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Posts posted by goonergaz

  1. First photo glimpse of the Hurley epilogue. Seriously, dude.


    And, obviously, it's spoiler-y.




    Thanks, but I'm not clicking the link! I went totally 'off-line' at the end of season 5 and during season 6 and enjoyed it better for having no idea what was happening...I really want the epilogue to be completely unknown to me - I already know too much about it!! lol


    You make some good points - and also add to what was said about the others (something like) "if they do it, it's true - if they say it, you have reason to doubt it's true". Unfortunately my memory is not as good as yours (or docs) which is why reading places like this really help me untangle the web (altho I think I got the finale straight off if that post that was removed is correct).


    I do wonder if sometimes people just go a bit too deep, like with The Matrix - I enjoyed and understood that - it's also nice to 'delve' into the meanings, but sometimes I read stuff and think they've gone way too far into what everything means (like I feel doc has done with the very end part).


    You mention the runway, and this adds weight (IMHO) to the docs 'Island knows all' theory. The runway was for the return of Jack (etc) however at the time they were still on the island - I always knew it was a runway for a plane (assuming a new set of people) - but just now it hit me that it was for an event that only something that could see the future would know it was going to be needed. Also, how could Ben (or anyone) know who 'real' Sawyer was? Even James didn't know...so it must have been the island reading peoples minds...but not only those on the island, as Jacob was seen off the island - when he touched Locke was he 'sending' his memory to the island, and the memory of everyone he was related to/encountered? That way the Island would know who 'real' Sawyer was and what he did to James?


    I'm going for a break now! lol

  2. he has some really valid points and explains them really well - but with the MIB bit why not just have it that the island can do magic, that magic was to grant the wish of whomever the current 'protector' was.


    here's a Q for you (which I may have missed), what happened to Juliettes sister? was she cured - and how?


    I think the island is magical (why not - it's a story so anything can happen) and therefore can make things like this happen - the confusion begins when you try to figure what parts of bens actions were Jacob driven or MIB driven... :devil:...eg, who 'fixed' Juliettes sis - was it MIB or Jacob? Why was Ben ill? Was it because he was working for MIB? I think I just answered my own question! lol

  3. I love the Doc Jensen write-ups but I do think he's losing the plot a bit, it's the old 'what came first chicken or the egg?'...I mean, he's saying that MIB became smokey beause the Island knew in the future he would need to be smokey because he couldn't die and he had a job to do in the future!?


    I'm sorry, but if the island just let him die then the future (that it doesn't know about yet) won't happen. I love the idea of the island being 'carrie' tho...it just fell apart for me right at the end.


    Is part 3 up yet?

  4. Woot - I finally have the ability to post!


    Firstly thanks to everyone who's posted here, since watching the last episode (and getting up at 5am to do so in the UK!) my head was spinning with lots of thoughts. A special thankyou to tgreg (IIRC) - I pretty much got it spot on...which makes a change for me! It was nice to use this place as a sort of therapy!


    WRT the show, it's been a fantastic ride. I've enjoyed every minute of it - I was left thankful that it had ending, but also wanting it never to end. Watching the show the first time I watched with my 12yo son - fighting the tears throughout - however I've since re-watched and been able to 'let it flow'! What the writers did for me, was something incredibly rare. They took a story - made it last ~100hours and made me watch every last second...TWICE! (And no doubt a rewatch on bluray). Often a story is not about how it begins or ends, but the journey in between.


    I don't quite get why people didn't like the finale, nor have complaints like "how lazy was the 'here drink this - now you're like me' writing" comments. This show had a man OUT OF A WHEELCHAIR from an early episode - that was the episode where I went from 'this is a pretty good show' to 'OMG I must see how this ends'. How anyone cannot imagine from that point there was 'magic' involved is beyond me...it even snowballed from there, cancer cured, polar bears, smoke monster, time travel (etc). From that moment I was watching a show that could tell me whatever it wanted (within believable reason)...I'm not a religious person, hell I don't believe in god (sorry) - but man, this was a beautiful show with a perfect ending...I was so happy they got to 'die happily ever after'...tho I sooo wanted the flash-sideways to be them alive...awakening to what had happened, but the island had given them a 2nd chance at life as a 'thank you'.


    However the writers always said the island wasn't purgatory, they had crashed and those who died actually died for real on the island. So credit to them for sticking to that, but also being able to give us a happy ending, and oh how I loved each characters island 'flashes' - fantastic stuff. My only 'downer' is that it would have been 'nicer' if the island had made the flash-sideways for them rather than 'they all made it together' - other than that it was top stuff...and I can't wait for the epilogue!

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