in short, I agree with our conservative approach to this free agency.

  3. Not to burst anyone's bubble on Sheppard, but Mike Mayock said right after Sheppard was drafted that he was projected as a back-up in the NFL. Just sayin'


    Not to unburst anyones bubble or make the suggestion of a bubble, but there are no "projected starters" taken in the third round, all of those are off the board. Yet a large percentage of the leauge's starters were taken in the third or later.... so mysterious.

  4. Just got done reading another thread about whether or not we should keep Poz and of course immediately many took the opportunity to say alot of negative things and in many cases ignorant things.


    Typical Buffalo attitude. When in doubt criticize, b**ch and moan. Cut others down. Its really part of the culture.


    Its not constructive. Believe it or not players do read these threads.


    I for one think Poz is a must keep.


    He may not be a perennial pro bowler but he is certainly above average and would improve many teams. He is part of a "core" if there is one. There isnt anyone on the roster who can begin to challenge for his spot. Plus, he is a character guy who contributes to team cohesiveness. I'll take him over a low class gutter trash guy like Harrison any day.


    I know this post wont get much play because it is [maybe in a backhanded way] positive, but bump if you agree.

  5. Who is it going to be? We have to sign someone once free agency begins.


    Will it be a vet or someone with potential upside?


    I was looking at Matt Leinart and started thinking how he is the highest drafted QB I can think of who never really got a shot with his team. Maybe he didnt deserve to but hey, we are the organization who tried to breathe new life into Brohm.



  6. Nix has been especially transparent as a GM and it is pretty clear from press conferences that Newton was at the top of our board. As I see him becoming a massive bust and setting Carolina back five years or so I am extremely happy that he was not there and we got Marcellosaurus who will be a centerpiece for our D-Line through the year 2020.


    I really believe in the talent evaluation skills of Chix, but the fact they would have selected Newton makes me a little nervous.



  7. If they are comparing Dalton to Fitz all the more reason why we need to snatch him up . The kid has a monster resume !! 42 & 7 a 66.1 comp percentage never lower than 58.9 in college . 27 TD's & 6 INT's in his senior yr .


    Plus he was the only other QB at TCU besides slinging Sammy Baugh to have as many wins as a starter in TCU history .


    The kid is a winner & if he has some of what Fitz has with better physical attributes & intangibles can you imagine what kind of QB we would have in a year or so ??


    Especially if he falls to us in the 3rd or 4th round i think it would be a steal ! You never know he could be the next T.Brady or J.Kelly wouldn't that be sweet !!!


    Besides red heads always seem to have a chip on their shoulders which could be a plus !!


    agreed. If we [CHIX] really like him I say we take him for a "reach" in the second. If we believe he is our guy we have to guarantee we get him. Who could call it a reach in four years if he is tearing it up?

  8. I've been analyzing all of the quarterbacks available in the draft and all I can say is I hope we don't go QB is the first. Nix and co. will be smart enough to go with one of the other top rated players and I'll just trust on their judgement. If you look at Newton/Gabbert, they don't meet Nix's oft stated policy on drafting players with consistent success. See: Phillip Rivers for an example of the type of stats he looks for. Nix NEVER would have allowed a Maybin to be drafted. Newton definitely not be drafted, get over it! Gabbert, maybe but I hope not.


    Check these articles out on predicting QB success:






    Perhaps you've seen them before. There are other systems that predict success for QBs as well and DALTON FITS THEM ALL.


    We can somewhat afford a bust in the second but not in the first.



  9. My thoughts regarding our stadium situation is to build a state of the art complex on the American side of the mighty Niagara Falls. The era of the Ralph is quickly coming to an end. It's been a heckuva ride, but change is not necessarily a bad thing.


    Butt it up next to the falls, give it a retractable roof, with the understanding it stays open for all Bills' games. It would be a wonderful venue in a popular setting, instantly giving the wonderful Niagara area a much needed shot in the arm.





    Im actually an architect and I happen to love the idea of a falls stadium. It would be impossible to built it very close to the actual falls though, if that is what you mean. However, something that would allow a vista to the horseshoe through a somewhat open end of the stadium (think qwest field with its view to downtown Seattle) would be amazing. Close enough to hear the rumble of the falls, would there be a better place to play Bills football??


    It would instantly be a sports complex known on the world stage (of course it would have to be well designed though).


    Unfortunately, there are way too many bureaucrats in WNY and not enough people with vision to pull it off.


    But its a great idea.

  10. What a nice 'problem' for an OC and HC to have.

    By the way, Chris Johnson was 197 lbs as a rookie.

    How's that working out for him?

    "Weaknesses: Is undersized and must add more bulk to frame in order to hold up physically at the next level. Has better strength than frame indicates but still not strong enough to break lots of tackles or push the pile as an inside runner. Doesn’t always drive his legs and finish runs strong. Durability was a problem throughout college and most concerning is his history of neck injuries.
    Lacks ideal running instincts
    and got away with a lot at the college level because of his speed that he won’t get away with in the NFL. Will get overwhelmed at the point of attack versus bigger linebackers in pass pro. Will struggle to hold up in that facet of the NFL game. Ball security has been a problem at times, as he turned the ball over seven times on fumbles during his first three seasons. He also has small hands (7¼ inches)."


    what a joke.


    This kid is a highlight reel... he makes instantaneous moves that you can only really see in slow motion to fake out opposing tacklers. Look at the the 20 yd TD run and the move he puts on that linebacker and you will see what I mean. Most RBs would have gotten run out of bounds there by that closing lb, but CJ changed direction on him so quick it looked like a video game move. Believe the hype.

  11. The hilarious thing about all this captain checkdown bull **** is no one mentioned anything about that when Brohm came out and threw a bunch of short passes.


    most of brohm's short passes were designed quick slants where TE has often has a play with downfield options and elects to check down. Thats the difference.

  12. I'll talk to you about Levi in three years or so.


    Remember how Trent had "poise"? Now, Levi "seems confident and not overwhelmed by the game."


    None of that means squat. Nor does the fact that after one preseason game, "Brown has the psychological makeup to improve and master the nuances of playing QB in this league."


    Talk to you in three years.


    I never thought trent had poise, I just hoped he did. With this post I'm not saying have Levi start right now... I'm just saying.

  13. Exactly. If people are parsing Brown's performance for some tiny scrap of promise, this is a sign of extreme desperation and panic.


    Relax people.


    I wasnt parsing his performance for a "scrap of promise," rather I was trying to show evidence in his very limited performance in the game to support an intuitive feeling I have about the kid.


    Im not desperate of panicking, I just realize that none of our trio has what it takes.


    It looks to me that Levi might be legit, he has the most swagger of any QB since Flutie, who was the last QB of this team that I really liked.



    Trent is not a real football player, he is a golfer (like me).

    Fitz has the heart but not enough talent.

    Brohm is Maverick after Goose died.

  14. First of all, I don't think you should get your hopes up about Brown playing and Brohm not. As it stands right now, we have Trent Edwards as our starter and Levi Brown as our 3rd string project. They stated throughout the game that Ryan Fitzpatrick would get the nod as our backup in Game 1 and Brohm would play as our backup in Game 2. It's possible that Brohm or Fitz could upend Edwards as the starter, with Edwards moving to backup. But if you're hoping that Levi Brown will be our starter this year, I hope you know you're setting yourself up for disappointment.


    Don't get me wrong, anything's possible in this wacky league. But when you take a QB in the 6th or 7th, they're there because they're projects. Maybe someday that QB will be the next Tom Brady. But even in that Cinderella scenario, it takes years of good coaching and development. Levi so far has shown some flashes of why he was drafted into the NFL. But more often than not, I've seen a 7th Round rookie. Especially with that throw that you mentioned. I don't know what you were watching but that pass looked like an irresponsible flyer that wasn't even close. Dangerous, even.


    The pass I saw looked just a bit behind the receiver who was given a chance to make a great catch. The ball was tipped and unfortunately landed in a DBs hands.

  15. Totally agreed, I believe this was the first full game that I watched on the NFL network and was disgusted with the calls. Theisman was acting like a little nervous schoolgirl with a crush around Snyder. Calling a punt an interception, that is just incompetence.


    And I don't care if it is preseason, don't have the announcers wearing effing Redskins shirts. Unbelievable.

  16. Ok. Basically Levi is the most exciting QB on our roster and I couldn't wait to see him play vs the skins. I was pumped when they put him in ahead of Brohm, a hint he may be moving up the depth chart. He only had limited opportunities on two late drives including going 3/7 28yds 1int. Not too impressive but stats can be misleading. On the first drive we were pinned inside the two, the one throw Brown made was a slightly inaccurate attempt deep that gave the wideout a chance to make a play. The second possession ended in Brown throwing a pick on a deep slant route across the middle in tight traffic. However, the throw wasn't very far off the mark and I can't recall the last time I saw Trent even try to make a throw like that.


    I just have this gut feeling that Brown is a great QB in waiting, as opposed to hoping that he is as with Losman and Trent for example. He seems confident and not overwhelmed by the game. Both Trent and Brohm are scared of the position to some extent. One is afraid to make mistakes and cant think clearly in the pocket while the others confidence is so shot that he is actually scared of success. Fitzpatrick isn't afraid like these two, but he is just not accurate or talented enough to be anything more than an average QB at best.


    Psychological makeup is the most important aspect of the position and I believe Brown has the right stuff. If Brown were to get creamed I could see him getting up, laughing about it with that what the hell country boy attitude. Trent gets hit and he becomes inaccurate and makes bad decisions. One of the great things about Kelly was the way he responded to getting leveled, with grit and new resolve to make plays. If Brohm throws an interception he might beat himself up for the rest of the game, eroding his focus. If Brown throws a pick (which he very RARELY ever did in college) I could see him shrugging it off and staying positive and focused.


    All of our QBs have the physical tools to be top QBs in this league. Brown has the psychological makeup to improve and master the nuances of playing QB in this league.





  17. The bottom line I get from all of the camp reports is:


    1. Pass defense looks great- QBs still suck??

    2. Pass rush impressive- O-Line still horrible??

    3. Running game looking good- Run defense still poor??




    thats why Im interested in seeing this preseason game. Contrary to what some think, preseason games are very important due to the fact that you are trying to evaluate talent. In our case, we can all evaluate the team and Nix/Gailey by closely watching the preseason games, individual performances and matchups etc.

  18. I have said this before and will always stand on it...there is not now nor will there ever be a CB worth that kind of money. NE proved just a few years ago fielding thier 4th - 7th string CB's that you can win without a 'shutdown corner'. I have always felt that is a pure bull **** term as well. You let a WR run for 4+ seconds and he is gonna get open somehow. Andre Reed schooled Deion when they met up. did he just try to race him down the field? No, he ran crisp routes on his ass and owned him.


    Any team can take 4 average DB's and go to a superbowl and with with a great pass rush. There are 3 cornerstones to any great franchise, QB, LT and a pass rusher off the Right side. Screw these idiot DB's thinking they are worth 14 mill or so per year.


    If I were the Jets I would be taking trade offers right now for the idiot.


    ... in a couple of years "that kind of money" will be the league minimum!

  19. True, our plan is much better.


    What drives the price so high? The market of course! This is a negotiated price--to which both sides willfully accept. Every year this same discussion comes up and "shock" is expressed at how much these guys are making.


    As they say---it's not our money. Who cares if crappy teams want to blow boocoo ducats on "unproven" rookies?


    in alot of ways it is our money...

  20. Jimmy is now like 3rd in line now yet he was a shame for the Bills to pass on twice?? Hmmm....


    3. Bills pass on Jimmy Clausen, twice 

    Entering April's draft with the league's worst quarterback situation, the Bills had two chances to select pro-ready Jimmy Clausen. They passed both times, opting instead to bolster an already strong tailback corps with C.J. Spiller at No. 9, and taking raw nose tackle Torrell Troup 41st.


    New coach Chan Gailey plans to hold a three-way QB competition in camp consisting of injury-prone Trent Edwards, draft bust Brian Brohm, and noodle-armed journeyman Ryan Fitzpatrick.





    Look, as far as qbs go for this franchise I am not worried.


    Nix: Phillip Rivers and Drew Brees


    Gailey: Dynamic offenses even with mediocre QBs.


    We are set. May take a few years though.

  21. I looked up the stats for the three QBs in question. Here they are:


    Edwards 2008

    • Yards per attempt: 7.2
    • TD/INT ratio: 1.1
    • QB rating: 85.4

    Henne 2009

    • Yards per attempt: 6.4
    • TD/INT ratio: 0.9
    • QB rating: 75.2

    Sanchez 2009

    • Yards per attempt: 6.7
    • TD/INT ratio: 0.6
    • QB rating: 63.0

    Edwards 2009

    • Yards per attempt: 6.4
    • TD/INT ratio: 0.9
    • QB rating: 73.8

    What I found interesting about those numbers is that even in 2009, Edwards' numbers were about the same as those of Henne and Sanchez. In fact, Edwards' numbers and Henne's for 2009 are basically identical. And yet . . . Edwards did not look like a playoff-caliber QB in 2009--or anywhere close. I think a big part of the reason why Henne and Sanchez are considered better QBs than Edwards is because they're expected to improve; whereas it may be felt that Edwards has plateaued.


    It's also worth noting that Edwards played without an offensive line, and in an offensive scheme recently derided by Jim Kelly. Sanchez, on the other hand, played behind a really good OL; and Henne's situation was also better than was Edwards'.


    Possibly, Henne and Sanchez will improve their numbers, and thus justify the high opinions many talking heads have of them. But if their numbers stay the same, I'd conclude that neither the Dolphins nor the Jets would have a first-rate player at QB.


    I just cannot believe the Jets almost went to the SB with Sanchez playing like that. Did his numbers improve continually throughout the season and into the playoffs?

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