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Posts posted by HARCO186

  1. Theres a lot of good people in these forums who try to find positives in this team. I admire your outlook but let's gets serious, this season was a failure of big proportions.


    It makes me sick to hear things like "oh we'll at least we beat New England" or "well we are better than we thought they'd be." Who cares? This is the same loser mentality that's the reason we haven't been competitive for over a decade.


    It's annoying that so many fans are content with losing, or are cool with people laughing when you tell them you're a Bills fan, or are ok with a team that consistently delivers a poor product year-after-year. "well a losing team is better than NO team," they'll say. Are you sure about that? I'd rather have these losers out of my town.


    Face it, until things change and this team is sold, this culture of losing will continue. It starts at the top with Ralph and the men he hires to work for him. It trickles down from here.


    The Buffalo Bills are considered a joke by most NFL fans and they deserve to carry that reputation with them







    Well I do not know about you, but the last time I checked the season still has games left. If the Bills win the rest of the games will the season still be a waste? What did you think the team would be this year? Playoffs? Superbowl? Win the division? How can you say a wasted year?

  2. Newton = huge impact

    Miller = huge impact

    Dareus = no impact

    Green = huge impact


    Let's be honest, so far he's been just an average player showing little evidence that he will ever become great.


    Out of all of those guys they touch the football so it show's an impact. The Bills draft was awesome to say the least. How can write this and say let's be honest? The guy is a true stud which the Bills desperatley needed. Next year when they snag a few LB's that defense will be so strong, it might even be one of the better ones in the league next year.

    Everyone around will tell you that the Bills with no doubt needed a stronger defensive line. I like Williams but he is not a 3-4 NT. The Bills need Wanny to bring them back to a 4-3 with Williams and Darues in there and they will be a killer defense. It's the system not the player. The Bills system has been weak for a while now and that must change. Let's not point fingers at a stud and say he isn't living up to his status. This kid is a true stud up there and will be dominating for years to come. Like a guy named Sapp.....

    Very poor taste to point this out as he nevers touches the ball either.

  3. You know when Buffalo played Dallas in the first Super Bowl, I was on a ship in the Navy. Back then you could read about the game as it was typed off through the radio station. It looked or read like a close game as well. I do agree the third downs have been a killer but 1st and 2nd down sets up the third down.

  4. With the ass whipping the Bills have gotten the last few weeks it seems they are determined to right the ship and turn it around. The issue is I think they are way to beat up and injured to do this. The WR's are hurt because Fitz throws the ball to get them killed, no run game, no pass rush, and no depth. I want to believe and say they can win, but feel they are too banged up right now. This team is hurting and just don't have the depth to get it done. I pray I'm wrong but feel as if they will get blown out again by at least 21. Edwards will be gone next year as a coordinator but with high remarks so he can land a better job. Wanny will take over and the Bills defense will get better. The sick part is ths will happen next year. then next year I will be saying the same thing of next year they will be better. This will only change when and hopfully Pegula buys the team and says lets win and dumps some cash into the team to start to bring in the talent needed. Politics play a huge part and some if not many players will not come here because they know it's all smoke screen. The ownership says they want to win but on the backside care about the money just like golisano did to the Sabres. It wasn't about winning but the bottom line that mattered.

  5. You know after reading all the posts here. I think we should look at things like this the old Tuna type scenrio. Let's say we have to make a meal for 10 people. Now this is a iron chef type meal but you can only spend 20 bucks on it what would you do? I think the management has dealt the coaches and the manager a pile of s*** and said make a fine meal out of it. They sliced and diced and pinched so many pennies they have what they have and that's all there is about it. Sign a few key players but the rest will suffer in the meantime. Not their fault and doing the best they can. Terry Pegula if you or family are reading this; PLEASE COME SAVE US AND BECOME AN ICON IN BUFFALO WITH THE PURCHASE OF THE BILLS AND SABRES!!!!!

  6. People tend to say this year in and year out about the jets and the patsies. Look at them again and if they are in trouble what did they do two weeks ago? The issue with the Bills is no talent as they will not spend the money to get the talent. This maybe a good thing with the new agreement but the Bills are like the older Sabres. They pay enough to be a little comeptitive but not an elite team. I hate to say that about the Bills but if the shoe fits it fits. I love the Bills as the Sabres but truly believe the Bills will only become an elite team when a new ownership comes in and brings that mindset. So lets not keep up ith Jones's but worry about what we have. Hopefully this team will have to spend it's cash more and we do get some more talent in here. We will see.

  7. By all accounts, Posluszny is having a spectacular year for the Jags, whose defense is ranked fourth overall in yards allowed and 6th overall in points allowed. Last year, they were 28th in yards given up and 27th in points allowed. Obviously, that's a huge improvement. Through 9 games, Poz has 72 tackles, 6 passes defensed, 1 INT, and 3 stuffs. I'm certainly not regretting spending money on Nick Barnett, but given how much cap room the Bills had, I'm starting to think that they should have ponied up to keep Posluszny as well. Despite what the naysayers think, he's a good starting NFL LB, and lord knows, it's not as if they didn't have the money to keep him. After Barnett (71 tackles, 1 sack, 3 passes defensed, and 4 stuffs), productivity among Bills LBs is truly pathetic, and the safeties are racking up most of the tackles. Sometimes you've gotta spend money to improve ...


    Poz is a 4-3 type LB not a 3-4, which is one reason he left as well. I'm a Poz fan and wish he'd stay as well but only for a 4-3 type defense.

  8. Then go be a Giants fan! Give it a rest. Chan has done nothing short of bring the Bills back to respectful. Granted two huge losses does not look good. Look at what he has done and with what talent. Chan is a proven success story and has the team up and running. They get beat a few times and your calling for his head! Delete this post Please

  9. RELAX! This is coming from a group of fans who clearly expected the team to go at best 8-8. The cowboys are in a fight for their division, rex most likely shared some secrets, and the team needs to bounce back. YES they got beaten badly and Chan the Man even admitted so. Lets not forget this is only year two. Year two for a coaching staff that came in with nothing. If most of us were to look back 90% of the critics claimed at best a 5 win season. People are hurt and people are not playing in the same spots so yes the Bills got manhandled two weeks in a row. I still say a 10-6 season with a shot of a playoff. Never once said they win a playoff but have a shot of going still. The jets were manhandled by the pats and puts us in second place in the division. Not bad seeing they were laughed at. The nfc east is a very tough division and the Bills still have a shot. They have issues and not a person can deny that. But for us as fans to start finger pointing is just crazy.


    If the team or anyone on the team reads this stuff then this is for you.





    "I am hurt, but I am not slain;

    I'll lay me down and bleed a while,

    And then I'll rise and fight again.”

  10. I can agree on most of what is said but think the Bils still have a shot for the playoffs. They have 8 games left and all 3 are tied and equal with each othe so 8 games is a lot. If the Bills beat the cowgirls they can make the playoffs. Look at the schedule and the jets have a tough few games a head and so does everyone else. I think the Bills will not only make the playoffs next year but will be contenders for the dance next year. The defense will be greatly improved next year as the Bills will get a couple free agent LB's to fill the need at outside LB. Say what you want about Moats, but he still needs a year or so more along with another strong DE. One more strong LB and DE and the Bills will be a wrecking machine. They may even have it with Williams as a DE instead of NT. Again say what you will but Williams is not a 3-4 NT. He's an animal for sure but not a 3-4 NT that clogs the middle up as Darues has been. If anything the Bills go back to a 4-3 and Darues and Williams as tackles would be a great duo. Wanny will look at that this summer I'm sure.

    Getting back to the point is the Bills are a much better team now than last year. They can be a playoff team this year as well. I had them at 8-8 and anything better is considered a great year. Now I can see them going 10-6 or 11-5, and they just might get a playoff spot. If the patsies beat the jets and we beat them as well and we beat the pats we can win the division. It will come down to how Miami does against these guys and us.

  11. Sporting events around the world are bad and in other countries soccer games people are killed and stomped on so hearing drunk people yell and swearing is not that bad. If it's that bad watch your boy play a video game or go online and have some dude act like a 12 year old girl and try to pick them up. I'm sure you watched to catch a preditor on msnbc. Taking a kid to a football game at least you are there with them and can see what is going on is my point. A bunch of drunk people watching people get pounded to the ground and hit each other. It's not a figure skating event so you get what you expect to see. I'm not saying its right but exposing a child to see that stuff is better than having your kid experience without some support or explenation. They will come across it eventually, hell explain to them what the tv means by viagara commercial.

  12. It was one game that the Bills were outplayed and out coached! It has nothing to do with who is better because Maybin was rushing Fitz on several plays, does that make him better than Batten? COME ON MAN! This is a game that the Bills were just manhandled in every aspect of the game but not to say the jets are a better team. The Bills beat the pats and the pats beat the jets so it is a any given Sunday game. I do not think the Bills were ready to play at all and it showed. The defensive line was pushed back and the offensive line was also pushed back. I want to see if the Bills can bounce back from this and can win the next few in a row. I have a feeling some have the jets circled as a rematch to prove it was a one time deal, and they will not be pushed around like that again. Only time will tell. If the Bills are not as good as the jets it will show again when they play or even be worse. If that happens then the coaches need to fix that, if they come out and beat the jets will everyone on this board who claims the jets are a much better team openly state they had a knee jerk reaction? I for one am not hitting the panick button but if I could I would remind the Bills how they were manhandled at home and what are they going to do about it.

  13. You know I was thinking the same way for a little bit myself when I was watching the game. They play twice but the difference is you want to win all games. The Bills played flat and were out played and I believe out coached. Both sides of the line were just manhandled so I do not think Chan just overlooked the game. I also think he got away from the screens as the jets played so close to the line. They couldn't throw it deep as Fitz would have been killed. This puts all theories to rest on if he didn't plan for the jets. It happens and the Bills were just out played and out coached. At least it wasn't a blow out.

  14. This has absolutely nothing to do with Ralph being cheap. He went from d-coordinator to head coach. It would be stupid for him to stay. He put this spot under his belt and it is way better he moved on and took another team under hi relm and got respect from them as well. To stay in Buffalo would be an insult and Chan said he wanted a 3-4 defense. Plus now with Dave W. here I would take Dave over Perry anyways. Give it a few and the Bills will be better. What happened yesterday is the Bills were manhandled all the way on both sides of the ball. That is either coaching or it's the play. For that to happen on both sides of the ball tells me thet jets were the better tea hands down. Even Wood was knocked back into the backfield and Freddie had no running lanes at all. Just hope they bounce back from this is all. Maybe the Bills needed a good ass kicking to show them that they are not all that and a bag of chips. Who knows......

  15. You talk the talk you need to walk the walk. The Bills talked and the jets walked. End of story. Every once in a while you get your assed kicked in life and you either curl up and cry or get back up and and brush off your clothes and keep going. Let's see what they do now is what needs to be asked. Not would of could of should of type stuff. Even Chan got slapped like a red headed step child. Let them learn from it and bounce back. If not act like a B word and cry!

  16. The bottom line is that the Bills were manhandled and out coached in every aspect of it. The game was not good by any means and Fitz should have thrown a few audibles so let Chan know they were out matched. Nothing can be said about the team when they are out matched on both sides of the ball. The coaches were out coached as the team was out played. What else can be said. They need to be on their game in NY for sure. I just hope they don't get outplayed in NY as well.

  17. Bills 19 jets 12.

    All the hype leads to a poorly played game with jets post bye lethargy a contributing factor. Sloppy play accounts for the somewhat odd score.

    Jets D is hard to get big chunks on so that reduces number of potential drives and keeps score under 20.

    Meanwhile bills rejuvenated front 7 contains jets run game and mcgees physical play on plax keeps them out of the end zone.

    For bill to break 20 barrier means multiple jets turnovers most likely sanchez picks. But these are a luxury and hard to predict so I opt for 19.



    Should be a rule that no 19 points is ever allowed against any NY/NJ team ever again.... Just saying

  18. And China is developing a nuclear program... <_<



    I know it was only a couple of days ago, not the 1960's but I couldn't resist.



    When did that happen? what's next a wall to keep people out? Seen that this morning and was dying. What a classic, yet people are more worried about his past and he has no idea about other countries????????

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