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Posts posted by BoozeCruise

  1. Kyle Orton on line one. Patch him through to Mr. Whaley.


    The only bad part of bringing in Orton is that the players would demand he play, as EJ stares at one guy and throws directly into gigantic defensive-line paws.


    Not picking Manziel is going to hurt for a while. He'd be able to make us viable without Sammy. Williams, Woods and Goodwin would have been enough.


    Instead, we have an All Pro offense and the second best Florida State quarterback over the past 3 years. Pathetic.

  2. I'm guessing the bathroom waits are still going to be brutal. They're the worst in the league of the 5, 6 stadiums I've been to. I know there's a lot of Labatt Light flowing through people, but it took me a quarter to piss in the Bills-Chiefs game last year. Made me want to just chill in the parking lot with a satellite dish.

  3. Seems like a lot of Duke Williams getting beat from this summary.


    Is it just me, or does Hogan look good in every training camp, including the one he was on Hard Knocks with the Fish? Seems like he may just be one of those high motor guys that is just trying harder than everyone else, who mainly play at three-quarters speed. He was an absolute non-factor when he got his chance at real action last season. Guess he could be a WR-5, but I'm not seeing it with a lack of special teams value.


    Gotta stick with Watkins, Williams, Woods, Goodwin, and Easley.


    Seems like we are going to be one of the few teams that uses a fullback, or even carries one.

  4. There's a reason the Bills reportedly wanted to trade up for Carlos Hyde. They want that type of RB - between the tackles, no-nonsense. If Spiller fit their plans, they would have drawn up more plays for him by now. Bringing in Dixon and Brown shows this. They're one-cut kind of guys.


    I believe the LaCanfora report. If the right trade comes up before the season, I think the Bills would consider it.

  5. Chandler isn't even that good to begin with. Why not call the Lions and offer them a low pick for Joseph Fauria? He had 7 touchdowns in his rookie year in a limited role. That's more than Chandler's ever had in a season.


    And he's big enough that he should be a decent blocker. He's third on their depth chart though after Ebron getting drafted. Chris Gragg would be the worst starting tight end in the league.

  6. Would have liked to have snagged Aaron Murray instead of the corner from Duke. We've got plenty of DB's. Murray would give us a legitimate option at QB if EJ keeps running around like a lost giraffe and getting creamed. Thad Lewis should be a 3rd QB. He looked overwhelmed in just about every start. He doesn't have the physical tools. Jeff Tuel needn't be on an NFL roster. We could have at least drafted a developmental guy with some upside to replace him.


    Otherwise, the draft was great. I just agree with the original post. Unless you're certain you have a dependable top flight QB, you draft one every year at some point in the draft. It's not a position you just leave to practice squad guys. Want proof? Try watching that Chiefs game Thad started. I had to witness that in person.

  7. We need to at least have credible option behind him, whether it's a Brian Hoyer or a mid-round draft pick. We went to the street for a quarterback this year. That's not how an NFL club is supposed to operate.


    In terms of EJ's progression, it seems like he's aiming downfield passes and not showing a necessary amount of touch on those kinds of throws. We've got speed all over the place, one of the fastest offenses in the league; we need more big plays. We should be scaring defenses and not dinking and dunking with Scott Chandler and Stevie J. Some of that comes down to the less than creative playcalling of Nathaniel Hackett, some of that comes down to EJ's limitations.


    Let's bring in a more creative offensive coordinator and a better stable of QB's outside of EJ. Let Hackett be a quarterbacks coach. He's not suited for the big show yet.

  8. Mario Williams was on the brink of 300 pounds last year. Does anyone see him wanting to cut weight to get back to being an outside linebacker? I say he bites his tongue and takes the Bruce Smith role in the 3-4. We'll find ways to get him in space, like the Texans do with Watt, but I just don't see him taking his hand outta the dirt. That ship has sailed. He's too damn big.


    That's why I say we run a lotta 4-3 this year. Standing Mario up makes it too obvious where he blitz is coming from.

  9. I like the idea of a jumbo package - Mario, Branch, Kyle Williams, and Dareus lined up with their hands down.


    Then Kiko on the edge, Bradham in the middle, and Manny Lawson on the other edge. Blitz one of our linebackers every play and let the other guys pick up whatever they need to in coverage.


    We'd sure as hell get a push. No more gashing runs up the gut. And this puts our best front 7 personnel on the field.

  10. Justin Hunter may cause an outburst of fan reaction around these parts. I think he could go at #8. He just ran a 4.36 and has drawn some Randy Moss comparisons. In a passing league, how have we not drafted a WR in Round 1 since Lee Evans? The Ravens only have one first round O-lineman in their lineup that they drafted, and things are going pretty smoothly for them. I like Justin Hunter or Kiki Mingo. Difference makers. We need multiple WR's in this draft. Badly. Our depth chart looks like an Arena League team after Stevie.

  11. I'd say in this scenario we take a long look at Milliner and Ansah. Though I don't see a guy with Ansah's measureables sticking around too long. Dion Jordan is interesting, but I think that'd be redundant with us bringing in the rangey Manny Lawson already.


    Ideally, I'd prefer offense here. We've gotta add some skill in a big way. Keenan Allen and Tavon Austin are the two guys I'd look at on O. I'd prefer Allen of the two. He could be the true #1 we've been seeking. He would be my pick, personally, even if it fell so nicely to us.

  12. Matt Scott has potential. He's got all of the tools. Athletic, quick, big arm. I say we take him round 3 and let him chill behind Mr. Kolb for a year. Or until Kolb gets hurt. He's going to be good. And he'd be really good in this new fangled no-huddle, hurry up attack we're probably running. Screw the early round Q's and lets get a steal for once.

  13. Put this in the Kawika Mitchell pile. Why not wait around for the market to tell McKelvin what he's worth? His agent must have bluffed ol Buff. Agents must love dealing with these guys. Underachieve for a few years? Here's 7.5 guaranteed young man! He makes Wes Welker's quick-cutting moves look like they're done on rollerblades. And he's in clogs.


    Seems like a team with money to burn and the realization that we cannot lure free agents to come here. That money would sit a lot better with me if it were directed towards Mr. Goldson's pocket. Or perhaps Monsieur Landry's?


    Not an inspired choice here, gang.

  14. I'd have to see the source for some more information on that rule. I haven't seen anything about that.


    We could just go get Percy Harvin. Word has it he's being shopped and he'd probably be all of the player that Vic Cruz is if he had Eli Manning chucking it to him.


    We need more playmakers, desperately. By any means necessary. I don't want to see TJ Graham playing 60 snaps a ballgame.

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