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albany c2

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Posts posted by albany c2

  1. Don't live vicariously through your favorite sports team.


    Everyone here relates to how you're feeling but you have to separate the Bills fortunes from your own.


    When/if you're successful in life, the Bills ineptitude won't weigh so heavily.


    If your life is good, you already know all this and disregard if necessary.


    Some of the best advice I've seen on this board.


    I also am overly obsessed with this team. I don't miss games. I've watched every last play of every blowout loss. After close losses (like the Pats last season), I don't speak to anyone or answer phone calls for a good 20-30 mins. I refuse to watch games with opposing teams fans. Seeing anyone cheer for my misfortune gets me extremely pissed off. I've always been competitive when I play sports and it transfers over to the Bills.


    I'm not the least bit optimistic about this year. But this is an addiction for me. I don't think I'll ever overcome it.


    I grew up around fair-weather Giants fans who can't name 1/4 of their roster. I get to watch and listen to them brag and jump around over their multiple SB wins.


    If the Bills draft a RB or DT at #8 I will probably break various expensive things around my apartment, drop out of college and cry for days.

  2. Bowers is going to jail.


    As others have said in this thread, NYC doesn't take kindly to loaded unregistered handguns. Especially in their airports.


    I can easily see the DA pushing for the 3.5 year minimum, because why not? He's guilty. This is a cut and dry case. Why would the DA offer a plea bargain and set a precedent if he/she isn't forced to?


    I have no idea what kind of defense his lawyer is going to use. This is similar to me driving 65 on a 55 mph road. If I get pulled over and I tell the cop that I didn't know it was a 55 mph road, is the cop going to let me off? Probably not.


    I'll be shocked if this guy doesn't see a lengthy prison sentence. It sucks for this guy, but it's the law. Don't bring your guns to New York City.


    I'm suprised Nix didn't draft this idiot over Gilmore last April. I guess this and the Pettine hiring are two positives we can take from the offseason so far.

  3. Great NFL career for George. Made the most of it. Good for him. His pick 6 off Dareus' helmet in the NE game a top 50 all time Bills Defensive highlight... supercharged that game... good luck George.


    I believe that was Drayton Florence. But George made an even better play on the interception in the end zone. Was completely burned by Gronk and somehow recovered and caught it on his fingertips. I even remember hearing Brady completely baffled by the play in his post game.

  4. I like both of these moves alot. I've really liked what I've seen from Searcy and Bradham. Hopefully Pettine has some idea of a couple new FAs he can bring in. I would love Laron Landry.



    On another note, whats with all the Kelsay bashing? Yes, he was TERRIBLE as a 3-4 OLB, but he has always been an above average DE. Maybe he didn't deserve the 8M a year or whatever he's getting paid, but I've never seen him as a liability when hes put in the right spot. He made a couple great plays against the run this year and even forced that safety against Arizona. Big question mark in my eyes is can he stay healthy?

  5. I wouldn't mind a WR at #8, but remember we have so many holes to fill.


    QB- Obvious

    RT- Big question mark, I like Urbik at LG

    MLB- I don't think Sheppard is our guy

    OLB- How much longer does Barnett have? Is Bradham even any good? Bryan Scott is a JOKE

    FS- When Jairus walks

    SS- George Wilson had arguably the worst season out of anyone on our D, hopefully Searcy can excel in Pettine's scheme (Laron Landry did, and they have similar size and speed)

    CB- McKelvin improved in limited time, but we still need alot of help here.



    This is a defense-heavy draft.


    My dream would be Jarvis Jones, Te'o, or Ogletree in the first.


    Maybe Keenan Allen from Cal in the 2nd?


    Then we go QB in the 3rd.

  6. The Patriots* game really made my blood boil. Remember in the Colts game right before half time when Reggie Wayne fumbled? And then Andrew Luck spiked it after time expired and they put :01 back on the clock? And today I remember a ridiculous PI on Gilmore towards the end of the game.


    The only thing I can think of is the fact that Chan doesn't react to any of these penalties!! A good head coach is right in the ear of the officials when calls like these happen. You think Mike Tomlin or the Harbaugh brothers would be staring into space if their team would receive any of these calls?


    The refs don't respect Chan and they don't respect his team. We have (arguably) the most passionate fans in the league, we need a head coach that shares this passion!!!!!

  7. One thing I'll never understand about this board is the amount of people that spelled it "Darius". Is it some sort of inside joke? There's no way that many people on this board can possibly be that stupid.



    Anyway, I've always liked Carrington. I'd like to see how many snaps he saw today compared to previous weeks.

  8. I have always wondered why the Bills don't market themselves better across New York State. There are probably just as many Bills fans as there are Giants and Jets fans in Syracuse, Albany and the Southern Tier. The Jets and Giants train in Cortland and Albany respectively. The Bills ought to train in Kingston, Poughkeepsie or White Plains. This lack of farsightedness may ultimately lead to a relocation of the franchise.


    I live in Albany and can assure you that there there are way more New Jersey fans than Bills fans. It's a good 4 hour drive to Buffalo, and about 6 to get to and from Orchard Park on game day. East Rutherford is about 2.5.


    I dont understand this thread. The Bills are doing just fine and continue to sell out games during this 13 year drought. If we win tommorow, I guarantee next week will be sold out. Our "Marketing" is just fine.


    If any team moves to LA it will be San Diego or Jacksonville.

  9. And with this quote you just put a huge flashing "Douchbag" neon sign on top of your head for all to see.


    I think it's spelled "Douchebag" bud...I'm giving you my opinion


    What else is there to blame? The city of Buffalo? The parents?


    This is my last post in this thread because it's been beaten to death. A small percentage of Bills fans are jerks. Don't like it? DONT GO and DONT BRING YOUR KIDS.


    Yes it sucks, but moaning and crying about it on an internet message board isn't changing anything. I'm so sick of people complaining about this.

  10. SCREW THIS AND SCREW YOU. Its !@#$s like you who think only drunken douchbags should be allowed at the game that have ruined the entire experience and make me personally no longer care whether the team stays or goes.

    My dad used to take me to games when I was a kid. I will NEVER take my son to a game. An experience both of us miss out on because douchtools like you think that your right to drink until you puke, piss on people and swear up a storm supersedes my right to enjoy the game.


    Yea definitely! Only drunken douchebags allowed at the game! I love to puke and piss on people! All I care about is myself and I hate your kids!


    If anything you should blame the product on the field for the reason my generation acts the way they do. I haven't seen a Bills playoff game since I was in 3rd grade and I'm a senior in college now. I love this team as much as anyone on this board, but I can understand why my generation doesn't. They go for the good time rather than the game. Much similar to a Dave Matthews Band concert than Phish by the way.

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